AFFINISEP is a high technology business dedicated to provide innovative kits for analytical chemistry, radiochemistry and diagnostics. Our customers are analytical and R&D laboratories from the world’s largest companies, small laboratories and leading academic institutes. The company is headquartered and has production facilities in Le Houlme, Normandy, approximately 90km in the north-west of Paris (France).

Our missions are to supply innovative solutions that respond and satisfy our customers complex needs, for selective extraction; separation and detection of the molecule of interest. We provide analytical and R&D laboratories around the world with the kits focus on topical concerns about the quality and safety of food and agricultural products, and to monitor the quality of water, soil, foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemical, and petroleum products.

The art of making

sample preparation easier


Ready-to-use kits for Proteomics

Product Families

Affinisep has developed the BioSPE™ range for various applications in proteomics such as:

  • peptide desalting with BioSPE™ PurePep
  • peptides fractionation with BioSPE™ PepFrac
  • magnetic beads removal with BioSPE™ BeadRem
  • intact protein purification with BioSPE™ PureProt
  • glycopeptide enrichment with BioSPE™ GlycaClean

All the products of the BioSPE™ range are available as StageTips, Spin columns, 96 plates for microelution, and SPE cartridges.

The following table will help you select the BioSPE™ references that are the most adapted to your proteomic applications, depending on your sample volume and protein/peptides amount. Please replace the SB in the given references by the sorbent you need for your application (e.g. KT-Adapt-Tips-PurePep.S.200.96).

Purification and desalting of peptides in bottom-up proteomic approaches.


BioSPE™ PurePep is used for efficient peptide desalting after enzymatic digestion, prior to LC-MS/MS analysis. Up to 97% proteins are identified after desalting of HeLa digest on BioSPE™PurePep, with a good recovery of peptides on the whole polarity range, and good repeatability (RSD < 3%).

For desalting of the most hydrophilic peptides, we recommend the use of BioSPE™ PurePep Broad, that can efficiently retain small polar peptides. BioSPE™ PurePep Broad is also stable under extreme pH conditions (pH 0-14) and can run dry during the SPE process without consequences on your results.

The BioSPE™ PurePep and BioSPE™ PurePep Broad kits are composed of:

  • Desalting columns
  • Adapters (for tips centrifugation) and/or collection tools (centrifuge tubes or collection plates). Each kit contains two collection tools (one for the conditioning/loading/washing steps and one for the elution step)
  • A detailed protocol for fast and easy desalting

To determine which format and capacity will best suit your needs, please refer to the tables in the “Formats & Capacities” tab.


  • No storage constraint (store dry at room temperature)
  • Different formats available to adapt to sample volume and throughput (StageTips, Spin columns, 96 wellplates and SPE cartridges)
  • Two capacities available for each format depending on your peptide amount

Formats & Capacities

Details regarding the loading and elution volumes for our different BioSPE™PurePep products to find the best product depending on your sample volume.

Information table regarding the capacities (maximal amount of peptides/proteins that can be retained) of our different BioSPE™PurePep products :

  • For Standard capacity, product references contain the letter S (e.g. Tips-PurePep.S.200.96),
  • For High capacity, product references contain the letter H (e.g. Tips-PurePep.H.200.96).


Improvement of protein identification by LC-MS/MS in complex biological samples such as plasma by peptide fractionation at basic pH.


BioSPE™ PepFrac is used for peptide fractionation by hydrophobicity at basic pH. This fractionation method being orthogonal to peptide separation by reversed-phase liquid chromatography, sample complexity is reduced for deep proteome sequencing and quantitative analysis.

The BioSPE™ PepFrac kit is composed of:

  • Fractionation columns based on an innovative reversed-phase resin
  • Adapters (for tips centrifugation) and/or collection tools (centrifuge tubes or collection plates). Each kit contains nine collection tools (one for the conditioning/loading/washing steps and one for each elution fraction)
  • A detailed protocol for fast and efficient peptide fractionation (up to 8 fractions)
  • Triethylamine (TEA) solution

To determine which format and capacity will best suit your needs, please refer to the tables in the “Formats & Capacities” tab.


  • Increased number of identified proteins compared to unfractionated samples (up to 30% increase)
  • Minimized fraction overlapping and good distribution of peptides in all fractions
  • No desalting step required prior to LC-MS/MS analysis (contrary to fractionation by salt)
  • No storage constraint (store dry at room temperature)
  • Different formats available to adapt to sample volume and throughput (StageTips, Spin columns, 96 wellplates and SPE cartridges)
  • Two capacities available for each format depending on your peptide amount

Formats and Capacities

Details regarding the loading and elution volumes for our different BioSPE™PepFrac products to find the best product depending on your sample volume.

Information table regarding the capacities (maximal amount of peptides/proteins that can be retained) of our different BioSPE™PepFrac products :

  • For Standard capacity, product references contain the letter S (e.g. Tips-PepFrac.S8.200.96).
  • For High capacity, product references contain the letter H (e.g. Tips-PepFrac.H8.200.96)

Removal of magnetic beads from samples after Single-Pot, Solid-Phase-enhanced Sample preparation (SP3).


BioSPE™ BeadRem is used to easily and quickly filter-out magnetic beads that remain in peptide or protein samples after SP3 procedure and that could plug the chromatographic column during LC-MS/MS analysis.

BioSPE™ BeadRem is available in two different versions, depending on the nature of your sample:

  • BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua for aqueous samples
  • BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga for samples containing organic solvents

The BioSPE™ BeasRem kit is composed of:

  • Filtration columns
  • Adapters (for tips centrifugation) and/or collection tools (centrifuge tubes or collection plates). Each kit contains one collection tool to collect peptides/proteins in the flow-through
  • A detailed protocol for fast and efficient removal of beads and recovery of peptides/proteins

To determine which format will best suit your needs, please refer to the table in the “Formats” tab.


  • Efficient removal of magnetic beads as small as 1µm diameter
  • Fast and easy 3-step pass-through process
  • Possibility to filter-out non magnetic beads such as agarose beads
  • High peptide/protein recovery
  • No storage constraint (store dry at room temperature)
  • Different formats available to adapt to sample volume and throughput (StageTips, Spin columns, 96 wellplates and SPE cartridges)


Details regarding the loading volumes for our different BioSPE™ BeadRem products to find the best product depending on your sample volume.

Purification of intact proteins in top-down proteomic approaches.


BioSPE™ PureProt is used for the purification and desalting of intact proteins and large peptides (MW > 10kDa) from biological matrices (serum, plasma…) or food matrices (milk), prior to LC-MS/MS analysis.

The BioSPE™ PureProt kit is composed of:

  • Purification columns
  • Adapters (for tips centrifugation) and/or collection tools (centrifuge tubes or collection plates). Each kit contains two collection tools (one for the conditioning/loading/washing steps and one for the elution step)
  • A detailed protocol for easy and efficient clean-up of proteins

To determine which format and capacity will best suit your needs, please refer to the tables in the “Formats & Capacities” tab.


  • High recovery yield
  • No storage constraint (store dry at room temperature)
  • Different formats available to adapt to sample volume and throughput (StageTips, Spin columns, 96 wellplates and SPE cartridges)
  • Two capacities available for each format depending on your protein amount

Formats and Capacities

Details regarding the loading and elution volumes for BioSPE™PureProt to find the best product depending on your sample volume.

Information table regarding the capacities (maximal amount of peptides/proteins that can be retained) of our different BioSPE™PureProt products :

  • For Standard capacity, product references contain the letter S (e.g. Tips-PureProt.S.200.96).
  • For High capacity, product references contain the letter H (e.g. Tips-PureProt.H.200.96)

Purification and enrichment of glycans and glycopeptides.


BioSPE™ GlycaClean can be used for the purification and enrichment of both glycopeptides and glycans, depending on your application.

The BioSPE™ GlycaClean kit is composed of:

  • Enrichement columns
  • Adapters (for tips centrifugation) and/or collection tools (centrifuge tubes or collection plates). Each kit contains two collection tools (one for the conditioning/loading/washing steps and one for the elution step)
  • A detailed protocol for simple enrichment of glycopeptides or glycans

To determine which format and capacity will best suit your needs, please refer to the tables in the “Formats & Capacities” tab.


  • High recovery yield
  • No storage constraint (store dry at room temperature)
  • Different formats available to adapt to sample volume and throughput (StageTips, Spin columns, 96 wellplates and SPE cartridges)
  • Two capacities available for each format depending on your protein amount

Formats and Capacities

Details regarding the loading and elution volumes for our different BioSPE™GlycaClean products to find the best product depending on your sample volume.

Information table regarding the capacities (maximal amount of peptides/proteins that can be retained) of our different BioSPE™GlycaClean products :

  • For Standard capacity, product references contain the letter S (e.g. Tips-GlycaClean.S.200.96)
  • For High capacity, product references contain the letter H (e.g. Tips-GlycaClean.H.200.96)

Ready-to-use kits for metabolomics

Product Families

Discover our new range for bioanalysis!

Affinisep has developped the BioSPE™ range for various applications in bioanalysis such as:

  • Metabolites purification by SPE with BioSPE™PureOmics

All the products of BioSPE™ range are available as StageTips, Spin columns, 96 plates for microelution and SPE cartridges.

  • Metabolites purification by protein precipitation with AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation plates

Efficient extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules.


BioSPE™ PureOmics is used to desalt and concentrate small molecules and metabolites from different matrices (urine, plasma, culture medium…).

The BioSPE™ PureOmics kit is composed of:

  • Purification columns
  • Adapters (for tips centrifugation) and/or collection tools (centrifuge tubes or collection plates). Each kit contains two collection tools (one for the conditioning/loading/washing steps and one for the elution step)
  • A detailed protocol for efficient desalting and extraction of metabolites and small molecules


  • High recovery yield on a broad polarity range
  • No storage constraint (store dry at room temperature)
  • Different formats available to adapt to sample volume and throughput (StageTips, Spin columns, 96 wellplates and SPE cartridges)

How to Choose the Reference

The following table will help you select the BioSPE™ PureOmics formats and references that are the most adapted to your metabolomic applications, depending on your sample volume.

Products list

Product Name Description Catalog No.
BioSPE™ PureOmics – 96 wellplate & collection plates 96 Wellplate for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 1mL wells – 1/pk + Collection plates – 1mL – 2/pk KT-Coll-96W-PureOmics.H.1
BioSPE™ PureOmics – 96 wellplate for microelution & collection plates 96 Wellplate for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – Tip-shaped wells – 1/pk + Collection plates – 1mL – 2/pk KT-Coll-µ96W-PureOmics.H.1
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Tips 10µL & spin adapters
Kit of tips for the extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 10µL – 96/pk + spin adapters – 96/pk + collection tubes – 192/pk
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Tips 1mL & spin adapters
Kit of tips for the extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 1mL – 96/pk + spin adapters – 96/pk + collection tubes – 192/pk
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Tips 200µL & spin adapters
Kit of tips for the extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 200µL – 96/pk + spin adapters – 96/pk + collection tubes – 192/pk
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Cartridges 1mL SPE cartridges for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 1mL – 50/pk CAR1-PureOmics.H.50
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Cartridges 3mL SPE cartridges for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 3mL – 50/pk CAR3-PureOmics.H.50
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Cartridges 6mL SPE cartridges for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 6mL – 50/pk CAR6-PureOmics.H.50
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Spin Spin columns for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 50/pk + collection tubes – 100/pk Spin-PureOmics.H.50
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Spin 15mL Spin columns for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 15mL – 25/pk + collection tubes – 50/pk Spin15-PureOmics.H.25
BioSPE™ PureOmics – Spin 50mL Spin columns for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 50mL – 25/pk + collection tubes – 50/pk Spin50-PureOmics.H.25
BioSPE™ PureOmics – µSpin µSpin columns for extraction and purification of metabolites and small molecules in biological fluids – 50/pk + collection tubes – 100/pk µSpin-PureOmics.H.50

Easy, fast and automatable filtration for protein precipitation.


AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation plates make easy, fast and automatable, the removal of plasma/serum proteins prior to the analysis of small molecules present in these complex matrices.

This very important step is obtained by precipitating proteins in presence of an organic solvent (e. g. acetonitrile). In the 2mL format of each well, you can leave your organic solvent in the well for several hours without any leakage.

The addition of the serum/plasma and the subsequent mixing lead to the protein precipitation. Then, using a positive pressure or vacuum manifold or centrifugation, the filtrate containing small molecules is collected for a LC-MS/MS analysis. Usually the proportion is 1 volume of biological fluids to 3 volumes of organic solvent.

The overall process is very short and can be lead easily with an automate.

Products list

Product Name Size Catalog No.
AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation 5/pk PPT-5.96W
AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation 1/pk PPT-1.96W

Ready-to-use kits for Genomics

Discover our new range for Genomics!

The BioSPE™ range is expanding! Discover our new kits dedicated to genomics!

Discover our range for circulating DNA and RNA.

Isolation of circulating DNA et RNA on plasma and urine matrices.


BioSPE™ PureGenNucleo cfDNA is a ready-to-use kit for the efficient isolation, purification, and concentration of circulating cell-free DNA and RNA from human plasma or urine samples.

Circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA or cfDNA) is a fragmented DNA that freely circulates in the bloodstream, without being associated with cells. Though it is not always the case, this DNA can be tumor-derived. In this case, cfDNA mostly originates from apoptotic cells.

If cfDNA usual concentrations in plasma range from 0.1ng DNA per mL to several hundred ng per mL of plasma, the total amount of circulating DNA and RNA in urine or plasma depends on several criteria, including but not limited to:

  • Health condition of the donor
  • Sampling method
  • Handling of the sample
  • DNA isolation method…

Composition of the kit

BioSPE™ PureGenNucleo cfDNA mini spin columns kit is sold in two packaging sizes (10/pk or 50/pk) containing the following elements:

We also provide the following two accessories in the kit: Reservoirs (200mL) and manifold adapters.


Other formats available

BioSPE™ PureGenNucleo cfDNA kit is also available with 96 well plates, ideal for high throughput and automated processing.

Other formats will be available soon:

  • SPE Tips for single cell analysis: ideal for low input material and small sample volume < 1mL, with simple processing by centrifugation
  • 15mL spin columns: ideal for large sample volumes up to 20mL
    Don’t hesitate to contact us with any requests!

Specifications and Benefits

  • High recovery of fragmented DNA (≥ 50bp) and RNA
  • Convenient processing of up to 5mL of sample at once thanks to the adapted reservoirs
  • Small final elution volume (60µL) for highly concentrated DNA
  • Purified DNA and RNA compatible with downstream PCR or cancer biomarker analysis
  • Processing: vacuum (+ centrifugation for elution)
  • Use: for research use only

Products List

Product NameDescriptionCatalog No.
BioSPE™ PureGenNucleo cf DNA – Mini Spin columnsReady-to-use kit for isolation of cell-free DNA and RNA from plasma and urine containing Mini Spin columns (10/pk) + all required buffers and accessoriesSpin-PureGenNucleo-cfDNA.S.10
BioSPE™ PureGenNucleo cf DNA – Mini Spin columnsReady-to-use kit for isolation of cell-free DNA and RNA from plasma and urine containing Mini Spin columns (50/pk) + all required buffers and accessoriesSpin-PureGenNucleo-cfDNA.S.50
BioSPE™ PureGenNucleo cf DNA – 96 Well PlateReady-to-use kit for isolation of cell-free DNA and RNA from plasma and urine containing 96 Well Plate (1/pk) + all required buffers and accessories96W-PureGenNucleo-cfDNA.S.1

SPE Tips – Stagetips

AttractSPE®Tips are SPE tips, compatible with automates for high throughput screening, useful for biomolecular applications of peptide desalting, proteomics and biomarker discovery.

In order to prepare high quality peptide samples for LC-MS analysis, it is very important to ensure excellent overall quality of proteomic experiments. Peptide samples collected after enzymatic digestion require treatment to remove salts, possible pieces of gels or particles that can damage the equipment or falsify the results.

AttractSPE®Tips is the ideal tool for this application as well as for drug extraction or small molecule analysis in urine or serum in bioanalysis.

Several capacities are available to help you in your purification protocols.

Our application notes have shown that our SPE tips C18 are the perfect tools for peptides desalting with excellent results.

SPE tips or Stagetips, centrifugeable, compatible with automates for high throughput screening, useful for biomolecular applications of peptide desalting, proteomics, and biomarker discovery.

About and Capacity


Process of use: centrifugation, positive pressure.
Our SPE tips can’t be used with a pipette.

Formats: 10µL, 200µL and 1mL.

For any other format, contact us.

NEW: eco packaging of 960 tips in bulk now available for AttractSPE® Tips C18!

  • More economical: the bulk packaging represents a saving of up to 30% compared to the price of 10 boxes of 96 tips!
  • More ecological: new packaging is made with 90% less plastic and is 100% recyclable!

Contact us for more details!


Each product is available with different capacities, which are designated T1, T2 or T3 in the product designations. This designation refers to the layer thickness of SPE tips. For a more reliable product, each tool contains only ONE layer.

Table legend: T1, T2, T3 = maximum loading capacity (µg)

Video and Webinar

Watch in replay our webinar on Phosphoproteomics with AttractSPE®Disks Tips!

SPE 96 Plates

Product Families

All 96 wellplates you need for high throughput automated methods.

SPE plates based on SPE disks or powder-based, collection plates, precipitation or filtration plates.

AFFINISEP supplies an exhaustive range of wellplates for SPE, filtration or precipitation.

They are available either in 1 mL or 2 mL formats.

96 SPE wellplates with powder sorbents (polymer, silica-based or molecularly imprinted polymers) for high throughput analysis or screening.

Based on AttractSPE®Disks, a range of AttractSPE®Disks 96 plates is available as an ideal tool to accompany you in your high throughput experiments in proteomics or bioanalysis, including protein precipitation.


AttractSPE®Disks 96 Plate – 1mL contains wells with high capacity and high sorbent surface area.

AttractSPE® Disks 96 Plate for microelution is a plate with wells having the shape of a pipette tip.

AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation Plates allow the precipitation of proteins from plasma or serum prior to analysis of the small molecules present in these complex matrices.

1mL 96 wellplates for SPE for high throughput purification/desalting or fractionation by automate.


AttractSPE® Disk 96 Plate is a plate with 96 SPE columns containing immobilized SPE disks that enables a high throughput clean-up with the simultaneous preparation of 96 samples. Thanks to this small sorbent amount and a high efficiency, almost 100% of the original sample is recovered. The 1mL well contains a 10-20mg SPE disks for a high capacity. Due to the weak dead volume of the solid phase, a very small elution volume is required.


  • All sorbents available on catalog or on demand
  • Several sorbent weights available
  • Easy handling with automates or liquid handling robots – spinnable
  • AttractSPE® Manifold for 96 wellplate format or AttractSPE®Positive pressure Manifold for 96 wellplate
  • Capacity up to 500µg for T1, 1mg for T2 and 1.5mg for T3

Format and Capacity

Table legend: T1, T2, T3 = maximum loading capacity (µg)


Products List

Product Name Size Description
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Si n/a 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate RPS n/a 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with RPS sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX 96W-WCX.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with WCX sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX 96W-WCX.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with WCX sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Si n/a 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB 96W-DVB.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with PS-DVB sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB 96W-DVB.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with PS-DVB sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX 96W-SCX.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX 96W-SCX.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent, 1/pK
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SAX 96W-SAX.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SAX sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SAX 96W-SAX.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SAX sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – HLB 96W-HLB.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with HLB sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – HLB 96W-HLB.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with HLB sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 96W-C8.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 96W-C8.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 96W-C4.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 96W-C4.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C18 96W-C18.T2.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C18 sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C18 96W-C18.T3.1 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C18 sorbent, 1/pk
AttractSPE® Disks Silica – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk -1mL- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate 96W-RPS-M.T1.1 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate 96W-RPS-M.T2.1 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks SDB – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks SCX – 96 wellplate 96W-SCX.T1.1 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks SAX – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks HLB – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C8 – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C4 – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C18-SCX-C18 – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C18-SCX – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C18 – 96 wellplate n/a 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk- 1 unit

Combined advantages of 96 well plates and SPE tips for high throughput clean-up on StageTips by automation:

  • High-capacity SPE disks sorbent

  • Highly efficient


AttractSPE® Disks 96 Plate for microelution is a plate with 96 microSPE columns containing immobilized SPE disks that enables a high throughput clean-up with the simultaneous preparation of 96 samples. Thanks to this small sorbent amount and a high efficiency, almost 100% of the original sample is recovered. Each well of 400µL contains 1-2mg of SPE disks with a pipette tip shape. This is the ideal product to carry out 96 stagetips experiments in one step, enabling fractionation and desalting with a very high speed.


  • All sorbents available on catalog or on demand C18, C8, C4, SAX, SCX, SDB, HLB, RPS
  • Several sorbent weights available
  • Compliant with centrifugation, positive pressure and vacuum manifolds
  • Easy handling with automates or liquid handling robots – spinnable
  • AttractSPE® Manifold for 96 well Plate format or AttractSPE® Positive pressure Manifold for 96 well Plate
  • Capacity up to 35µg for T1, 70µg for T2 and 105µg for T3

Format and Capacity

Table legend: T1, T2, T3 = maximum loading capacity (µg)

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate for microelution3570105

Product List

Product Name Description
AttractSPE® Disks HLB – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well – 1 unit
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane WCX – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Silica for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane SDB – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane WCX – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SAX for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SAX sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane SDB – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Si for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – RPS for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane RPS- Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C18 for microelution 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C18 sorbent – Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk
AttractSPE® Disks WCX – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks Silica – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks SDB – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks SCX – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well – 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well – 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks HLB – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well – 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C8 – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C4 – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit
AttractSPE® Disks C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution 96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

96 SPE well plates with powder sorbents (polymer, silica-based or molecularly imprinted polymers) for high throughput analysis or screening.


Most products using a powder sorbent in the portfolio of SilactSPE™, AttractSPE® or AFFINIMIP®SPE can be available as 96 SPE well plates of 1mL or 2mL.


  • Most sorbents available on catalog or on demand (SilactSPE™, AttractSPE® or AFFINIMIP®SPE)
  • Several sorbent weights available
  • Compliant with automate used, positive pressure manifold or 96 wellplate vacuum manifold

1mL and 2 mL collection plate compliant with automates

Products list

Product Description
Collection plate sealing film Sealing film – 100/pk
96 – well collection plate 2mL 96 Round collection well – 2mL – U bottom – 100/pk
96 – well collection plate 1mL 96 Round collection well – 1mL – U bottom – 100/pk

SPE Spins

A SPE spin column for a high efficiency purification/desalting/fractionation of peptides/proteins/DNA/RNA or small molecules.


Thanks to their strength, monolithic SPE disks do not require frits to form the column bed (unlike traditional SPE products using powder). This allows recovery yields close to 100% after a serie of short centrifugations.

AFFINISEP proposes a range of 4 sizes spin tubes to make possible the scale-up of your purification thanks to similar disks (2mL microspin, 2mL minispin, 15mL spin and 50mL spin tubes).

They are commonly used for peptides/proteins/DNA & RNA purification and desalting or small molecules extraction.



  • 4 sizes of SPE spin format: 2mL microspin, 2mL minispin, 15mL spin and 50mL spin tubes
  • Fast and easy extraction by centrifugation
  • High-flow purification and high capacity
  • 3 different capacities up to several mg for an easy scale-up
  • For peptides/proteins/DNA & RNA purification and desalting or small molecules extraction
  • Diversity of sorbents: C18, C8, C4 wide pore, SCX, SAX, SDB, HLB, RPS


Formats and Capacitites

Table legend: T1, T2, T3 = maximal loading capacity (µg)

Products T1 T2 T3
AttractSPE®Disks Spin (micro) 200 400 600
AttractSPE®Disks Spin (mini) 300 600 900
AttractSPE®Disks Spin 15mL 1500 3000 4500
AttractSPE®Disks Spin 50mL 3000 6000 9000

SPE Disks

Solid Phase Extraction Disks for a high contaminants enrichment with a high flow rate

AttractSPE®Disks are Solid Phase Extraction Disks for the extractions of a broad range of contaminants.

AttractSPE®Disks is a thin and uniform SPE disk for retention of targeted analytes without any breakthrough. Despite its thinness, AttractSPE®Disks remain dense and resistant with a very good hold during your sample analysis.

Product Families

AttractSPE®Disks have been diversified in two very different fields requiring their own specifications: Environment and Biomolecular analysis.

AttractSPE®Disks Environment make possible the loading of large water volume thanks to a fast flow rate and a high surface area of exchange. Our innovative SPE disks allow the best interactions with analytes and a maximal flow rates without any channeling. AttractSPE®Disks Environment reduce extraction time while loading high volume of water. A high enrichment is obtained by our SPE disks with excellent recoveries (>90%). AttractSPE®Disks Environment is also the perfect membrane to use for the passive sampler Chemcatcher thanks to a very good hold and ease to use. AFFINISEP supplies a wide variety of sorbents such as C18, SDB, HLB, RPS, Anion and Cation exchanges.

AttractSPE®Disks BioMol is dense and uniform membranes allowing peptides purification and desalting for tiny volume of samples. Thanks to the elasticity of the membrane, AttractSPE®Disks BioMol is the perfect toolbox to develop your own specific formats for High throughput and automatized screening, for instance to make Stagetips by punching the membranes. AFFINISEP supplies a wide variety of sorbents such as C18, SDB, HLB, RPS, SCX and SAX. From these disks, several tools have been designed and developped for biomolecular applications such as spin tubes, Stagetips, 96 wellplates etc…

AttractSPE®Disks are available with 47mm and 90mm diameter (for environmental applications only). For other formats, please contact us.

AttractSPE®Disks are the main alternative products to 3M Empore disk for Solid Phase Extraction!

  • Thin and uniform SPE disks for retention of targeted analytes without any breakthrough
  • Dense and resistant with a very good hold
  • High capacity and density
  • For the enrichment of large volume samples or for disks passive samplers such as CHEMCATCHER®
  • Diversity of sorbents C18, SDB, HLB, RPS, Anion and Cation exchanges…
  • High flow rates
  • High kinetics
  • Large sample volume (several liters)
  • Homogeneous particules
  • Compatible with manual and automated holders
  • Can handle dirty samples
  • Compliant with EPA methods
  • For peptides/proteins/DNA & RNA purification and desalting or small molecules extraction
  • Diversity of sorbents C18, C8, C4, SCX, SAX, RPS
  • Easy adaptation to Bioanalytical formats
  • Handling of tiny and viscous samples
  • High density of homogeneous particles
  • Compatible with automated liquid handlers and high throughput analysis (HTS)
  • High capacity

Solid Phase Extraction Disks for Waters and Environmental Liquids Analysis at High Flow Rates.

For all your environmental SPE needs, AFFINISEP designed and developed AttractSPE®Disks Environment.


Our Innovation puts at your disposal a broad variety of sorbents (C18, SDB, HLB, RPS, Anion and cation exchanges). SPE Disks manufactured by AFFINISEP enable the loading of great volumes of waters. The treatment of environmental samples implies great volume of environmental liquids, that’s AttractSPE®Disks are especially designed for any kind of waters, dirty or ground waters. Despite its thinness, AttractSPE®Disks Environment remain dense and resistant during your sample analysis. AttractSPE®Disks Environment cover the extraction of a large scope of contaminants such as pesticides, PAHs or drug residues and is compliant with EPA methods.

AttractSPE®Disks Environment is also the perfect membrane to use for the passive sampler SPE Disk based or Chemcatcher thanks to a very good hold and ease to use.

AttractSPE®Prefilter can be added on top of the AttractSPE®Disk to prevent clogging in case of samples with a lot of particles.

For the extraction of molecules, we propose one, three or six-station filtration manifolds in our product catalog.
To help you, we have also developed an interesting kit, containing a Manifold and a box of disks. For more information, go to our “Kits for method development” tab.



Guide Selection

ProductCompatible with analytical methods
AttractSPE®Disks HLB SPE Disks of DVB with hydrophilic moieties (HLB) sorbent for environmental applicationsEPA methods : 532 (Phenylurea compounds), 548 (Endothall), 625 (Acids and Base/Neutrals including PCBs), 8081 (Organochlorine Pesticides), 8082 (PCBs), 8270 (Semivolatile Organic Compounds), 8315 (Carbonyl Compounds), 8318 (N-Methylcarbamates), 8330 (Nitroaromatics & Nitramines) and also Hormons, sex steroids, PAHs, PPCPs, Pharmaceutical compounds, Endocrine disruptors
AttractSPE®Disks C18 for non polar compounds and AttractSPE®Disks C18 Polar for non polar to mid polar compounds SPE Disks with two different C18 sorbents for environmental applicationsEPA methods : 506 (Phthalate & Adipate Esters), 507 (Nitrogen- & Phosphorus-Containing Pesticides), 508.1 (Chlorinated Pesticides), 525 (Organic Compounds), 532 (Phenylurea compounds), 548 (Endothall), 550.1 (PAHs), 553.1 (Benzidine & Nitrogen-containing Pesticides), 554 (Carbonyl Compounds & Formaldehyde), 608 (Organochlorine Pesticides), 1613 (Dioxins & Furans), 1614, 1657 (Organophosphorus Pesticides), 1668 (PCBs), 8061 (Phthalate Esters), 8081 (Organochlorine Pesticides), 8082 (PCBs), 8315 (Carbonyl Compounds) and also Bisphenols & Alkyl phenols, PBDEs, Dioxins & Furans, Phthalates, Herbicides, PAHs, Carbaryl, Microcystins
AttractSPE®Disks RPS SPE Disks with sulfonic modified PS-DVB sorbent for environmental applicationsExplosives Residues (HDX, RDX)
AttractSPE®Disks Anion Exchange - SR SPE Disks with SAX sorbent for environmental applicationsEPA methods: 548.1 Rev. 1 (Endothall), EPA Method 552.1 Rev. 1 (Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon) And also Pesticides, Pharmaceutical compounds and analytes containing carboxylic acid groups
AttractSPE®Disks Cation Exchange - SR SPE Disks with SCX sorbent for environmental applicationsAmines
AttractSPE®Disks Mix HLB-SAX SPE Disks with a mixture of SAX and HLB sorbent for environmental applicationsMixed mode for pharmaceuticals residues and not-targeted compounds
AttractSPE®Disks Oil & GreaseOil & grease
AttractSPE®Disks ChelatingMetals

Kits for Method Development

AttractSPE®Disks are outstanding concentration and sampling tools. To implement these methods in your laboratory, a manifold is required.

For this development phase, we offer special prices for 1 development kit:

Dev-Disks-47-MAN-1 is a development kit containing one Manifold – 1 station for disks 47mm supplied with one box of 20 AttractSPE®Disks of your choice – 47mm.

AttractSPE® Disks C18, SAX, SCX, RPS… for bioanalytical and biomolecular applications, DNA&RNA, peptides and proteins purification, fractionation and desalting, drug analysis, metabolomics…


As protein analysis has become more complex and more sensitive, the need for adequate materials meets more specific requirements. Proteomic sample preparation should be a critical consideration.

AFFINISEP brings to you a full range of membranes with AttractSPE®Disks BioMol with C18, C8, C4, SCX, SAX, RPS….

These SPE membranes are especially designed and made by AFFINISEP for your bioanalytical needs and to help you to develop your own tools for your R&D projects, for instance to make Stagetips by punching the membranes. Our high quality SPE membranes allow high throughput (HTS) for protein desalting or peptides purification.

AttractSPE®Disks BioMol are fully compatible with automated liquid handlers. Indeed, with these Solid Phase Extraction Disks, you can design the applications you wish such as removing impurities from samples and isolation of analytes from biomatrices with small elution volumes. Fast and efficient purification of peptides through Solid Phase Extraction is easily accessible.



  • For peptides/proteins/DNA & RNA purification and desalting or small molecules extraction
  • Diversity of sorbents C18, C8, C4, SCX, SAX, RPS
  • Easy adaptation to Bioanalytical formats
  • Handling of tiny and viscous samples
  • High density of homogeneous particles
  • Compatible with automated liquid handlers and high throughput analysis (HTS)
  • High capacity
  • Several biotools are available using these SPE disks (Stage-tips, Spin columns, 96 well plate for microelution, cartridges)


  • The HUSH complex represses retroviruses, transposons and genes to maintain the integrity of vertebrate genomes. In this paper, it was demonstrated that TASOR, the central HUSH subunit, is a multifunctional pseudo-PARP that directs HUSH assembly and epigenetic regulation of repetitive genomic targets.Clean-up of tryptic digests of proteins extracted from TASOR cells was performed with AttractSPE® Disks Bio RPS (SPE-Disks-Bio-RPS-M-47.20) packed into 200 µL pipette tips (equivalent to our AttractSPE® Disks Tips RPS, ref Tips-RPS-M.T1.200.96) prior to mass spectrometry analysis.TASOR is a pseudo-PARP that directs HUSH complex assembly and epigenetic transposon control, Christopher H. Douse, Iva A. Tchasovnikarova, Richard T. Timms, Anna V. Protasio, Marta Seczynska, Daniil M. Prigozhin, Anna Albecka, Jane Wagstaff, James C. Williamson, Stefan M. V. Freund, Paul J. Lehner, Yorgo Modis, Nature Communications, 2020,


  • Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is a central pathway for the internalization of proteins from the cell surface, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the plasma membrane protein composition. In this article, it was hypothesized that blocking AP-2 function, a key component for the formation of endocytic clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs), and thus inhibiting CME may be a novel approach to identify new druggable targets, or to increase their residence time at the plasma membrane, thereby increasing the probability for efficient therapeutic intervention. Stage tips packed with two layers of AttractSPE® Disks Bio RPS (SPE-Disks-Bio-RPS-M-47.20) and equivalent to our AttractSPE® Disks Tips RPS (Tips-RPS-M.T2.200.96) were used for peptides desalting after tryptic digestion.Inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis by knockdown of AP-2 leads to alterations in the plasma membrane proteome, David Tobys, Lisa Maria Kowalski, Eva Cziudaj, Stefan Müller, Peter Zentis, Elke Pach, Paola Zigrino, Tobias Blaeske, Stefan Höning, Traffic, Volume 22, Issue 1-2, 2021,

Product Literature

Proteomics Research and Protein Purification Tools

Protein Purification for Functional Proteomics BioSPE Purification for LC-MS/MS Protein Purification for Protein Production Tagged Protein and Antibody Purification Strep-Tag Read More...