Flow Cytometry with JIR

Applications of Secondary Antibodies - Flow Cytometry Flow cytometry is a powerful technique for measuring and analyzing the physical characteristics Read More...

First for Antibodies

Stratech Scientific have been successful in a recent antibodies tender from the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium. In the award criterion Read More…

Western Blot Troubleshooting Guide

Western blotting is a staple technique of the molecular biology lab. The robust nature of the antigen-antibody interaction allows the Read More...

Bovine Anti-Goat IgG (H+L) (min X Bov, Ck, GP, Sy Hms, Hrs, Hu, Ms, Rb, Rat Sr Prot)

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and dry milk are used extensively for blocking non-specific binding of antibodies and for stabilizing antibodies Read More…

FabuLight™ Fab Anti-Fc Fragment Secondary Antibodies

FabuLight - Fab-Label Primary Antibodies with Fluorophore-Conjugated Fab anti-Fc FabuLight antibodies are Fab fragment secondary antibodies specific to the Fc Read More...

FabuLight Example Protocol – Fab Labeling Primary Antibodies

Fab-labeled Primaries for Labelling two Antigens on Tissue For further information on FabuLight visit our FabuLight page.

IgG-Free, Protease-Free Bovine Serum Albumin

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is used extensively as a carrier protein to dilute antibodies and as a general protein blocking Read More…

Anti-Mouse IgG Subclass Specific Antibodies

Anti-Mouse IgG Subclass Specific antibodies are available for multiple labeling two or more monoclonal antibodies of different subclasses.  Because they Read More…

Antibody Dye Conjugates for use in SuperResolution (SR) Microscopy

In an effort to make super resolution microscopy accessible to a wide variety of scientists, Jackson ImmunoResearch continues to dedicate Read More…

Multiple Labeling (ML) Using Conjugated Secondary Antibodies

Selection of antibodies for simultaneous detection of more than one antigen depends on at least two important criteria: Availability of Read More…

monoclonal or polyclonal

Which antibody to choose, monoclonal or polyclonal ?

Antibodies are proteins found in plasma and extracellular fluids and are the first response to infection as well as the Read More…

Technical Tips

Technical Tips for Secondary Antibodies

Simultaneous detection of more than one antigen depends on: Secondary antibodies that do not; recognise one another recognise other primary Read More…