Alpco diagnostics are a supplier of immunoassay kits for the medical research community.
Their kits are developed by scientists committed to supporting those who work in physiology and disease research.

ALPCO provide a broad portfolio of life science research tools for academic, pre-clinical and clinical use, including primary antibodies, flow cytometry reagents, recombinant proteins, and products for HPLC and LC-MS/MS, but are best known for providing, as they put it: “Immunoassays Beyond the Ordinary.”

ALPCO have a reputation for quality among their customers because they focus on providing immunoassays which are highly sensitive, specific and reproducible with a broad dynamic range that allows for fewer dilution steps and therefore reduced systematic error.

They have recently developed the new STELLUX™ range of chemiluminescent immunosorbent assays. These combine exquisite sensitivity, ease of use, and outstanding reliability which comes from extensive testing and characterisation.

Product Categories

Highlighted Products

STELLUX® chemiluminescence

STELLUX® is our chemiluminescence ELISA platform aimed at detecting key biomarkers in life science research.

STELLUX® was introduced to the market in April 2013 as our chemiluminescence assay platform. The name is a term that merges the Latin words for “star” and “light” to describe the enzyme activated chemical reaction that occurs through chemiluminescence, literally bringing test results to light out of darkness. All of the STELLUX® chemiluminescence immunoassays were developed with life science researchers in mind. These ELISAs save laboratories time and money while achieving the highest level of performance.

All of our STELLUX® chemiluminescent immunoassays are highly sensitive, accurate broad range ELISAs that save laboratories time and money by significantly reducing sample preparation and taking the guesswork out of determining ideal dilution factors.

Key Features

  • Broad dynamic range
  • Superior sensitivity
  • Small sample volume
  • Performance data, including lot validation package
Shop STELLUX® Save time and money with highly sensitive and accurate broad range assays.

The ALPCO Calprotectin Chemiluminescence ELISA is an in vitro diagnostic chemiluminescent assay intended for the quantitative measurement of fecal calprotectin, a neutrophilic protein that is a marker of intestinal mucosal inflammation, in human stool. The ALPCO Calprotectin Chemiluminescence ELISA is intended for in vitro diagnostic use as an aid in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), specifically Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), and as an aid in the differentiation of IBD from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory findings.


Best Combination of Clinical Specificity and Clinical Sensitivity

The best combination of clinical specificity (95.1%) and clinical sensitivity (92.1%) when used as an aid in the differentiation of IBD from IBS.

Broadest Range

From the primary dilution of 7.9 – 6,000 ug/g.

Lowest False Positive Rate

The Calprotectin Chemiluminescence ELISA is the most clinically accurate test on the market .

Fast Time to Results

Assay run time of only 1 hour 32 minutes.

Product Specifications

Catalog #:80-CALPHU-CH01
Sample Type:Stool
Sample Size:15 mg
Range:7.9 - 6,000 ug/g
Sensitivity:7.7 ug/g
Incubation:1 hr 32 min

Differentiate Between IBD and IBS

Summary of clinical performance when assessing devices based on their ability to differentiate between IBD and IBS.

Diagnose IBD

Summary of clinical performance when assessing devices based on their ability to diagnose IBD.

The STELLUX® Chemi Active GLP-1 (7-36) amide ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of active GLP- 1 (7-36) amide in human, mouse, and rat EDTA plasma samples collected in the presence of DPP-4 inhibitor.


Small Sample Volume

Requires only 25 µL

Highly Specific

No cross-reactivity to other forms of GLP-1

Reliably Detect Low Fasted Levels

Functional sensitivity: 0.45 pM Analytical sensitivity: 0.15 pM

Product Specifications

Catalog #:80-GLP1A-CH01
Species:Human, Mouse, Rat
Sample Type:EDTA Plasma
Sample Size:25 µL
Range:0.45-151.6 pM
Sensitivity (LOD):0.15 pM
Incubation:2 hr 52 min

Analytical Specificity

Unlike many commercially available active GLP-1 ELISAs, the STELLUX® Chemi Active GLP-1 (7-36) amide ELISA is 100% specific to the bioactive form of GLP-1 with no cross-reactivity to other forms or proglucagon peptides.

Spike and Recovery

The STELLUX® Chemi Active GLP-1 (7-36) amide ELISA offers the versatility to be used in rodent and human models. Mouse, rat, and human samples were spiked with GLP-1 and measured to demonstrate recovery in each matrix.

The STELLUX® Human Chemi C-peptide ELISA measures human C-peptide in serum, plasma and cell culture samples. This highly characterized assay exhibits high sensitivity, broad dynamic range and is ideal for measuring human C-peptide in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes subjects.


Broad dynamic range

Broad dynamic range to eliminate dilutions

No cross reactivity

No cross reactivity to human insulin or proinsulins or to rodent proinsulins

FDA Registered

FDA Registered for In Vitro Diagnostic Use

Product Specifications

Catalog #:80-CPTHU-CH01
Sample Size:50 µL
Sample Type:Plasma, Serum, Cell Culture
Range:4.32 – 12,960 pg/mL*
Sensitivity:≤4.32 pg/mL
Incubation:3 hrs
Controls:3 control levels included
*Lot dependent as standards are lyophilized and value assigned.

Comparison of Chemiluminescent and Colorimetric Assays with T1DM Samples

49 T1DM human serum samples were evaluated against a leading colorimetric assay. Of the 49 samples tested, 25 were detectable in the STELLUX® Assay and 15 were detectable in the colorimetric assay. This represents a >60% increase in sample detection when using the Human Chemi C-peptide ELISA.

C-peptide Profiles in Serum Samples

The Human Chemi C-peptide ELISA was used to elucidate the different profiles of C-peptide levels in Normal (Fasted and Fed), T1DM, and T2DM (Fasted and Fed) human samples. The profiles clearly differentiate normal individuals and individuals with diabetes.

Performance Specifications

The assay uses 50 μL of sample and provides a broad detection range of 4.32 to 12,960 pg/mL* with an analytical sensitivity of ≤4.32 pg/mL.

Inter-Laboratory Correlation

10 human samples (T1DM, T2DM and Normal serum) were evaluated at three independent laboratories. The results from each of the laboratories were compared to results generated at ALPCO, demonstrating a high degree of correlation.

The STELLUX® Chemi Human Insulin ELISA measures the concentration of insulin in human serum, heparin plasma and tissue culture supernatants in the range of 5 – 30,000 pg/mL.


Superior Sensitivity

Superior assay sensitivity ideal for measuring normal to pre-diabetic samples.

Shorter Incubation

20-40% shorter incubation than other assays on the market.

Dynamic Range

Broad dynamic range eliminates dilution steps.

No Cross-reactivity

No cross-reactivity to mouse and rat insulin.

Small Sample Size

Small sample size for preserving precious samples.

Product Specifications

Catalog #:80-INSHU-CH01
Sample Type:Plasma, Serum, Cell Culture
Sample Size:25 µL
Range:5 - 30,000 pg/mL
Sensitivity:2 pg/mL
Incubation:1 hr 35 min
Controls:3 control levels included

Performance Specifications

The STELLUX® Chemi Human Insulin ELISA provides a broad detection range of 5- 30,000 pg/mL (0.14 – 862 μIU/mL) with an analytical sensitivity of 2 pg/mL and functional sensitivity of 20 pg/mL using only a 25 μL sample.

Precision & Correlation

Intra- and inter-assay precision values expressed less than 13.5% variation. Inter-laboratory testing demonstrated a high degree of correlation with an r2 value of 0.999.

Additionally, correlation between the ALPCO human insulin colorimetric ELISA assays and the STELLUX® human insulin chemiluminescent platform was evaluated. Results showed a high degree of correlation with r2 values of 0.97 and 0.95.

The STELLUX® Chemi Human Total Proinsulin ELISA offers superior sensitivity compared to other kits in the market. The assay measures intact as well as Des (31,32) and Des (64,65) proinsulin.



10x more sensitive than competitors, ideal for measuring normal to pre-diabetic samples.

Broad Dynamic Range

Broad dynamic range eliminates dilution steps

Highly Characterized

Highly characterized assay fully cross-reactive to des (31,32) & des (64,65) proinsulin.

Product Specifications

Catalog #:80-PINHUT-CH01
Sample Type:Plasma, Serum, Cell Culture
Sample Size:50 µL
Range:5 - 3,000 pg/mL
Sensitivity:0.455 pg/mL
Incubation:2 hr 31 min
Controls:3 control levels included

Performance Specifications

The assay provides a broad detection range of 5 – 3,000 pg/mL with an analytical sensivity of 0.455 pg/mL and functional sensitivity of 10 pg/mL using only a 50 μL sample.


The STELLUX® Human Total Proinsulin ELISA fully detects des(31,32) and des(64,65) proinsulin, ensuring all circulating forms of proinsulin are measured in a single assay.

Inter-Laboratory Correlation

Unparallelled Sensitivity

The STELLUX® Chemi Rodent Insulin ELISA measures the concentration of the insulin protein products of the mouse I, mouse II, rat I and rat II proinsulin genes. The kit has the performance characteristics and flexibility necessary to confidently measure up to 36 samples in duplicate.


Dynamic Range

Broad dynamic range eliminates dilution steps.

Small Sample Size

Small sample size is ideal for rodent models.

Short Incubation

Short incubation, saves time.

Product Specifications

Catalog #:80-INSMR-CH01
Species:Mouse, Rat
Sample Type:Plasma, Serum, Cell Culture
Sample Size:5 µL
Range:0.1-150 ng/mL
Sensitivity:0.096 ng/ml
Controls:3 control levels included

Performance Specifications

The assay provides a broad detection range of 0.1 – 150 ng/mL with an analytical sensitivity of 0.096 ng/mL and functional sensitivity of 0.15 ng/mL using only a 5 µL sample.

Precision & Correlation

Intra- and inter-assay precision values expressed less than 13.5% variation. Inter-laboratory testing demonstrated a high degree of correlation with an r2 value of 0.999.

The STELLUX® Chemiluminescent Plate Reader was designed and developed to provide researchers with an affordable, versatile, and user-friendly system for running and analyzing chemiluminescent ELISAs.


User Friendly

Simple “plug-and-play” set up.

Ideal Size

For use in any laboratory.

Product Specifications

Catalog #:85-STX4400
Detection Mode:Glow luminescence
Sensitivity/Detection Limit:HRP 1 x 10-18 moles, ALP 1 x 10-21 moles
Linear Dynamic Range:106 RLU
Cross-talk:Less than 2.5 x 10-4
Detector:Photomultiplier (PMT)
Spectral Response Range:300-650 nm
Peak Wavelength:400 nm
Vessel:96 wells in opaque white, flat bottom wells in a strip tray or plate

The Ultimate Stellar Solution

Unlike other test platforms, ALPCO’s line of chemiluminescent assays does not require expensive high-end instrumentation. The STELLUX® ELISAs are 96-well black plate assays requiring a standard chemiluminescent (glow) reader.

The STELLUX® Chemiluminescent Plate Reader was developed as an affordable solution that only occupies a small amount of valuable laboratory bench space. The STELLUX® Chemiluminescent ELISAs and Plate Reader are ideal for use in academic institutions, contract research organizations, core reference laboratories, and pharmaceutical companies.



An immunoassay is a method used by many different fields of science to determine the presence of an analyte in a sample. The method is based on the interaction between the antibodies and the analyte, and the results can be reported in concentrations, positive/negative or greater than/less than thresholds.

Immunoassays are used in academic, pre-clinical and clinical research, clinical diagnosis and in supporting technologies in many different fields of science such as pharmaceuticals, veterinary, forensic, military and food sciences.

Commercially available assays are designed and optimized for specific analytes, sample types, sample volumes and ranges. The protocol contained with the product should be strictly followed, without deviation, to obtain the most accurate and reproducible results.

Immunoassays report results in either a qualitative or quantitative manner. Qualitative results are reported as positive/negative or greater than/less than thresholds, while quantitative results are calculated concentrations. Assay results are achieved through either a direct or competitive interaction.

Direct Assay

The analyte present in the sample is measured directly using two antibodies for capture and detection. The analyte will be captured by the antibody adhered to the plate and detected using a second antibody conjugated to a detection molecule. The detection molecule will display a signal that can be measured. The level of signal produced and the analyte concentration are proportional.

Competitive Assay

The analyte present in the sample is measured directly using two antibodies for capture and detection. The analyte will be captured by the antibody adhered to the plate and detected using a second antibody conjugated to a detection molecule. The detection molecule will display a signal that can be measured. The level of signal produced and the analyte concentration are proportional.


Assays use the kinetics of the antibody:antigen interaction to generate a standard curve using known values to interpolate unknown values.


Standards/Calibrators are a set of known concentrations from which a curve can be generated. They contain specific concentrations of analyte in a matrix similar to the sample type recommended for the assay. The signal values obtained from the analyte:antibody interactions in the standards allow an algorithm for a curve to be calculated. The sample results are interpolated based on this algorithm as the interactions between the analyte in the sample and the antibodies should relate to the interactions in the standards.


  • Enzymatic: an enzyme is conjugated (chemically attached) to the antibody. A substrate is necessary to bind with the enzyme and produce the signal.
  • Colorimetric: the enzyme converts a substrate to produce a colored reaction product.
  • Fluorescent: the enzyme converts a substrate to a reaction product that fluoresces when excited by light.
  • Luminescent: the enzyme converts the substrate to a reaction product that emits photons of light.
  • Radioactive: radio isotopic tracers are conjugated to the antibody. Gamma or beta scintillation detection equipment is used to detect the radioactivity in Counts Per Minute (CPM).

Can I read the plate without having a reference wavelength?

A. Yes, you can. However, the use of a reference wavelength may improve the sensitivity of the assay.

What kind of sample type can be used with the kit I purchased?

A. Each type of kit has been validated for the sample types indicated in its protocol. All other sample types would have to be validated internally. Please contact our technical support team for further information regarding possible testing of other sample types performed by the product users.

Is this kit cross reactive with another species?

A. Each type of kit has been validated for the species indicated in the protocol. Although cross reactivity may exist, validation of other species would need to be performed internally. Please contact our technical support team for further information regarding possible species validation performed by the product users.

How many standards and controls do I run?

A. Each kit will include at least one set of standards (or one vial of standard to be diluted) and in most cases one or two controls. Standards and controls (if included) must be run each time the assay is performed and it is highly recommended to run all standards/controls/and samples in duplicate.

Can I use reagents from other kits or lots?

A. No. Do not substitute components from other kits or lots.

Can I modify incubation times or temperatures?

A. No. Please do not deviate from the protocol.

Can I use an expired kit?

A. No. The kit should not be used if it is past the expiration date specified on the kit label.

Can I use a kit that has been left at room temperature?

A. Please be sure that the kit and its components are stored as indicated in the kit insert. For additional information about kit stability at room temperature please contact our technical support team.

Can I skip running the control(s) on my assay?

A. No. If a control(s) is provided always be sure to run the control(s) with each assay. The concentrations of the controls should fall within the range specified on the certificate of analysis.

Is it necessary to make a layout of my samples?

A. It is extremely important to know where your standards, controls and samples are located on the plate so that results are generated appropriately. Click here for a downloadable platemap. It also helps to label the strips on the plate (use small tabs at each end) in the event that strips become loose while decanting.

Why is the washing step so important?

A. Correct washing of the plate is a very critical and important aspect of running any successful ELISA. Consistency in washing the plate is essential. Washing the plate too rapidly or too slowly, incomplete washing or aspirating, and allowing the wells to sit dry are all factors that will affect the precision of the assay. We do not recommend the use of a multichannel pipette for this purpose. Multichannel pipettes do not apply enough pressure to thoroughly remove the unbound material and this will result in higher background noise. A video displaying proper washing technique is available in the Learning Center section of the website or click here.

How many times can I freeze and thaw my samples?

A. Recommended freeze/thaw cycles vary based on kit. We recommend to avoid repeated freeze and thaw cycles unless otherwise indicated in the manual. If the collected sample amount allows for it, prepare and freeze aliquots to eliminate or reduce freeze/thaw cycles.

Can I use my own "homemade" buffers?

A. Each kit contains diluents and buffers that are formulated to closely match specific sample types. The manufacturer will not guarantee the performance of the kit if components that were not provided with the kit are used to run the assay.

What should I do if I run out of diluent?

A. Enough reagents are provided to run the entire kit when the protocol is followed. If your type of study requires a greater dilution, calculate the amount of diluent needed prior to setting up the assay and additional diluent may be available for purchase. Please contact customer support for information on the availability of individual components.

My controls are out of range. Is my data invalid?

A. The concentration of the controls must be within the range specified in the certificate of analysis. If the controls are out of range the assay may be invalid. Also, make sure the curve fit recommended in the protocol has been used. If more than one recommendation is provided use the regression method that best fits the standard data points.

I didn't get good values from my standard curve. Can I use the example values from the protocol?

A. No. Never use example values to calculate your assay results. Sample concentrations should be generated from the standard/calibrator values obtained with each assay.

My samples generated OD values out of the standard range. Can I still calculate concentrations?

A. Only sample values that fall within the range of the standard curve can be used. Values outside of this range are generally not linear and can lead to incorrectly extrapolated results.

My standard curve is fine but I didn’t get a signal with my samples. Why?

A. The sample may contain the analyte but it is undetectable based on sensitivity of the kit. The matrix of the sample may also be masking the detection. Ensure that the dilutions have been made as stated in protocol and review the procedure to ensure all reagents were added with the correct volume and in the correct order.

How many samples can I run?

A. ALPCO now offers a tool to help with calculating the number of samples that can be run in a kit. Once you review the protocol to determine the number of standards, controls, and blanks that may be required for the specific kit you plan to run click here to go to the Sample Calculator.

What is reference wavelength?

A. A reference wavelength is a secondary wavelength used for correction (normalization) of the principal wavelength OD values. It helps to account for imperfections in the plate.

Why is 450nm the most common measure wavelength?

A. The measurement wavelength is determined by the substrate used in each kit. The most common one is TMB. It produces a blue color measurable at a wavelength of 650nm. It can be used in end point assays by stopping the reaction with either 1M phosphoric acid or 1M sulfuric acid. A yellow reaction product is formed upon acidification that is measurable at 450 nm.

What is the difference between measurement wavelength and reference wavelength?

A. The main difference between measure wavelength and reference is that the first one has been chosen to read the absorbance produced by the substrate and the second one (reference) to detect imperfections in the plate.

Poor precision between replicates for standards and samples (high CV values)

Inadequate plate washing

Problem with multichannel pipette during the addition of the conjugate or substrate

Pipetting technique

Bubbles in wells

Poor precision between replicates for samples only (high CV values)

Inadequate sample mixing

Pipetting technique

Inadequate plate washing

Carry over from high and low samples

Wrong sample dilution buffer

Poor standard curve (does not match previous results or Certificate of Analysis)

Inadequate plate washing

Pipetting technique

Inadequate mixing of reagents

Insufficient shaking of plate

Wrong volume of reagents added to the well

Storing of prepared reagents

Low or inconsistent ambient temperature

Differences in chemiluminescence instrumentation

All wells turned bright blue for colorimetric assay

Inadequate plate washing

Contamination of the substrate with enzyme conjugate

High background (blank or 0 standard values are too high)

Inadequate plate washing

Old or contaminated wash buffer

Contamination of the substrate with enzyme conjugate

Wrong conjugate dilution

Wrong filter used in the plate reader

No color development or very low OD readings for standards and samples

Wrong filter used in the plate reader

Error in reagent preparation

Inadequate mixing of reagents

Insufficient shaking of plate

Mix-up in reagents

Reagents contaminated or added in the wrong order

Alternate component lot or expired component used

Assay incubation times not followed correctly

Delayed reading of plate

No color development or very low OD readings for samples only

Error in experimental design

Incorrect sample handling

Error in sample dilution calculations

Non-validated sample type

Insufficient shaking of plate

Control out of range

Incorrect reagent handling

Poor standard curve

Error in reconstitution of standards and/or controls

Wrong curve fit used

Unexpected results for samples

Improperly prepared sample

Sample IDs mixed up

Error in sample dilution

Discrepancy in reported units

Error in experimental design

Interfering substances


Assay drift: difference in values from beginning to end of plate

Delays due to reconstitution or dilution

Reagents not at temperature

Extended time between addition of reagent to first well and last well

Inter-assay variability (poor precision for controls or samples tested on different plates)

Inter-operator variability

Differences in pipette calibration

Differences in instrumentation

Variation in environmental conditions

Differences in sample handling


Plate Shaking Techniques
Instructions for proper plate shaking with an ELISA assay
Sample Calculator
“How many samples can I test on my 96 well ELISA plate?


Plate Washing Technique Video
Recommendations for hand washing and drying an ELISA plate


Chemiluminescence is the emission of light (luminescence), or heat as the result of a chemical reaction. STELLUX® assays utilize GLOW chemiluminescence using enzymes and substrates that generate light from an enzyme mediated chemical reaction. Several different chemical reactants/reactions produce luminescence (1,2-dioxetanes, luminols, acridinium esters, etc.).

Glow vs. Flash Chemiluminescence:

  • Intensity/Time profile consists of an initial rise period and prolong emission
  • Provides greater flexibility in measurement process (standard ELISA plate readers)
  • Light intensity at any time point through the plateau can be related to the amount of analyte
  • Biotin/Streptavidin reaction dramatically increases sensitivity

The platform features include:

  • Broad dynamic range
  • Superior sensitivity, dilutional linearity, precision and accuracy
  • Smaller sample volumes
  • Less background
  • Performance data, including lot validation package

Chemiluminescent Plate Reader Settings

Reader Settings


HPLC stands for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. It uses the chemical properties of a stationary phase (the column) and a mobile phase (the buffer) to separate complex mixtures of molecules. The column serves to slow the movement of compounds to varying degrees based on their chemical or physical properties.

By varying the properties of the two phases and the runtime parameters, different compounds can be separated in different ways. The column parameters can vary based on particle or pore size, internal diameter, column length and flow rate through the column. The buffer can vary based on composition (differing levels of aqueous or organic solvents) or by changing the solvent concentration over time (isocratic versus gradient).

Samples may have to be prepared in special buffers prior to loading on the machine. Any particulate in the sample has the potential to clog the column, so it is preferable to separate prior to running. Often there is an in-line Solid Phase Extraction column to remove what is not soluble in the sample buffer.

After being separated by HPLC, each compound is detected by UV/Vis and represented in a chromatogram where the y-axis is absorbance intensity (compound amount) and the x-axis is time (how long the compound was retained). In some cases, compounds will be further analyzed by Mass-Spectrometry.


Size-exclusion separates based on compound size. The column consists of trillions of microscopic pools of solvent around the beads. Smaller proteins will be caught in these pools while larger proteins pass through and elute out faster. The longer the time of elution, the smaller the protein collected.


Reverse-Phase separates based on compound polarity. The column is a non-polar material, often silica based, and the mobile phase is a varying amount of aqueous (polar) and organic (non-polar) solvents, often with a highly polar ion added in. The longer the elution time, the higher the over-all polarity.


Ion-exchange separates based on compound charge. In this method, the mobile phase contains chemicals that induce charge on the compound of interest. This can be done by cations, anions, pH or temperature.

Affinity columns

Affinity columns separate based on the formation of stable, specific and reversible complexes. This can be done using antibodies, receptors or their respective ligands. By lining the column with antibody, the analyte of interest will be bound and isolated. Later, the mobile phase can be changed so the antibody no longer binds, and the analyte is then eluted and collected.

What are the basic components of an HPLC system?

A. A functioning HPLC system includes a sampler, pump, column, detector and data processor. A degasser and column oven may also be used.

How many types of detectors are available for HPLC?

A. There are UV, fluorescence, electrochemical, conductivity, refractive index, evaporative light scattering, chiral, radioactive and mass spectrometry detectors.

I am not sure which column to use?

A. Check the assay protocol to instructions on the appropriate column. The most commonly used column is C18 which covers a wide range of applications.

How do I make a column last longer?

A. Filter samples to remove particulate and make sure the pH of the mobile phase is within specifications for the column. If the column will be stored for an extended period of time, flush with methanol or acetonitrile.
No peaks
Double peaks
Contaminating peaks
Variable retention times
Baseline is drifting
Baseline is not smooth


Allergens, pathogens, and foreign particles can exaggerate immune responses. ALPCO offers exclusive platforms, allergy assays, and other products for the detection of allergen sensitization, including the MADx ALEX2 multiplex IgE platform.


Allergy involves an immune response to a substance that is not harmful. While this response is typically bothersome, it can be life-threatening. Traditional allergy testing often involves several rounds of testing with a limited number of allergens. Multiplex testing with a high percentage of molecular allergens provides more comprehensive information in a single test. This bottom-up approach can provide a faster path to diagnosis and treatment.


Description Catalog No.
ALEX² Allergy Explorer Kit (20 tests) 87-02-2001-02
ALEX² Allergy Explorer Kit (50 tests) 87-02-5001-02
FOX Food Xplorer Kit (50 tests) 87-80-5001-02
Histamine ELISA 32-5890
Histamine ELISA Plasma / Urine 17-HISHU-E01
MAX 9k Automated System 87-17-0000-02
Pancreatic Elastase Chemiluminescence ELISA 80-PANHU-CH01
Quality Xplorer ALEX² sIgE Allergy Control 87-31-0800-02
Research Histamine ELISA 17-HISRT-E01-RES
Supplementary Histamine ELISA 17-HISHU-SUP-E01

Our automated testing solutions provide insights into the digestive system with a growing menu of gastroenterology assays for molecular diagnostics and immunodiagnostics. Get insights for a variety of diseases that affect the intestinal tract.


Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract often have a significant impact on quality of life. Overlapping symptoms make it difficult to differentiate between cancers, inflammatory diseases and functional disorders. The growing range of molecular and immunodiagnostic tests detecting GI pathogens, protein biomarkers, and antibody-mediated immune response is accelerating diagnosis and treatment.

Featured Products

Allergy / Food Intolerance

Description Catalog No.
nti-Gliadin sIgA Chemiluminescence ELISA 80-GLIHU-CH01
anti-Gliadin Antibodies ELISA 30-GLIHU-E01
Lysozyme ELISA 30-LYSHU-E01
Secretory IgA Chemiluminescence ELISA 80-SECHU-CH01
Secretory IgA ELISA 30-SECHU-E01

GI Disorders

Description Catalog No.
Calprotectin Immunoturbidimetric Assay 80-CALPHU-IT200
Calprotectin Chemiluminescence ELISA 80-CALPHU-CH01
Calprotectin ELISA 30-CALPHU-E01
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin ELISA 30-A1AHU-E01
Bile Acids ELISA 30-BILHU-E01
iFOB Chemiluminescence ELISA 80-FOBHU-CH01
Hemoglobin ELISA 30-HEMHU-E01
NGAL ELISA (Lipocalin) 54-036
Pancreatic Elastase Chemiluminescence ELISA 80-PANHU-CH01
Pancreatic Elastase ELISA 30-PANHU-E01
Zonulin Stool ELISA 30-ZONHU-E01

GI Infection

Description Catalog No.
Adenovirus ELISA 86-ADVHU-E01
Astrovirus ELISA 86-ASVHU-E01
Campylobacter ELISA 86-CMBHU-E01
Clostridium Difficile GDH ELISA 86-GDHHU-E01
Clostridium Difficile Toxin A/B ELISA 86-TABHU-E01
Cryptosporidium ELISA 86-CPSHU-E01
Entamoeba ELISA 86-ETMHU-E01
Giardia ELISA 86-GRDHU-E01
Helicobacter pylori Stool Antigen ELISA 30-HPYHU-E01
Rotavirus ELISA 86-ROTHU-E01
EHEC Verotoxin ELISA 86-VTXHU-E01

ALPCO offers a wide range of infectious disease assays and products that help scientists understand the interactions between invading microbes and the immune system. Our GeneProof products help detect STIs, respiratory, and blood-borne diseases.


Infectious diseases, including gastrointestinal, respiratory, bloodborne, and sexually transmitted infections, affect millions of individuals each year. In many cases, rapid determination of the virus, bacteria, or parasite causing disease is critical for effective treatment. In cases involving infection without visible symptoms, detection and treatment can often prevent longer-term effects, including several forms of cancer.

Featured Products

Description Catalog No.
Chlamydia Trachomatis IgM ELISA 20-CTMHU-E01
Echinococcus Granulosus IgG ELISA 20-EGGHU-E01
Epstein Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen IgG ELISA 20-ENGHU-E01
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM ELISA 20-H2MHU-E01
Parvovirus B 19 IgG ELISA 20-PBGHU-E01
Parvovirus B 19 IgM ELISA 20-PBMHU-E01
Toxoplasma Gondii IgA ELISA 20-TGAHU-E01
Ureaplasma Urealyticum IgM ELISA 20-UUMHU-E01
Giardia lamblia IgG ELISA Kit 43-GLIHU-E01

These conditions are in constant need of new testing methods for advancements. ALPCO’s extensive selection of immunoassays and automated platforms can help identify key biomarkers and deliver new insights.


Diabetes and obesity are complex conditions related to physiological imbalances. Researchers study many hormones to explore how pancreatic islet cell function, paracrine signaling, and energy homeostasis interplay in metabolic disorders. ALPCO’s portfolio of assays are optimized for range, sensitivity, sample type, and time. Leverage multiple formats – colorimetric or chemiluminescent ELISA, RIA – for manual or automated workflows.



Description Catalog No.
Acylated Ghrelin (human) Easy Sampling ELISA 32-5306
Adipocyte Fatty Acid Binding Protein ELISA (AFABP ELISA) 32-5181
Bioactive Leptin ELISA 22-BLEPHU-E01
Bioactive Sclerostin ELISA 04-BI-20472
C-Peptide Chemiluminescence ELISA Lab Pack (5 Plates) 80-CPTHU-CH05
C-Peptide ELISA Jumbo Pack (10 Plates) 80-CPTHU-E10
Direct IGF-1 RIA (100 Coated Tubes) 22-IGF-R22
Direct IGF-1 RIA (200 Tubes) 22-IGF-R21
GLP-2 ELISA 48-GP2HU-E01.1
Glucagon ELISA 11-GLUHU-E01
Glucagon RIA 38-GLUHU-R100
Insulin ELISA Jumbo Pack (10 Plates) 80-INSHU-E10.1
Intact Proinsulin ELISA 82-PINHUI-E01
Leptin ELISA 11-LEPHU-E01
Monkey NGAL ELISA 54-045
Mouse / Rat Leptin ELISA 22-LEPMS-E01
Mouse Active GIP ELISA 48-AGIPMS-E01
Mouse GLP-2 ELISA 48-GP2MS-E01
Mouse Insulin ELISA Jumbo Pack (10 Plates) 80-INSMS-E10
Mouse Total Adiponectin ELISA 22-ADPMS-E01
Mouse Total GIP ELISA 48-GIPMS-E01
Mouse Ultrasensitive Insulin ELISA Jumbo Pack (10 Plates) 80-INSMSU-E10
Pancreatic Polypeptide RIA 38-PPTHU-R100
Rat Active GIP ELISA 48-AGIPRT-E01
Rat GLP-2 ELISA 48-GP2RT-E01
Rat Total GIP ELISA 48-GIPRT-E01
Sclerostin ELISA 04-BI-20492
Total Proinsulin ELISA 82-PINHUT-E01
Tryptophan ELISA 17-TRPHU-E01
Ultrasensitive Insulin ELISA Jumbo Pack (10 Plates) 80-INSHUU-E10
Vasopressin Direct RIA 12-RK-VPD-U
Vasopressin ELISA (AVP/ADH) 5 Plate 74-VSPHU-E05.1

As researchers explore the relationship between the body, pathogens, and immunity, ALPCO and GeneProof are providing immunology assays and solutions that drive insights in transplantation, autoimmune disease, and the complement system.


Immunology explores the relationship between body systems, pathogens, and immune response. ALPCO provides a wide array of diagnostic solutions to gain insight into the development and progression of responses from both the innate and adaptive immune system. Diagnostics to investigate inflammation, complement system activity, allergic response, autoimmune disease, and transplant rejection are available in multiple formats.

Featured Products

Description Catalog No.
Anti-C4d Antibody 04-BI-RC4D
anti human C4d (FITC-Conjugated) 04-BI-RC4D-FITC
Total Complement Functional Screen ELISA 13-COMPL-300
Complement System Alternative Pathway ELISA 13-COMPL-AP330
Complement System Classical Pathway ELISA 13-COMPL-CP310
Complement System MBL Pathway ELISA 13-COMPL-MP320
Immunoscan CCPlus® (Anti-CCP ELISA) 13-RA-96PLUS
TGF Beta-1 ELISA 20-TGF1HU-E01
TGF Beta-2 ELISA 20-TGF2HU-E01
Total IgE ELISA 25-IGEHU-E01
Lysozyme ELISA (Serum, Urine, and Liquor) 30-6902
Krytopyrrole Colorimetric Assay 30-7823

The vast network of glands and hormones in our bodies is the key to many disorders targeted by researchers. We provide a portfolio of 100+ endocrinology assays in plate-based and automated random-access options.


The endocrine system is a complex network of organs and glands that govern metabolism, growth, mood, sleep, fertility, blood pressure and more through hormone release. Endocrine disorders result from dysfunctional hormone secretion or reception and can cause problems throughout the body. ALPCO is a single source for 100+ immunoassays optimized for diverse workflows to measure endocrine biomarkers and accelerate research and diagnostics.

Featured Products

Description Catalog No.
Oxidized LDL Antibody ELISA 04-BI-20032
Endothelin ELISA (Big) 04-BI-20082H
Osteoprotegerin ELISA (OPG ELISA) 04-BI-20403
DKK-1 ELISA (Dickkopf-1 ELISA) 04-BI-20413
Free Soluble RANKL High Sensitivity ELISA 04-BI-20462
Sclerostin ELISA 04-BI-20492
Endostatin ELISA 04-BI-20742
BNP Fragment ELISA (Nt-proBNP 8-29) 04-BI-20852-W
proANP ELISA (1-98) 04-BI-20892
Cell Proliferation & Toxicity Assay (EZ4U Assay) 04-BI-5000
OxyStat ELISA 04-BI-5007
5a-Androstane-3a, 17b-diol Glucuronide ELISA 11-ANDHU-E01

Product Literature

Clinical Diagnostic Application Reagents

Immunohistochemistry and Pathology CE-IVD IHC antibodies and histological pathology reagents for cancer diagnostics  PathPlus™ Cancer Pathology Antibodies Diagnostics Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Read More...

Alpco FAQs

If your questions are not listed below, please contact technical support: ImmunoassaysHPLC/LC-MSChemiluminescenceImmunoassaysQ. What kind of sample type can be used Read More...

Bone Metabolism: The Cycle of Bone Growth and Resorption

Bone metabolism is a continual cycle of bone growth and resorption that is carefully orchestrated by the dynamic relationship between osteoclasts, osteoblasts Read More…

Understanding the Role of Energy Homeostasis in Diabetes

Introduction The prevalence of diabetes and obesity has been on the rise for several decades and research has demonstrated that Read More…

Simplify Stool Sample Processing

Introduction We understand the challenges facing lab managers and directors who need to continuously improve workflow efficiency and implement new Read More…

Measuring Pancreatic Elastase to Diagnose Pancreatic Disease

Many digestive system disorders and diseases can  present similar types of symptoms including bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and weight gain/loss. In Read More…

Heart Disease Biomarkers in Diabetes Research

Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) encompasses a constellation of diseases related to the heart and circulatory system. Despite efforts to understand Read More…

Measuring Calprotectin When Studying Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Calprotectin (MRP 8/14, S100 A8/A9) is an immunomodulatory protein accounting for up to 60% of cytosolic protein in neutrophil granulocytes Read More…

Physiological Actions of Natriuretic Peptides

Introduction Humans have at least 50 discovered hormones managing vital biological functions in the body. These hormones are produced by Read More…

Stool-Based Biomarkers to Differentiate Between IBD and IBS

What are IBD and IBS? Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are two different gastrointestinal tract issues Read More…

Early Detection of Diabetic Kidney Disease with Biomarkers

Introduction Over one third of diabetics will develop diabetic kidney disease (DKD) in their lifetime1. Despite the large amount of Read More…

Investigating Bioactive Leptin in Obesity Research

The Biology of Leptin Leptin is a hormone composed of 167 amino acids and is primarily produced by adipocytes, therefore Read More…

Developing A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Platform

Introduction ALPCO developed STELLUX® as a chemiluminescent immunoassay platform aimed at detecting key biomarkers in the life science research and Read More…

The Changing Roles of Bone Remodeling Biomarkers

Introduction Bones are traditionally known for their support, protection and movement properties, as well as their role in the processes Read More…

Emerging Biomarker Research in NAFLD and NASH

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is becoming the most common chronic liver disease in the western hemisphere affecting 1 in Read More…

Obesity Induced Adipose Tissue Dysfunction and NAFLD

Obesity is a known risk factor for developing metabolic diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)1. An increasing amount Read More…

Classes of Biologics for the Treatment of IBD

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) biologics have been used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) for several years. Various classes of biologics Read More…

Researching Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for IBD

Multiple classes of biologics are available for the treatment of inflammation associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which ultimately improves Read More…

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Biosimilars in Autoimmune Diseases

Anti-TNF-alpha biologics have been proven to be effective treatments for autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and inflammatory bowel Read More…

Challenges When Treating IBD with Biologics

Monoclonal antibody (mAbs) biologics have been used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) for 20 years1. Despite the successful use Read More…