Tumor Markers

A tumor marker is a substance produced, or induced, by cancer cells that can be detected in body fluids or Read More...


Oncoproteins The products of metazoan cell proto-oncogenes are generally key constituents of the cell signaling and gene expression machinery that Read More...


What is necrosis Necrosis is an acute and severe response leading to the premature death of cells consequently damaging nearby Read More...


Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of cells and the organism. These chemical Read More...

Cell Biology

Cell biology is the study of cell structure and function. This includes the most general properties shared by all cells Read More...


Research Solutions for Coronavirus – Lubio Science

Contact usPlace an Order A SARS-CoV-2 virion is 50–200 nanometres in diameter. Like other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 consists of four structural Read More...

GeneTex webinar: Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer - An Insidious and Stubborn Foe Date and time: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. 17th September (CEST) Presenter: Read More...


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Research Solutions for Coronavirus – SBI

Contact usPlace an Order Power your SARS-CoV-2 research with products that leverage SBI’s powerful lentivirus and pGreenFire 2.0 technologies Whether Read More...

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Our sales team are now available for virtual meetings.  Simply fill out the form below, with your preferred meeting time Read More...

Salimetrics Webinar

Integrating Salivary Bioscience into Behavioural, Developmental & Health Science Research 28th July 2022 19.30pm  Presented By: Kelly Henning, Testing Project Read More...

Pathway Posters

Browse or download our selection of Pathway Posters below: BiossAlzheimersCREB SignalingMAPKParkinsonsComplement SystemApoptosisG1/S CheckpointNerve Growth FactorSchwann CellJAK/STATAutophagyG2/M CheckpointNFkBToll-like Receptorp53B Cell SignalingIGF1RTumor Read More...