Cell Labeling

Contact Us Fluorescent reporter and Protein & Nucleotide internalization reagents The visualization of cells and cellular structures as well as Read More...

Reactive Components

Contact Us Reactive Fluorescent, Hapten-modified and bifunctional reagents for labeling and crosslinking of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins Choose from Read More...

Reference listing LEXSY in parasitology

Contact Us Kumar et al. (2012) Overexpression of S4D Mutant of Leishmania donovani ADF/Cofilin Impairs Flagellum Assembly by Affecting Actin Read More...

Crystallography & Cryo-EM

Contact Us Crystallography & Cryo-EM: Get started Structural information of proteins are pivotal to understand their biological function. The field Read More...

LEXSY Expression

Contact Us Eukaryotic protein expression in Leishmania tarentolae The unicellular kinetoplast protozoan Leishmania tarentolae, isolated from the Moorish gecko Tarentola mauritanica, not Read More...


Contact Us To meet your research needs, Jena Bioscience offers more than 1000 functionally active and highly purified recombinant proteins. Read More...

Molecular Biology

Endpoint PCRRNA/DNA PreparationBuffers and ReagentsDNA CleanupReal-Time PCR / qPCRCloning and MutagenesisDNA LaddersReverse Transcription / RT-PCRMSI AnalysisFood Control Protein MW MarkerIsothermal Read More...

Contamination Control

Contact Us Nuclease Control Nucleases (e.g. DNases & RNases) are enzymes able to cleave phosphodiester bonds of nucleic acids (RNA, Read More...

Cloning and Mutagenesis

Conatct Us Ligase-free Cloning The Ligase-free Cloning Kit generates plasmids usable for transformation in only two simple steps: 1) Creation of a PCR Read More...


Contact Us Modifying Enzymes Products & Ordering DNA Polymerases Klenow Fragment EN-148 Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I recombinant, E. Read More...

DNA Ladders

Contact Us DNA Ladders GuideLog Scale DNA Ladders Choose Jena Bioscience’s Log Scale DNA Ladders for size determination and concentration estimates of Read More...

Other Molecular Biology

Contact Us RNA / DNA Purification KitsDNA Cleanup DNA Preparation and Cleanup Kits remove impurities of PCR reaction mixes (e.g. primer Read More...