
Recommendations for handling of cryopreserved cells 1.   The cell is packaged by dry ice. When receiving the cell, please make Read More...

Biochemical Detection

Reaction principle of biochemical test kit 1 Reaction curve. Firstly, let's take a look at the time and absorbance of a Read More...

Flow Cytometric analysis

Detection of mitochondrial membrane potential Detection principle: The decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential is a marker event in the early Read More...


FITC Labeling Kit Catalog Number: EBF0003 Introduction   The FITC Labeling Kit of Elabscience offering a collection of reagents required for Read More...



Immunofluorescence Guide Fixation and Permeabilization 1. Wash the cover glass seeded with cells in the culture plate with 1× PBS bufferfor Read More...



Usage Method of Elabscience® RTU Antibody for IHC (Leica BOND MAX) Target This method is a guide to use the Read More...

Western Blot


Comparison of Protein Separation Linear Range Concentration of separating gel Linear separation range 6% 50-150 kDa 8% 30-90 kDa 10% Read More...

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay


Common Problems about ELISA Problem Possible causes Solutions Poor precision Incomplete washing Ensure that the washing apparatus is working correctly; Read More...

Exosome Research

What are exosomes? Extracellular vesicles (EVs) 30 – 200 nm in size were once thought to be natural cellular debris; Read More...


Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system. Current neuroscience is not only a branch of biology, it involves Read More...

Webinar PD-L1

Thank you for your interest in the seminar “Enhancing anti-cancer immune response by targeting glycosylated PD-L1". Objectives:  1. Immunity and Read More...

Cancer Research

Cancer is a genetic disease caused by changes on genes that control critical cell functions. Normal cell proliferation is tightly Read More...