Applications – Exosome Isolation

Exosomes have an endosomal origin and are produced by almost every cell type. Their size ranges between 30 and 150 Read More...

Staining and Detection

Immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistryFlow cytometryELISA – Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayWestern blot Immunostaining for protein detection The term immunostaining covers a variety of Read More...

Cloning, Transformation/Transfection & Expression

CloningExpression hostsTransfection / Transformation The objective of molecular cloning procedures is to introduce a gene of interest into a suitable Read More...

Protein-Protein Interaction

IP, Co-IP, Pull-DownSPRBLIImmunoprecipitation, Co-immunoprecipitation, and pull-down assay Immunoprecipitation (IP), Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) and pull-down assays represent different methods to concentrate the Read More...

Protein Affinity Chromatography

Protein purificationAntibody purificationBiotin blockingProtein purification Prior to each protein analysis the target protein has to be separated from a complex Read More...

Cell stimulation & expansion

T Cell Stimulation and Expansion The in vitro generation of a large number of functional T cells is important for Read More...

Cell isolation

Cell Isolation MethodsSurface marker-specificAntigen-specific Cells serve as an important research tool to investigate different mechanisms in health and disease. They Read More...

Western blotting guide: Part 7, Membrane Washing

Contact Us Washing removes unbound or aggregated proteins present on the blot as well as unbound reagents that may interfere Read More...

Strep-tag® technology for exosome isolation

Contact Us Strep-tag® technology for exosome isolation Pure and functional exosomes in ~ 30 minutes. Fab-Streps Fab-Streps are derived from conventional Read More...

Cell Isolation Mouse

Conatct Us What do I need to start?Starter Kits Label-free cell isolation from murine splenocytes or other single-cell suspensions How Read More...


Contact Us Products for BioIDCompatible resinsRecommended buffersReversible immobilization A versatile tool for protein interaction studies Strep-Tactin® for reversible binding of biotinylated Read More...

Protein purification product formats

Contact Us cartridgesGravity flow columnsMagnetic beadsSpin columnsResin re-use Protein purification via affinity chromatography is based on the binding affinities between Read More...