BioSpec has provided innovative laboratory equipment for 40 years. Most of their products are of their own design.
Many are "firsts” for example, introduction of the Mini Beadbeater™ established the popular method for cell and tissue disruption commonly called "beadbeating".
Biospec concentrate on delivering quality products at affordable prices and continue to bring new instruments for cell and tissue disruption to the market.
Proteins and nucleic acids are most often recovered from cells and tissue in a laboratory setting using mechanical methods. Several factors come into play when choosing the best the method for your application. They include cell or tissue type, sample size, desired sample through-put, efficiency and speed of disruption, disruption reproducibility, sample containment, disruptor clean up and disruptor maintence.
The BeadBeater is the ultimate laboratory-scale homogenizer for disrupting aqueous suspensions of yeast, fungi or bacteria. Complete cell lysis of 10-80 g (wet weight) of cells is achieved in about three minutes of operation.
The BeadBeater comes complete with a 350 ml polycarbonate chamber, rotor assembly, motor base, ice-water cooling jacket, and glass beads.
Product | Product Code |
Beadbeater, Complete 220v | 1107900EUR |
The BeadBeater bead-mill methodology is considered superior to other mechanical methods of microbial cell disruption. And, in most cases, it is the most economical. The BeadBeater disrupts microorganisms, single-cell preparations and pulverized plant and animal tissue with better than 95 percent efficiency. Up to 80 grams (wet weight) of cells can be processed in a typical three minute run. Relying on a unique crushing or cracking action rather than high the shear forces found with a French Press or sonicator, a Teflon impeller rotating at high speed forces thousands of minute glass* beads to violently collide in a special clover-leaf shaped vessel. Cells are disrupted quickly, efficiently and safely in the sealed system. The apparatus is easy to clean, has a small footprint, requires no auxiliary supplies or equipment and is essentially maintenance free. Beads settle out in seconds and are reusable.
* Note: Glass beads and zirconia-silica beads having diameters of 0.1 mm, 0.5 mm and 1 mm are preferred grinding media. Larger beads and heavier beads such as steel beads cannot be adequately agitated.
CONTROLLING SAMPLE WARMING. Like many mechanical cell disruption techniques, the Beadbeating process generates heat. In general for every minute of beadbeating there is a 10 degree rise in sample temperature. Should that be a problem, the ice-water jacket included with the BeadBeater helps keep this temperature increase under control. Superior control is achieved using an accessory stainless steel or aluminum sample chamber.
The Mini-Beadbeater-16 is a high-energy cell disrupter designed to handle four to sixteen samples at a time.
Product | Product Code |
Mini-BeadBeater 16, 230 volt | 607EUR |
The Mini-BeadBeater-16 disrupts microbial cells and plant and animal tissue by violently agitating four to sixteen 2 ml screw-cap microvials containing small glass, ceramic or steel beads and disruption buffer. Even resistant samples like yeast, spores or fibrous tissue are completely homogenized around 3 minutes in 0.1 to 1 ml of extraction medium. The non-foaming, aerosol-free method preserves enzymes and organelles. In the presence of nucleic acid extraction media such as phenol, Gu-SCN or a commercial kit solution, DNA and RNA are recovered in the highest possible yield. The method is ideal for PAGE, PCR applications and diagnostics using antibody or oligonucleotide probes. Because beads and vials are disposable, there are no cross-contamination concerns when homogenizing multiple samples.
The Mini-Beadbeater-16 can also be used for dry grinding. Steel beads are added to hard samples such as hair, bone, teeth, seeds and minerals and are completely powdered in 10-60 seconds. Softer materials such as biological tissue, rubber or plastics can also be powdered by first freezing the sample to liqN2 temperatures (a process called Cryo-grinding). Special break-resistant vials are highly recommended for dry- or cryo-grinding. The powdered material can be safely extracted with aqueous and most organic solvents in the same vial, thus simplifying recovery of the analytes.
See also a short video showing the operation of the MBB-16, see below.
Features to Consider when Shopping for a High Speed Shaking Bead-mill Cell Disrupter…
SHAKING TIME: If you are harvesting intercellular proteins you will want close to 100% cell disruption. The MiniBeadbeater series of cell disrupters deliver those high yields with 2-3 minutes of beadbeating. Some high-speed bead mill manufacturers claim “disruption times” of less than 30 seconds. That shorter time may suffice for PCR work where a partial extraction of nucleic acids is adequate, but for blotting methods or protein recovery, higher yields require more beadbeating time.
SHAKING SPEED: Some commercial bead-mill cell disrupters express their disruption setting as meters/second (m/s). This term combines shaking speeds in rpm with vial displacement distance to create a unit that supposedly defines a bead-mill’s cell disruption power to mechanically lyse cells. The fact is that there is no available formula that comprehensively defines cell disruption efficiency of bead mill grinding machines. Were a term to exist, it would need to take into consideration not only shaking speed and distance of vial displacement but additional important variables such as shaking direction (vertical vs.horizontal), shaking pattern (linear vs.figure eight), kinetics of change in shaking direction (sigmoidal vs. square wave), vials used (size and shape) and beads used (sizes, composition, bead load).
VIAL ORIENTATION, SHAKING PATTERN and SHAKING DISTANCE (THROW): Most bead mill cell disrupters shake 2 ml microvials in either a vertical (upright) or approximately horizontal direction. In terms of cell disruption efficiency (CDE), the horizontal position is more efficient than vertical. All shaking-type beadbeaters have flattened figure-eight shaking patterns. The exact shape of this figure-eight pattern has little impact on the CDE. Shaking distance (throw), however, has a significant impact on CDE. By necessity, all shaking type bead mill cell disrupters must have a vial throw of about ¾ to 1 inch.
The interplay of these multiple variables is complex. Each manufacturer attempts to optimize the interaction of these variables when designing their cell disrupter machine. As might be expected, some machines have achieved this goal better than others.
A final point: Published cell lysis protocols using high-speed bead-mill cell disrupters are seldom operated at shaking speeds less than the maximum speed. Thus, the availability of variable speed settings, be they “rpm” or “M/s”, might be viewed as a ‘bell and whistle’ feature.
The Mini BeadBeater-16 uses standard screw-cap plastic microvials. Stainless steel microvials or a specially reinforced polypropylene microvial (XXTuff vials) are available when dry- or cryo-milling with steel beads. Larger 7 ml vials can be processed with an accessory holding ring.
…..from a Researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Lab: ‘We have now tested the MiniBeadBeater-16 with two different sets of samples, with more than 100 samples processed. It seems to perform comparably with the single channel units we have from BioSpec, which is a very pleasant surprise. We are able to isolate DNA from purified Bacillus spores, which have proved to be too difficult for all of the other commercially available, multi-channel instruments we have tried.’ {*Not to be taken as an endorsement by LLNL or its affiliates}
…..from Ontario Veterinary College: ‘We received your MiniBeadbeater and put it to use immediately. It is just as advertised, easy to use, and our tissue homogenization and resultant RNA isolation has improved drastically!!’
Great prices
…..from Steve ‘I’m shopping around for a bead-beater kind of homogenizer, and the Mini-Beadbeater-16 looks great, price-wise anyway, compared to the Fastprep™ and other similar products. How does it compare to the other $7000-$10000 bead beaters on the market and why is it so much cheaper?’ Answer: For over 30 years our business model has been to offer quality scientific equipment at reasonable prices. BioSpec accomplishes this in two ways: 1. Sometimes we design and build equipment which incorporates a preexisting mass-marketed tools or appliances (example: our ‘TissueTearor’ homogenizer uses a low cost Dremel-tool motor drive). Savings from this strategy are passed on to the customer. 2. We advertise modestly. Advertising costs associated with print and digital advertising, distributor and customer discounts, representative commissions, and trade shows must be factored into a final product price…indeed, offsetting promotional costs can account for 50% of the sales price of a lab tool.
What is meter/second?
…..from Alexa at Mt Sinai School of Medicine: ‘I received a protocol from another lab where they used a FastPrep™ machine to lyse Staphylococcus aureus for RNA isolation. I wanted to use a BioSpec bead beater in my lab for cell disruption. The FastPrep protocol called for 20 seconds at a setting 4.0 m/s, cool on ice for 5 minutes, then process again for 20 seconds at a setting of 4.5 m/s. You suggested that I try a total of 30 seconds in the MiniBeadbeaater, alternating between 10 seconds beadbeating and 1 minute cooling in ice-water. I am writing to let you know that this revised protocol is working for me. If anyone else is having a similar problem, please feel free to have them contact me’. …And a related question from Teresa, Virginia Tech: ‘I have a protocol that uses the FastPrep at a machine setting of 6.5 m/s. What does the FastPrep setting mean and what is the cell disruption speed I should use with my new MiniBeadbeater?’ Answer: In our opinion, the original manufacturer of FastPrep machines did not do the scientific community a service by coming up with the term ‘m/sec’ to express cell breakage performance. The term, which lumps shaking speed and vial displacement into a single “physical unit”, does not and can not comprehensively describe cell disruption efficiency of a bead mill.
Such a term, were it to exist, would have to take into consideration not only shaking speed and distance of vial travel (throw), but also the shaking direction (vertical/horizontal), shaking pattern (linear/figure eight), kinetics of change in shaking direction (sigmoidal/square wave), vial size and shape and other variables. Clearly, the interplay of these variables is complex and poorly defined. In designing an efficient bead mill to disrupt cells engineers must take into consideration all of these variables and, as might be expected, some commercial machines achieve this goal better than others.
Here is a Rule of Thumb for operating any bead mill cell disruption machine offering variable shaking speed, whether made by BioSpec or another manufacturer: If the objective is to disrupt cells operate the machine at its maximum speed setting. Special applications requiring lower operating speeds are rare.
Grinding time will vary, depending on the type of sample. Generally, 2-3 minutes will get you close to total cell lysis. If you are doing PCR work and can settle for less than total cell lysis, shorter periods of beadbeating may suffice. Also important for good cell disruption is the choice of bead size, bead composition, and bead load. These details are covered in operating instructions that accompany our machines or contact us
The Mini-Beadbeater-24 disrupts up to 24 microbial or tissue samples with better than 95 percent efficiency. Cells are disrupted quickly and safely in the sealed system. The apparatus is easy to clean, has a small footprint and is essentially maintenance free. Compared to the Minibeadbeater-16, the Mini-24 adds advanced electronics for enhanced motor function, variable speeds of 2400-3800 rpm and a 30% increase in microvial capacity.
Product | Product Code |
Mini-BeadBeater 24, 230v | 112011EUR |
The Mini-BeadBeater-24 disrupts microbial cells and plant and animal tissue by violently agitating four to twentyfour 2 ml screw-cap microvials containing small glass, ceramic or steel beads and 0.1 to 1 ml disruption buffer. The performance of the Mini-BeadBeater equals or exceeds that of any other type or brand of cell disrupter. Even resistant samples like yeast, spores or fibrous tissue are completely homogenized in 1-3 minutes. The non-foaming, aerosol-free method preserves enzymes and organelles. In the presence of nucleic acid extraction media such as phenol, Gu-SCN or a commercial kit solution, DNA or RNA is recovered in the highest possible yield. The method is ideal for PAGE, PCR applications, and diagnostics using antibody or oligonucleotide probes. Because the beads and vials are disposable, there is absolutely zero cross-contamination between samples – essential for PCR techniques.
Protocols developed using a different model of the Mini-BeadBeater are transferable with minimal modification.
The Mini-Beadbeater-24 can also be used for dry grinding. Here, steel beads are added to hard samples such as hair, bone, teeth, seeds and minerals and are powdered in 10-60 seconds of operation. Resistant materials such as tendon, cartilage, rubber or some plastics can be powdered by pre-freezing the sample to liquid nitrogen temperatures (cryo-grinding), then grinding in the hard frozen state. Dry-grinding requires using special microvials resistant to breakage. When dry grinding with ceramic or steel beads at room temperature our ‘XXTuff’ microvials are recommended. Our Stainless Steel microvials are available for dry grinding with steel beads at cryo-temperatures.
Buying Tips….
SHAKING TIME: If you are harvesting expressed proteins, for example, you need close to 100% cell disruption. But, if you want nucleic acids for PCR amplification, perhaps a partial disruption of cells is acceptable. Some manufacturers claim disruption times of less than 30 seconds. That may be fine for PCR work, but not for blotting.
SHAKING SPEED: Some manufacturers of beadbeaters (bead-mill) machine offer speed settings expressed in an ill-defined term: meters/second. The term combines measurable shaking speeds with vial displacements to create a unit presumed to define cell disruption power. Unfortunately, no unit is available that comprehensively defines cell disruption efficiency of bead mill grinding machines. Were it to exist, such a term would need to take into consideration not only shaking speed and distance of vial displacement, but also shaking direction (vertical vs.horizontal), shaking pattern (linear vs.figure eight), kinetics of change in shaking direction (sigmoidal vs. square wave), vial size and shape and other engineering variables. Clearly, the interplay of these variables is complex. They must be taken into consideration in the design of a high performance cell disrupter machine and, as might be expected, some machines achieve this goal better than others. Additionally, most published protocols rarely call for shaking speeds below the maximum shaking speed available from the machine. Thus, speed control, when available, can be viewed as a ‘bell and whistle’ feature.
FROM THE BIOSPEC ‘TECH GUYS’: BioSpec Products was the first to introduce ‘beadbeating’ cell disruption to the scientific laboratory 35 years ago. This method of cell disruption for small samples has replaced many traditional methods. In addition to BioSpec’s current five models of beadbeater cell disruptor, about a dozen other manufacturers offer similar microvial-shaking ‘beadbeater-type’ cell disruptors*. Most of them are well designed and fulfill criteria for maximum cell disruption performance: Look for machines that have a shaking speed of at least 2000 rpm; a throw (or displacement) of the vial of at least 3/4 inches and a shaking orientation and pattern that maximizes bead circulation within the vial. As discussed earlier, other factors influencing cell disruption performance are numerous and complex. They cannot be expressed in a simple mathematical formula with units of meters/sec.
Here is a Rule of Thumb for operating any shaking-type, bead mill cell disruption machine offering variable shaking speed, whether made by BioSpec or any other manufacturer: If the objective is to disrupt cells, crank up the machine and get the job done. Operate the machine at its maximum speed setting. Special applications requiring lower operating speeds are rare. Grinding time will vary, depending on the type of sample. Generally, 2-3 minutes will get you close to total cell lysis. If you are doing PCR work and can settle for less than 100% lysis, shorter periods of beadbeating may suffice. Also important for good cell disruption is the choice of bead size, bead composition, and bead load. These later details are covered in operating instructions that accompany our machines.
If native proteins or intracellular organelles are being recovered, temperature control will be essential. With most high energy beadbeaters the grinding process increases the homogenate temperature about 10º per minute of beadbeating. This is most easily done by removing the microvials after one minute of beadbeating and cooling them in crushed ice/water mix for one minute. Recycle this one minute beadbeat and cooling cyle as necessary. Temperature control is not as important for nucleic acid extraction in nucleic acid extraction media.
There are three equally important variables under the control of the user which determine efficiency of cell disruption: bead size, bead composition and bead load in the vial. These variables must be optimized by the user, not only for the ‘beadbeater’ machine which is in use, but for the type of sample being investigated. While there are commercially available vials prefilled with special bead mixes offering solutions for these three variables, one can usually get equivalent results and at the same time, save money by loading your own beads into vials. Only one kind and size of bead is usually needed. BioSpec’s web site OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS and our web site Beads (Guide-lines) give straight forward advice on how to do that. And also, there are our tech guys standing by to help.
For the names and contact details of all commercially available bead mill cell disrupters see Cell Disrupters: A Review. In addition to shaking cell disrupters there are vortexing bead mill cell disrupters. Most function like the shaking bead mill cell disrupters but tend to be 5 to 10X slower in achieving complete disruption. The notable exception is BioSpec Product’s NEW SoniBeast™ Cell Disrupter which can disrupt cells at rates up to 10X faster than the current commercial shaking-type beadbeating machines.
The Mini-Beadbeater-Plus™ is an upgraded version of the venerable Mini-BeadBeater-1. Improvements include a programmable timer, a powerful brush less motor and 115/230 VAC compatibility. The high-energy bead-mill rapidly and completely disrupts microorganisms and plant and animal tissue.
Note: Vials and beads required for the MBB Plus will vary with the particular sample being disrupted and should be purchased separately.
Product | Product Code |
Mini-BeadBeater 96, 230v | 1001EUR |
The new Mini-BeadBeater-Plus™ is a high-energy bead-mill designed to violently agitate up to a half gram sample of biological material sealed inside a 2 ml microcentrifuge vial containing tiny glass, zirconia or steel lysing beads. The grinding action of the beads (beadbeating) rapidly disrupts microorganisms and plant and animal tissue in 5-90 seconds. Being an upgrade of the venerable MiniBeadbeater-1, new features include a programmable timer, a more powerful brush less motor and 115/230 VAC compatibility.
Because cell disruption occurs inside sealed microvials, cross-contamination during homogenization is completely eliminated – an important feature for nucleic acid isolation. And time is saved because no clean-up is needed between samples. Sterile technique is easily accommodated for recovery of intracellular virus and bacteria from plant and animal cells and the non-foaming, non-aerosol method is ideal for recovery of enzymes, membranes and intracellular organelles.
The Mini-BeadBeater-Plus is also used for dry- or cryo-grinding. Heavier zirconia or steel beads and special breakage-resistant microvials are used. Hard samples such as hair, bone, teeth, seeds, and minerals are powdered in 5 – 30 seconds. All protocols developed with the Mini-BeadBeater-Plus are transferable to larger, higher-capacity MiniBeadBeater models.
► COOLING. Temperature control must be addressed when using a bead mill cell disrupter for the isolation of proteins, membranes or organelles. The Mini-BeadBeater-96, like all other high-energy, shaking-type bead mill cell disrupters, will heat up a sample from collisional friction of the beads…about 10° for each minute of beadbeating. An important accessory for the MBB-96 is a 48 capacity 2 ml microvial holder and a 2 tube capacity 50 ml tube holder, both machined out of solid aluminum. Cooled beforehand in a deep freezer or with liquid nitrogen, the mass of the aluminum vial holder and its excellent heat transfer properties maintain samples at their initial low temperature during the entire beadbeating run…something that some competitor’s bead mills offering flowing cold air accessories fail to accomplish. The fact is that air is not an efficient media for the transfer and rapid removal of heat. For this same reason, operating a bead mill cell disruptor in a cold room offers little regulation of heat buildup during beadbeating.
But this is not always a concern. Strict temperature control is not a needed when cells or tissue are being disrupted in the presence of DNA or RNA extraction media.
► ”DRY” GRINDING. The Mini-BeadBeater-96 can be used to powder most dried plant and animal tissues and, at liquid nitrogen temperatures, fresh tissues. Exceptions to the rule are woody tissue and some tissues having high lipid or oil content. Most dry grinding is done using steel beads.
When dry- or cryo-grinding plant or animal tissue use our stainless steel microvials with silicone rubber caps, special XXTuff microvials or special Porvair Sciences deep well microplates. Common plastic microvials and deep well plates will break when dry grinding with steel beads.
To the tubes or wells add either one 6.3 mm diameter chrome-steel bead, two 6.3 mm diameter zirconia beads or three 3.2 mm diameter chrome-steel beads. Beadbeat for 5-30 seconds. Note that steel beads can be used in common plastic vials and common deep well microvials for wet grinding, provided that the vial is completely filled with aqueous media and the amount of entrapped air is minimized..
► DEEP-WELL MICROPLATES. When using deep well microplates possible leakage and subsequent cross contamination between wells should be concern. While the entire mat surface area is evenly clamped to the microplate during beadbeating in the Mini-BeadBeater-96, the user must first thoroughly press the mat onto the microplate during the initial sealing process. Rollers and mat presses help in this task (see accessories listed below). The best mats are made of EVA or silicone rubber. Mats made of other rubber-like polymers or adhesive- or heat-bonded films – may not prevent leaking during the intense shaking in the Mini-BeadBeater-96. There is an easy way to check for this concern. Give us a call.
► SPEED CONTROL. The Mini-BeadBeater-96 features digital variable speed control presets between 1400 rpm to 2400 rpm and three programmable time presets. These presets allow for storage of your favorite speed and time settings for easy retrieval.
SHOPPING GUIDELINES: BioSpec Products was the first company to introduce bead mill cell disrupters to the scientific laboratory – some 30+ years ago. This method of cell disruption of unicellular organisms and small tissue samples has superceded most traditional cell disruption methods. In addition to BioSpec’s current five models of beadbeater cell disrupters, several other manufacturers now offer similar microvial-shaking, ‘beadbeater-type’ cell disrupters*. Many of of these shakers fulfill the following physical parameters that assure maximum cell disruption performance: A SHAKING SPEED of at least 2000 rpm; a THROW or displacement of the vial of 3/4 to 1 inch, a FIGURE “8” SHAKING PATTERN and a NEAR HORZONTAL ORIENTATION of the vial, tube or microplate. The full incorporation of these parameters maximizes bead circulation and bead collisions within the vial.
Side Note: Some, but not all, manufacturers are using shaking speed settings expressed as M/S…”meters/second”. A machine setting in m/sec is not a comprehensive measurement of cell disruption efficiency. The term has caused buyer confusion while comparing cell disrupter bead-mill products. The term also makes it difficult to reproduce cell disruption protocols when using a different bead mill cell disrupter.
Because there is no consensus performance term for shaking-type bead mill cell disrupters BioSpec Products suggests that shaking cell disrupters machines be operated at their maximum available speed setting. Beadbeater applications requiring lower operating speeds are rare. Put bluntly, if the objective is to disrupt cells, crank up the rpm of the machine and get the job done. The optimal time of beadbeating is a relevant varimable and will depend on the nature of the biological sample and the type of bead mill shaker used. With current high performance machines, wet milling for 1-3 minutes gives close to 100% cell disruption. If you are doing PCR work with nucleic acids and are content with less than 100% cell disruption, shorter periods of beadbeating will suffice.
Besides the five variables shaking speed, vial throw distance, vial shaking pattern and orientation and time of shaking, three equally important variables which determine efficiency of cell disruption are bead size, bead composition and bead load in the vial. These later three variables must be optimized by the user, not only for the particular ‘beadbeater’ machine being used, but for the type of sample being investigated.
“Solutions” to deal with these last three variables are being offered in the form of commercially available vials prefilled with beads. Unfortunately, there is little comparative literature documenting how these vendors came up with their “magic mixtures”.
One can usually get comparable results by loading your own beads into vials or microplates (and save a lot of money, too). Usually only one kind and size of bead will suffice. Our Bead Selection Guidelines give a straight forward advice on how to select the correct bead size and composition and, if you have a lot of vials to load, BioSpec has three different bead loading devices designed to streamline the loading process.
In addition to shaking-type bead mill cell disrupters there are also vortexing-type bead mill cell disrupters. While the later will fulfill their intended goal, it can take 5 to 10X longer beadbeating times to get complete cell disruption. The sole exception is BioSpec Product’s new SoniBeast™ cell disrupter, which uses patented high speed vortex technology to disrupt cells even faster than ordinary shaking-type beadbeating machines.
The MiniBeadbeater-96 is powered with a huge 1 hp induction motor. No other beadbeater on the market offers higher shaking energies for cell disruption. Power requirements for the 115 VAC MBB-96 is 20 amps, and for the 230 VAC machine it is 10 amps.
The Mini-Beadbeater-Plus™ is an upgraded version of the venerable Mini-BeadBeater-1. Improvements include a programmable timer, a powerful brush less motor and 115/230 VAC compatibility. The high-energy bead-mill rapidly and completely disrupts microorganisms and plant and animal tissue.
Note: Vials and beads required for the MBB Plus will vary with the particular sample being disrupted and should be purchased separately.
Product | Product Code |
Mini-BeadBeater Plus, 230v | 1018 |
The new Mini-BeadBeater-Plus™ is a high-energy bead-mill designed to violently agitate up to a half gram sample of biological material sealed inside a 2 ml microcentrifuge vial containing tiny glass, zirconia or steel lysing beads. The grinding action of the beads (beadbeating) rapidly disrupts microorganisms and plant and animal tissue in 5-90 seconds. Being an upgrade of the venerable MiniBeadbeater-1, new features include a programmable timer, a more powerful brush less motor and 115/230 VAC compatibility.
Because cell disruption occurs inside sealed microvials, cross-contamination during homogenization is completely eliminated – an important feature for nucleic acid isolation. And time is saved because no clean-up is needed between samples. Sterile technique is easily accommodated for recovery of intracellular virus and bacteria from plant and animal cells and the non-foaming, non-aerosol method is ideal for recovery of enzymes, membranes and intracellular organelles.
The Mini-BeadBeater-Plus is also used for dry- or cryo-grinding. Heavier zirconia or steel beads and special breakage-resistant microvials are used. Hard samples such as hair, bone, teeth, seeds, and minerals are powdered in 5 – 30 seconds. All protocols developed with the Mini-BeadBeater-Plus are transferable to larger, higher-capacity MiniBeadBeater models.
The SoniBeast™ is the newest addition to our stable of high energy BeadBeater cell disruptors. Small samples of tissue or cells are completely disrupted in seconds rather than minutes. It processes up to twelve 0.6 ml locking-cap PCR microtubes, each containing 1-100 mg of tissue, or three 2 ml microvials each containing 10-400 mg of tissue. The SoniBeast is designed for wet milling in water-based media. Common applications are the isolation of intracellular protein and nucleic acids.
A pack of polypropylene 0.6 ml locking cap PCR tubes is included with the SoniBeast. Additional Vials should be ordered separately. Beads size and composition vary with the kind of sample being disrupted. For guidance on choosing beads see Lysis Beads or email
If you plan to power the SoniBeast with 220-240 Volt AC rather than 110-120 Volt AC please select product number “715-12-EUR“.
A hand-held, cordless, smaller capacity version of the Sonibeast is available (see below). Designed for samples taken in the field or other locations distant from a diagnostic laboratory, it is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery and is capable of complete homogenization of plant or animal tissues in either two 2 ml microvials or one 7 ml vial.
The SoniBeast™* cell disrupter homogenizes both microorganisms and plant and animal tissue using the smashing action of colliding ceramic beads (commonly called beadbeating). It departs from contemporary beadbeater machines by oscillating microtubes at a rate of 20,000 oscillations/min…some 5 to 50 times faster than currently available beadbeater machines!
As expected, cell disruption occurs much faster when beads inside the tubes are moving at extraordinarily high rates. Disruption is completed in a few seconds rather than minutes. Faster disruption times favour higher quality and yields of nucleic acids and proteins because all cells in a tissue sample enter into the protection of the extraction media much quicker. The operation of SoniBeast cell disrupter is simplified… the machine is operated by the push of a single button. There is no required manual clamping of tubes or vials onto the machine and the physical locations of vials remain unchanged from their starting point, thus making the SoniBeast the first high-efficiency bead-mill cell disrupter available for robotic systems.
The SoniBeast’s tray capacity is one to twelve 0.6 ml locking-cap PCR microtubes, each containing up to 100 mg of sample. Closer to the axis of the machine is an inner ring having three positions holding larger 1.5 or 2 ml microvials capable of processing up to 400 mg of tissue. Unlike the outer ring of 0.6 ml microvials, samples in these larger microvials will be lysed under the milder grinding conditions typical of earlier beadbeater protocols.
*Patent pending
General Protocol. One to twelve 0.6 ml microtubes are sequentially loaded with beads, tissue sample and extraction media. After capping, they are inserted into the red silicone rubber grommets in the disc-shaped tube holder. Unlike all other beadbeaters, inserted tubes do not need to be clamped down.. After selecting a run time (typically 5-20 seconds) the SoniBeast is activated with the touch of a single button. Seconds later the SoniBeast turns off, the beads fall by gravity to the bottom of the vial, and the lysed tissue sample(s) is ready to transfer by micropipette for subsequent purification and/or analysis.
The SoniBeast-Jr is a hand-held, cordless, variable-speed version of our high-energy MiniBeadbeater/Sonibeast series of bead-mill cell disruptors. While the SONIBEAST-jr is targeted for processing samples in the field or locations remote from the laboratory, it is also an affordable choice for processing a limited number of samples (<20/day) in the laboratory. Manually operated with a slide switch on the body of the SoniBeast jr’s motor housing, the vial tray holds two 2 ml screw-top polypropylene microvials or one 7 ml screw-top polypropylene vial.
Product | Product Code |
SoniBeast-Jr | Cat No. SBJ319 |
The SoniBeast-jr comes with a spare Lithium-ion battery (two total) and a smart charging station powered by 120 VAC electrical input. Beads and vials, which will vary with the application, should be ordered separately. Technical and ordering information can be found by contacting us at
The SoniBeast-Jr is a cordless, handheld version of our MiniBeadbeater/Sonibeast series of bead-mill cell disrupters.
Hamilton Beach is the worlds largest manufacturer of commercial grade blenders. The model 909 comes with a one liter stainless steel container and can handle the toughest job required from a blade blender.
Although less efficient than rotor-stator homogenizers, blade homogenizers (commonly called laboratory blenders) have been utilized for decades to produce fine brie and extracts from plant and animal tissue. They are fast, have a good working volume and are easy to clean. Compared to other types of homogenizers, they are relatively inexpensive. Blenders cannot efficiently disrupt microorganisms.
Product | Product Code |
1 Liter Hamilton Beach Blender – 115 volt model | 909-BSP |
1 Liter Hamilton Beach Blender – 230 volt model | 909EUR-BSP |
Although less efficient than rotor-stator homogenizers, blade homogenizers (commonly called laboratory blenders) have been utilized for decades to produce fine brie and extracts from plant and animal tissue. They are fast, have a good working volume and are easy to clean. Compared to other types of homogenizers, they are relatively inexpensive. Blenders cannot efficiently disrupt microorganisms.
See below for accessory sealed chambers designed for blade blending smaller quantities tissue.
The BeadBeater is the ultimate laboratory-scale homogenizer for disrupting aqueous suspensions of yeast, fungi or bacteria. Complete cell lysis of 10-80 g (wet weight) of cells is achieved in about three minutes of operation.
The BeadBeater comes complete with a 350 ml polycarbonate chamber, rotor assembly, motor base, ice-water cooling jacket, and glass beads.
Product | Product Code |
Beadbeater, Complete 220v | 1107900EUR |
The BioHomogenizer is a rotor-stator type tissue homogenizer designed to rapidly homogenize, disperse, and emulsify biological samples in aqueous media from 1 to 1000 ml. The BioHomogenizer includes both the motor and probe.
Product | Product Code |
BioHomogenizer, 1.4cm, 115 Volt | 1281 |
BioHomogenizer, 1.4cm, 230 volt | 1281EUR |
BioHomogenizer Generator, 1.4cm Probe | 1281G |
BioHomogenizer, 2.5cm, 115 volt | 1285 |
BioHomogenizer, 2.5cm 230 volt | 1285EUR |
BioHomogenizer Generator, 2.5cm probe | 1285G |
Stand for Tissue-Tearor, Biomixer and BioHomogenizer | 1281S |
The powerful 10,000 rpm motor is totally sealed and can be hand-held or stand mounted. During operation, the suspended material is repeatedly cycled through 12 narrow slits in the stator by the action of a high speed rotor. The material is rapidly sheared and disintegrated by the high frequency mechanical action. Complete homogenization of soft tissue (muscle, liver, brain, etc.) is usually achieved in one minute or less. Samples may be processed in a test tube chilled during treatment by immersion in an ice bath. Other applications include dispersion and emulsification of dairy and cosmetic products.
The BioHomogenizer comes complete.
Ideal for a one step preparation of cell lysate from most fruits and vegetables. Suitable tissues include tubers, squash, leafy tissues, fruits and pods. One of the few methods that do not require added liquid to obtain a cell free extract. Consequently, the highly concentrated proteins and biochemicals in the homogenate optimize down-stream purification or analysis steps. Not suitable for extracting animal tissue.
Product | Product Code |
Electric Juicer | Cat No. RBJLSS-14 |
How it works: Centrifugal juicers are the fastest juicers on the market. The machines quickly grate the fruit and vegetables with an large array of tiny cutting points on a spinning stainless steel disc and then spin the juice out through a fine mesh filter. Left behind, and automatically captured in a separate container, is almost all of the plant’s insoluble fibre or pulp.
A modified, top-of-the-line domestic waste disposer that has been modified to sit operate top of the lab bench – ready to be plugged into a 110 V power socket. Closed-loop plumbing has been installed on the basic unit to permit recycling the tissue sample contents. The Semi-Continous Tissue Disperser delivers a high-quality homogenate of almost any plant or animal material. Kilogram quantities of material can be processed in minutes in either batch- or semi-continuous mode. Operates at room temperature or in a cold room.
Product | Product Code |
Semi-Continuous Tissue Disperser |
Cat. No 111115 |
Waste disposers are a sub-group of rotor-stator type homogenizers. A rapidly rotating platform turning at high speed (the “rotor”) forces biomaterial through a non-moving stainless steel sleeve containing an array of slits or holes (the “stator”) where it is sheared and cut into tiny pieces. While a standard waste disposer process biomaterial in a single pass through the disposer’s elements, BioSpec has greatly improved the homogenization process by the addition of an external recycling loop on the machine and a large stainless steel receiving container.
Unlike most lab homogenizers, the SemiContinous Tissue Disperser requires little sample preparation, such as cutting, chopping or trimming, prior to homogenization and can quickly homogenize kilogram quantities of tissue in less than a minute. The unit handles almost any kind of soft or flexable biomaterial – even homogenizing an intact mouse carcass…skin, bones and all!
The Tissue-Tearor is a rotor/stator type tissue homogenizer which can rapidly homogenize, disrupt, and emulsify plant and animal samples in 0.5 – 1000 ml of liquid. Complete homogenization of tissues (muscle, liver, breast tissue, etc.) is usually achieved in ten to thirty seconds. Little, if any, heat is produced during the process. Rotor/stator homogenizers cannot efficiently disrupt microorganisms. This “limitation” can be an advantage if you want to homogenize or disperse tissue sample (or soil or waste samples) in order to recover viable bacteria or viruses for plating and analysis.
If you need a 230 volt unit, please select models that end in EUR. When ordering select one of our four different probe sizes – 04, 07, XL, and 14. Unlike most competitive Brands of rotor-stator homogenizer, THE TISSUE-TEAROR COMES COMPLETE WITH BOTH THE HIGH-SPEED MOTOR AND ONE STAINLESS STEEL PROBE OF YOUR CHOICE. See chart below for probe selection guidance. Additional probes are available. All are interchangeable with the TT motor unit. A cord-less variety of the Tissue-Tearor is also available with model numbers ending in CL.
Product | Product Code |
Tissue-Tearor Probe Size 04 | Cat No. 985370-04 |
Tissue Tearor Probe Size 07 | Cat No. 985370-07 |
Tissue Tearor Probe Size 14 | Cat No. 985370-14 |
Tissue Tearor Probe Size XL | Cat No. 985370-XL |
Tissue Tearor Cordless – Probe Size 04 | Cat No. 780CL-04 |
Tissue Tearor Cordless – Probe Size 07 | Cat No. 780CL-07 |
Tissue Tearor Cordless – Probe Size 14 | Cat No. 780CL-14 |
Tissue Tearor Cordless- Probe Size XL | Cat No. 780CL-XL |
Tissue-Tearor 230 Volt – Probe size 04 | Cat No. 985370EUR-04 |
Tissue-Tearor 230 Volt – Probe size 07 | Cat No. 985370EUR-07 |
Tissue-Tearor 230 Volt – Probe size 14 | Cat No. 985370EUR-14 |
Tissue-Tearor 230 Volt – Probe size XL | Cat No. 985370EUR-XL |
The Tissue-Tearor comes complete with a high speed, variable speed electric motor, one probe of your choice and a plastic storage stand. All probes are interchangeable with the Tissue-Tearor motor. See Parts & Acc’s to order additional probes alone. The Tissue-Tearor with the 14 mm diameter probe does not come with a plastic storage stand.
Catalog Number | Practical Working Range (ml) | Probe Diameter (mm) | Probe Length (cm) |
985370-04 | 0.2-5.0 | 4.5 | 4.8 |
985370-07 | 0.5-50 | 7 | 8.3 |
985370-14 | 5.0-1000 | 14 | 13.2 |
985370-XL | 0.5-50 | 7 | 10.9 |
* Dimensions taken from stator.
AWAY FROM ELECTRICAL LINES? Consider the model 780CL Cordless Tissue-Tearor. The purchase includes a cordless (i.e., battery operated), high speed motor, one probe of your choice, a rechargeable 9.6 volt Li battery pack and a plug-in battery charger. The maximum speed of the 780CL is slightly slower than the line-operated Tissue-Tearor (25,000 vs 35,000 rpm). However, 25,000 rpm is quite adequate for homogenizing soft tissue like muscle, liver, or brain. The price for the 780CL Tissue-Tearor is the same as the line powered 985370 series. To order a Cordless Tissue-Tearor, combine the 780CL model number with the probe of your choice using the above table (example: 780CL-07).
Product | Product Code |
UltraBlender chamber | Cat No. 893 |
A Rotor-Stator type homogenizer in a sealed chamber. This accessory homogenizes everything a classical cutting blade blender does, but about three times faster, with finer dispersion of the sample and little entrainment of air. It is comparable in performance to the BioHomogenizer Model 1285.
NOTE: The Ultrablender is powered by a Hamilton Beach motor base….the same motor unit used in our BeadBeater and our model 909 Blade Blender.
Hamilton Beach is the worlds largest manufacturer of commercial grade blenders. The model 909 comes with a one liter stainless steel container and can handle the toughest job required from a blade blender.
Although less efficient than rotor-stator homogenizers, blade homogenizers (commonly called laboratory blenders) have been utilized for decades to produce fine brie and extracts from plant and animal tissue. They are fast, have a good working volume and are easy to clean. Compared to other types of homogenizers, they are relatively inexpensive. Blenders cannot efficiently disrupt microorganisms.
Product | Product Code |
1 Liter Hamilton Beach Blender – 115 volt model | 909-BSP |
1 Liter Hamilton Beach Blender – 230 volt model | 909EUR-BSP |
Although less efficient than rotor-stator homogenizers, blade homogenizers (commonly called laboratory blenders) have been utilized for decades to produce fine brie and extracts from plant and animal tissue. They are fast, have a good working volume and are easy to clean. Compared to other types of homogenizers, they are relatively inexpensive. Blenders cannot efficiently disrupt microorganisms.
See below for accessory sealed chambers designed for blade blending smaller quantities tissue.
A low cost, versatile high-speed mixer and blender. Perfect for blade blending in open beakers, jars, and bowls. Swiss-made.
Product | Product Code |
BioMixer, 115 Volt Complete | 10810 |
The BioMixer is a versatile high-speed blender/mixer. Designed for one-hand operation, the BioMixer can be used with any suitable beaker or vessel having at least a 2 inch opening. Three stainless steel attachments allow any combination of mixing, emulsifying, shredding or chopping. A grinding mill attachment is included for dry materials such as seeds, grains, plant fibers, pharmaceutical materials, etc.
The Bio Cryo Tissue Grinder is a high-speed blade mill. The tightly sealed, 3/4 cup capacity (~200 ml) grinding chamber has a sealed pour spout for optional addition and removal of extraction liquids after “dry” grinding.
Product | Product Code |
BioCryo Tissue Grinder | Cat No. BCTG120 |
The BCTG has two distinct applications:
(1) Grinding or shredding dried plant tissue. This prepares the plant tissue for the efficient extraction of biochemicals in water- and solvent-base solvents.
Depending on grinding times of 5 to 60 seconds, one to 10 grams of dry plant tissue (examples: cannabis, spices, and seeds) are reduced to a shredded, granular- or powder-like consistency. After the plant tissue has been shredded or powdered, it can be utilized as is, or optionally, be extracted for flavor, aromatic or bioactive components. A food-compatible extraction solvent such as water, high proof vodka (ethanol) or olive oil is added to the grinding chamber via its pour spout and the BCTG is operated for a few additional seconds.
(2) Disruption of fresh tissue and microbial cells in dry ice. Ideal for the recovery of high molecular weight DNA and other labile intercellular macromolecules.
This process, called cryogrinding, can be applied to a wide range of fresh plant and animal tissues as well as to yeast and fungus. The original tissue must have a high water content (>70%)** and be hard-frozen in order to be powdered at very low temperatures in the presence of dry-ice. The hard-frozen sample is powdered in seconds and the dry ice is removed by sublimation while stored overnight in a freezer. The residual frozen tissue powder remaining in the BCTG chamber is extracted with cold media for further work-up. Cryogrinding is an excellent way to assure stabilization of labile intercellular organelles and biochemicals during size reduction of the tissue sample and is a preferred first step for recovering very large molecular weight DNA from tissues.
** Tougher tissues such as wood, hair, feather, hide, bone and some seeds may not cryogrind in the BCTG. However, some of these tissues may yield to cryogrinding or cryopulverization using other devices manufactured by BioSpec Products. Please contact us for advice at
The BioVortexer™ is a battery-powered motor drive designed to rotate stirring rods or plastic pestles in 1.5 ml microtubes. Rotating at thousands of revolutions per minute, it makes short work of dispersing centrifugal pellets or grinding small tissue samples.
Product | Description | Product Code |
BioVortexer Complete | BioVortexer Stirring Kit. Includes motor, batteries and 100 – 1/8″X3″ stirring rods. | 1083MC |
BioVortexer stirring rods, 3in x 1/8in, 500/box | Additional BioVortexer polypropylene stirring rods, 1/8″X3″ (500 count) | 183 |
BioVortexer with SpiralPestles, 100 count | BioVortexer Grinding Kit. Includes motor, batteries, 100 SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials and sample of SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. | 1017MC |
SpiralPestles & Vials, 100 count | Additional SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials (100 count) and sample of SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. | 1017 |
The BioVortexer has two distinct applications…
The Cryo-Cup™ Grinder is a mortar and pestle specifically designed to pulverize and powder plant and animal tissue samples at liquid nitrogen temperatures. It gives superior results compared to conventional ceramic mortar-pestles.
Product | Description | Product Code |
Cryo-cup Grinder | Cryo-cup™ Grinder, complete. Includes two different size polypropylene pestle balls. See below for extra cups (mortars) and pestle balls. | CatNo. 206 |
Cryo-cup Grinder | Spare handle for use with pestle ball | Cat No. 206H |
Pestle Ball | Polypropylene pestle ball, 1 3/8 inch dia | Cat No. 206PP138 |
Pestle Ball | Polypropylene pestle ball, 1 7/8 inch dia. | Cat No. 206PP178 |
Pestle Ball | Stainless steel pestle ball, 1 3/8 inch dia. | Cat No. 206SS138 |
Pestle Ball | Stainless steel pestle ball, 1 7/8 inch dia. | Cat No. 206SS178 |
Cryo-Cup w/o pestle | Extra s.s. mortar with insulated cup. (Pestle not included) | Cat No. 206C |
The Cryo-Cup Grinder consists of a stainless steel, semicircular bowl (or mortar) embedded in a double walled, insulating cup. Up to 5 grams of hard frozen tissue is placed in the mortar pre-cooled to liq N2 temperature. Using the special hand-held pestle made of non-heat conducting plastic, the tissue is quickly reduced to a powder. Two different sized pestles are provided for a variety of applications.
The Mini Leaf Crusher™ is a hand-held clamp designed for sampling plants and their pathogens in the field and other locations distant from the analytical laboratory. Used in combination with its unique BioSpec DNA Sample Card™, the intracellular contents of leaves, stems, and root tissue are crushed by clamping at thousands of pounds per inch², The released cell extract is immediately captured and stabilized on special cellulose filter paper located within the compact Sample Card. Multiple samples can be collected in a day and no preservatives or low-temperature storage is required for transit of the card(s) to the laboratory for subsequent RNA or DNA analysis.
Using published techniques, the bound nucleic acids can be then be extracted in minutes from the special filter paper in the Card in a purified state ready for direct application in downstream PCR-based methodologies or genome sequencing. The Card alone has additional applications. It is used to stabilize and transport microliter quantities of blood, sputum, urine, and homogenized processed foods.
The Mini Leaf Crusher comes with an introductory five-pack of BioSpec DNA Sample Cards. Additional Sample Cards can be ordered separately.
Product | Product Code |
Mini Leaf Crusher includes 5 BioSpec DNA Sample Cards | Cat No. MLC320 |
BioSpec DNA Sample Cards, 20 pack | Cat No. DSC20 |
BioSpec DNA Sample Cards, 50 pack | Cat No. DSC50 |
Besides DNA, other plant leaf intercellular biochemicals such as RNA and proteins can also be collected and preserved on the Mini Leaf Crushertm Sample Card. The “Mini Leaf Crusher” method can also be applied to extract proteins and nucleic acids from insects, However, most fresh animal tissue samples do not “crush” with this tool due to their high cell wall flexibility. Without using the Mini Leaf Crusher tool, it’s DNA Sample Card can be used to stabilize and transport microliter quantities of bodily fluids (blood, sputum, urine), liquified suspensions of biological/environmental material (feces, lake mud), processed foods, and animal tissues pre-homogenized by other preferred methods1).
HOW IT WORKS: A plant leaf is placed within the folds of the BioSpec DNA Sample Cardtm and the loaded Sample Card is magnetically docked between the jaws of the Mini Leaf Crusher. Manually tightening the Leaf Crusher generates a crushing force in excess of 1000 lbs/in2 on a quarter-inch diameter circular section of the plant leaf. The crushed plant cells are totally disrupted and the resultant cell lysate is captured on the cellulose filter paper located inside the Sample Card. The leaf is discarded and the Sample Card is folded closed and placed in a provided zip-lock polybag containing a pouch of desiccant. The sample extract, now preserved in a dried and stabilized state, is ready for transit to the laboratory for DNA analysis.
On delivery to the lab, the preserved sample spot on the Sample Card’s cellulose filter paper is punched out as a 1/4″ diameter disk with a Leaf Punch or cut out of the Sample Card’s cellulose filter paper in the shape of a dipstick and the DNA, RNA or protein of interest is eluted into an appropriate extraction medium. For an excellent research paper on the rapid and efficient recovery of purified DNA from cell lysates preserved on cellulose paper see Zou, PLoS Bio 15 (11), e2003916.
Because the Mini Leaf Crusher crushes plant leaf samples without coming in direct contact with either the plant leaf or the preservative cellulose filter paper inside the DNA Sample Card, it can be reused repeatedly without the need for cleaning and decontamination. If needed, the leaf crusher can be hand washed with a detergent or briefly immersed in a 1 to 10 dilution of commercial household bleach. The Leaf Crusher should not be autoclaved or flame-sterilized.
1 BioSpec Products manufactures other “field-compatible” homogenizers suitable for lysing cells in “field conditions”:..see the Spiralpestle and Microtube Homogenizer and cordless Portable SoniBeast-Jr. These homogenizers process by wet grinding the sample in extraction media and can be applied to microbial and animal tissue, as well as most types of plant tissue. A drop of the homogenate produced by these devices is spotted on the BioSpec DNA Sample Card – stabilizing it for transportation to a central laboratory.
A beautiful, hand-made mortar & pestle sculptured out of onyx stone.
Product | Product Code |
Onyx Mortar & Pestle | Cat No. 5703 |
A large, classical mortar and pestle. Hand-made from onyx stone. Absolutely beautiful to look at, each mortar and pestle has is own unique stone pattern. Use as intended or as a decorative piece. Five inches high by five inches wide, 6.5 pounds.
Low profile porcelain mortar and pestle.
Product | Product Code |
Porcelain Mortar & Pestle | Cat No. 571 |
Unique, low contour porcelain mortar and pestle has a three inch wide surface. The pestle conforms to the entire surface of the mortar for more efficient, uniform crushing and grinding. Easy grip, low profile handle. Useful for grinding chemicals, dry biological and pharmaceutical materials, seeds, spices, etc. at a low cost.
The NEW SpiralPestle™ and 1.5 ml Microtube grinder is a significant improvement over traditional smooth-walled polypropylene pestle and tube combinations. It is used to homogenize culture cells and small samples (<100 mg wet weight) of soft tissue such as liver, brain, and muscle. It can also be used to disperse centrifugal pellets, precipitates, and other solids.
Product | Description | Product Code |
SpiralPestles and Vials, 100 count | SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials (100 count) and a sample of Spiral Grinding Beads. | 1017 |
BioVortexer with SpiralPestles, 100 count | BioVortexer™ Tissue Grinding Kit. Includes BioVortexer motor drive, batteries, 100 SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials and a sample of SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. | 1017MC |
SpiralPestle Grinding Beads, 50 cc bottle | SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. Glass beads for pestle and microvial grinders, 50 cc bottle with pour spout. | 1017GB |
The SpiralPestle™ has a unique screw-like pattern on its surface. The ‘theads’ of the turning pestle serve as a screw pump to draw 10 to 100 mg of soft plant or animal tissue suspended in a 200 to 500 µl of extraction solution to the bottom of the microvial where it is macerated and mechanically dispersed between the rounded bottom of the pestle and vial. Tissue grinding is further enhanced by including a pinch of glass grinding beads (a sample is included with each SpiralPestle order).
While pestle and microtube grinders are traditionally operated by hand rotation, to achieve optimum homogenization efficiency the SpiralPestle should be combined with a BioVortexer™. The BioVortexer is a low-cost, hand-held mixing motor drive. With its greatly increased rotational speed (~9000 rpm) and the addition of some glass grinding beads, lysis of soft tissue samples is completed in seconds.
All stainless steel Potter-Elvehjem style tubular mortar and pestle. Superb temperature control during use, shatter-free, easy to clean.
Product | Product Code |
Stainless Steel Tissue Grinder | Cat No. 1292 |
Tissue grinders are designed to gently homogenize fresh, soft tissue in an excess of appropriate aqueous solvent. Most tissue grinders are made of glass or plastic. This all stainless-steel mortar and pestle (Potter-Elvehjem style) tissue grinder provides superior temperature control and greater plunger forces without the danger of shattering glass. Less effort is required to achieve complete homogenization because of the precise 0.1 mm clearance between the smooth walls of the pestle and tube. The Tissue Grinder has a working volume of 5-15ml and comes with a removable, broad base for convenient upright standing during use and easy cleaning afterwards. 21 cm X 5 cm, 0.5 Kg. Type 316 stainless-steel construction. If motor-driven rotation is desired during use, the top knob can be screwed off.
Protocol for dry grinding small frozen samples at liquid nitrogen temperature (i.e., cryo-grinding): Three 3.2 mm dia. or two 6.25 mm dia. chrome-steel beads are added to either a 2 ml stainless steel vial or an ‘XXTuff’ 2 ml polypropylene vial. The vial and beads are brought to liq N2 temperature…without entrapping any liq N2 inside the vial. Then add hard frozen cartilage, skin or other tough tissue (pre-chopping the sample is not be necessary), quickly seal the vial and grind for 10-15 seconds in a MiniBeadbeater. The sample will be powdered. Then promptly add liquid media of your choice to the still frozen, powdered sample in the original vial and beadbeat for 0.5-3 minutes. The optimal beadbeating time will vary with sample type and is empirically determined with a time study of 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 minutes of beadbeating.
No matter what mechanical device is used to homogenize or lyse tissue (bead-mill, tissue grinder, rotor-stator device, ultrasonicator, high-pressure press, etc) the tissue will process faster if it is first reduced to very small pieces (<1 mm pieces).
If the tissue is fresh, size reduction can be done by repetitive chopping with a scalpel or single-edge razor blade. Another way to pulverize tissue is to freeze it in liq N2 and impact it with with a hammer or a spinning blade. Called cryopulverization, the method is fast and improves the yield of proteins or nucleic acids after subsequent homogenization steps.
Tools to cryopulverize tissue…
The BioPulverizer quickly fragments hard frozen tissue samples into tiny pieces the size of grains of sand or course powder. The primary benefit of pulverizing pieces of tissue is to optimize subsequent rapid and complete cell lysis using lytic solutions or mechanical homogenizers. For difficult tissues such as tendon, skin, and tumors it is an essential step. The BioPulverizer is also used at room temperature to fragment friable, dry biomaterial such as non-oily seeds, bone and teeth.
There are four different hand-operated BioPulverizers for quickly pulverizing 10 mg to 10 g of frozen tissue.
The BioPulverizer reduces tissue hard-frozen in liquid nitrogen to a fine powder. Because of the high water content, most fresh tissue becomes as brittle as glass at liquid nitrogen temperatures. A sharp blow with a hammer will shatter it into tiny pieces. Called freeze-fracturing or cryopulverization, the method is especially useful for preparing tough, fibrous tissues such as skin, cartilage, cornea, etc. for subsequent rapid cell disruption using other techniques. The Bio-Pulverizer consists of a hole machined in a stainless steel base into which fits a special piston, or pestle. In a typical procedure, up to 10 g of animal or plant tissue is hard-frozen in liquid nitrogen and placed in the pre-chilled BioPulverizer. The piston delivers a blow to the brittle tissue reducing it to powder.
Cryopulverization with the Bio-Pulverizer is also useful for extracting labile tissue metabolites. And, for affinity proteomics studies, cryogrinding with a bead mill such as our MiniBeadbeater is the preferred way to disrupt cells for recovery of native protein complexes.
The 59012 MS Multi-Well BioPulverizer is made of stainless steel. The mass of the stainless steel will retain the cold long enough for you to complete your pulverization without adding additional liquid nitrogen. After being cooled to liq N2 temperatures, samples of hard frozen tissue are added to each of the 12 wells. One-by-one, a stainless steel pestle is inserted into each well and given a blow with the provided hammer. After removing the pestle, the cylindrical stainless steel sleeve is lifted off the base or platform, thus making accessible the hard frozen, powdered tissue remaining in a shallow well of the base. Working quickly, the still frozen powdered tissue is removed with a spatula and transferred to a user-provided tube for processing in a buffer or nucleic acid extraction media.
The BioSqueezer is used to “snap-freeze” (quickly freeze) 10-100 mg of soft animal and human tissue. It does the same thing as a classic freeze clamp but is easier to use and gives more reproducible results.
Fresh tissue is compressed into a thin disc about the size of a small coin under pressure from a stainless steel clamp head that has been pre-cooled in liquid nitrogen or dry ice. Freezing occurs in a few milliseconds, thus offering a “snapshot” of metabolic events in the cells. The hard frozen disc is easily fragmented by hand or by grinding in a Cryo-Cup mortar and pestle for subsequent rapid extraction of labile nucleic acids*, proteins and other intracellular products.
* Very high molecular weight DNA is obtained by cryo-pulverizing hard frozen tissue using one of our dry-milling devices (see Cryo-Cup mortar and pestle, BioPulverizer , or MiniBeadbeater) followed by passive extraction (i.e., minimum physical stirring, pipetting or agitation during the cell lysis step in DNA extraction solution).
How the BioSqueezer is operated…
A small beaker, Styrofoam cup, or similar vessel is placed on the BioSqueezer platform and the metal clamp is lowered. Liquid nitrogen is slowly and carefully poured into the vessel until the boiling action of the liquid nitrogen subsides. The cooling process takes about a minute and, once cooled to the desired temperature, the stainless metal clamp head will remain adequately cold for several minutes. The vessel is removed and the fresh sample, by itself or already placed in a sterile poly-bag*, is placed on the platform. The s.s. head is quickly lowered and clamped. Clamping must be done rapidly or the sample will freeze uncompressed.
It may be necessary to adjust the BioSqueezer using ‘practice’ tissue. The optimal clamp setting can vary with the softness and size of the tissue sample. Clamping force and the degree of squeezing on the tissue can be easily adjusted by changing the position of the metal clamp head with the wing nut, black plastic nut and stainless steel hex bolt.
The thin wafer of tissue can be manually fragmented inside the poly bag while still hard frozen. Fragmenting hard frozen tissue into small pieces speeds up subsequent chemical extraction or mechanical homogenization and also inhances the penetration of RNAlater™ and other expediants used for tissue preservation and stabilization of intracellular biochemicals.
* A sample pack of Poly-Bags is included with the BioSqueezer.
The Cryo-Cup™ Grinder is a mortar and pestle specifically designed to pulverize and powder plant and animal tissue samples at liquid nitrogen temperatures. It gives superior results compared to conventional ceramic mortar-pestles.
Product | Description | Product Code |
Cryo-cup Grinder | Cryo-cup™ Grinder, complete. Includes two different size polypropylene pestle balls. See below for extra cups (mortars) and pestle balls. | CatNo. 206 |
Cryo-cup Grinder | Spare handle for use with pestle ball | Cat No. 206H |
Pestle Ball | Polypropylene pestle ball, 1 3/8 inch dia | Cat No. 206PP138 |
Pestle Ball | Polypropylene pestle ball, 1 7/8 inch dia. | Cat No. 206PP178 |
Pestle Ball | Stainless steel pestle ball, 1 3/8 inch dia. | Cat No. 206SS138 |
Pestle Ball | Stainless steel pestle ball, 1 7/8 inch dia. | Cat No. 206SS178 |
Cryo-Cup w/o pestle | Extra s.s. mortar with insulated cup. (Pestle not included) | Cat No. 206C |
The Cryo-Cup Grinder consists of a stainless steel, semicircular bowl (or mortar) embedded in a double walled, insulating cup. Up to 5 grams of hard frozen tissue is placed in the mortar precooled to liq N2 temperature. Using the special hand-held pestle made of non-heat conducting plastic, the tissue is quickly reduced to a powder. Two different sized pestles are provided for a variety of applications.
The Mini Leaf Crusher™ is a hand-held clamp designed for sampling plants and their pathogens in the field and other locations distant from the analytical laboratory. Used in combination with its unique BioSpec DNA Sample Card™, the intracellular contents of leaves, stems, and root tissue are crushed by clamping at thousands of pounds per inch², The released cell extract is immediately captured and stabilized on special cellulose filter paper located within the compact Sample Card. Multiple samples can be collected in a day and no preservatives or low-temperature storage is required for transit of the card(s) to the laboratory for subsequent RNA or DNA analysis.
Using published techniques, the bound nucleic acids can be then be extracted in minutes from the special filter paper in the Card in a purified state ready for direct application in downstream PCR-based methodologies or genome sequencing. The Card alone has additional applications. It is used to stabilize and transport microliter quantities of blood, sputum, urine, and homogenized processed foods.
The Mini Leaf Crusher comes with an introductory five-pack of BioSpec DNA Sample Cards. Additional Sample Cards can be ordered separately.
Product | Product Code |
Mini Leaf Crusher includes 5 BioSpec DNA Sample Cards | Cat No. MLC320 |
BioSpec DNA Sample Cards, 20 pack | Cat No. DSC20 |
BioSpec DNA Sample Cards, 50 pack | Cat No. DSC50 |
Besides DNA, other plant leaf intercellular biochemicals such as RNA and proteins can also be collected and preserved on the Mini Leaf Crushertm Sample Card. The “Mini Leaf Crusher” method can also be applied to extract proteins and nucleic acids from insects, However, most fresh animal tissue samples do not “crush” with this tool due to their high cell wall flexibility. Without using the Mini Leaf Crusher tool, it’s DNA Sample Card can be used to stabilize and transport microliter quantities of bodily fluids (blood, sputum, urine), liquified suspensions of biological/environmental material (feces, lake mud), processed foods, and animal tissues pre-homogenized by other preferred methods1).
HOW IT WORKS: A plant leaf is placed within the folds of the BioSpec DNA Sample Cardtm and the loaded Sample Card is magnetically docked between the jaws of the Mini Leaf Crusher. Manually tightening the Leaf Crusher generates a crushing force in excess of 1000 lbs/in2 on a quarter-inch diameter circular section of the plant leaf. The crushed plant cells are totally disrupted and the resultant cell lysate is captured on the cellulose filter paper located inside the Sample Card. The leaf is discarded and the Sample Card is folded closed and placed in a provided zip-lock polybag containing a pouch of desiccant. The sample extract, now preserved in a dried and stabilized state, is ready for transit to the laboratory for DNA analysis.
On delivery to the lab, the preserved sample spot on the Sample Card’s cellulose filter paper is punched out as a 1/4″ diameter disk with a Leaf Punch or cut out of the Sample Card’s cellulose filter paper in the shape of a dipstick and the DNA, RNA or protein of interest is eluted into an appropriate extraction medium. For an excellent research paper on the rapid and efficient recovery of purified DNA from cell lysates preserved on cellulose paper see Zou, PLoS Bio 15 (11), e2003916.
Because the Mini Leaf Crusher crushes plant leaf samples without coming in direct contact with either the plant leaf or the preservative cellulose filter paper inside the DNA Sample Card, it can be reused repeatedly without the need for cleaning and decontamination. If needed, the leaf crusher can be hand washed with a detergent or briefly immersed in a 1 to 10 dilution of commercial household bleach. The Leaf Crusher should not be autoclaved or flame-sterilized.
1 BioSpec Products manufactures other “field-compatible” homogenizers suitable for lysing cells in “field conditions”:..see the Spiralpestle and Microtube Homogenizer and cordless Portable SoniBeast-Jr. These homogenizers process by wet grinding the sample in extraction media and can be applied to microbial and animal tissue, as well as most types of plant tissue. A drop of the homogenate produced by these devices is spotted on the BioSpec DNA Sample Card – stabilizing it for transportation to a central laboratory.
The Bio Cryo Tissue Grinder is a high-speed blade mill. The tightly sealed, 3/4 cup capacity (~200 ml) grinding chamber has a sealed pour spout for optional addition and removal of extraction liquids after “dry” grinding.
Product | Product Code |
BioCryo Tissue Grinder | Cat No. BCTG120 |
The BCTG has two distinct applications:
(1) Grinding or shredding dried plant tissue. This prepares the plant tissue for the efficient extraction of biochemicals in water- and solvent-base solvents.
Depending on grinding times of 5 to 60 seconds, one to 10 grams of dry plant tissue (examples: cannabis, spices, and seeds) are reduced to a shredded, granular- or powder-like consistency. After the plant tissue has been shredded or powdered, it can be utilized as is, or optionally, be extracted for flavor, aromatic or bioactive components. A food-compatible extraction solvent such as water, high proof vodka (ethanol) or olive oil is added to the grinding chamber via its pour spout and the BCTG is operated for a few additional seconds.
(2) Disruption of fresh tissue and microbial cells in dry ice. Ideal for the recovery of high molecular weight DNA and other labile intercellular macromolecules.
This process, called cryogrinding, can be applied to a wide range of fresh plant and animal tissues as well as to yeast and fungus. The original tissue must have a high water content (>70%)** and be hard-frozen in order to be powdered at very low temperatures in the presence of dry-ice. The hard-frozen sample is powdered in seconds and the dry ice is removed by sublimation while stored overnight in a freezer. The residual frozen tissue powder remaining in the BCTG chamber is extracted with cold media for further work-up. Cryogrinding is an excellent way to assure stabilization of labile intercellular organelles and biochemicals during size reduction of the tissue sample and is a preferred first step for recovering very large molecular weight DNA from tissues.
** Tougher tissues such as wood, hair, feather, hide, bone and some seeds may not cryogrind in the BCTG. However, some of these tissues may yield to cryogrinding or cryopulverization using other devices manufactured by BioSpec Products. Please contact us for advice at
Hand-operated device especially useful for crushing bone and tooth samples.
Product | Product Code |
MicroCryoCrusher | Cat No. 597 |
A compact, low cost screw-press primarily designed to pulverize 50-500mg of hard, brittle material such as bone or teeth. The sample is inserted into in the pre-chilled pulverizer ‘nut’ and then crushed by manually screwing together two screw plungers. Fresh, deform able tissue can also be pulverized, but the sample must be first made hard and brittle by freezing in liquid nitrogen. The end result is a sample crushed to a powder. The device is often used as a preliminary step in processing a sample for subsequent cell homogenization and extraction. For cryo-pulverization of larger and/or multiple samples of soft or elastic tissue, see the BioPulverizer.
** This is a protocol for biological samples that are soft, oily, bendable or compressible. Naturally Brittle samples that can be shattered with a hammer (e.g., teeth, dryed bone) do not require freezing in liq.N2.
For information on the origin and use of this device, see Preparation of Bone Samples for DNA Extraction: A Nuts and Bolt Approach, M.G. Thomas and L.J. Moore, BioTechniques, Vol.22, p.402 (1997).
A beautiful, hand-made mortar & pestle sculptured out of onyx stone.
Product | Product Code |
Onyx Mortar & Pestle | Cat No. 5703 |
A large, classical mortar and pestle. Hand-made from onyx stone. Absolutely beautiful to look at, each mortar and pestle has is own unique stone pattern. Use as intended or as a decorative piece. Five inches high by five inches wide, 6.5 pounds.
Low profile porcelain mortar and pestle.
Product | Product Code |
Porcelain Mortar & Pestle | Cat No. 571 |
Unique, low contour porcelain mortar and pestle has a three inch wide surface. The pestle conforms to the entire surface of the mortar for more efficient, uniform crushing and grinding. Easy grip, low profile handle. Useful for grinding chemicals, dry biological and pharmaceutical materials, seeds, spices, etc. at a low cost.
All stainless steel Potter-Elvehjem style tubular mortar and pestle. Superb temperature control during use, shatter-free, easy to clean.
Product | Product Code |
Stainless Steel Tissue Grinder | Cat No. 1292 |
Tissue grinders are designed to gently homogenize fresh, soft tissue in an excess of appropriate aqueous solvent. Most tissue grinders are made of glass or plastic. This all stainless-steel mortar and pestle (Potter-Elvehjem style) tissue grinder provides superior temperature control and greater plunger forces without the danger of shattering glass. Less effort is required to achieve complete homogenization because of the precise 0.1 mm clearance between the smooth walls of the pestle and tube. The Tissue Grinder has a working volume of 5-15ml and comes with a removable, broad base for convenient upright standing during use and easy cleaning afterwards. 21 cm X 5 cm, 0.5 Kg. Type 316 stainless-steel construction. If motor-driven rotation is desired during use, the top knob can be screwed off.
Protocol for dry grinding small frozen samples at liquid nitrogen temperature (i.e., cryo-grinding): Three 3.2 mm dia. or two 6.25 mm dia. chrome-steel beads are added to either a 2 ml stainless steel vial or an ‘XXTuff’ 2 ml polypropylene vial. The vial and beads are brought to liq N2 temperature…without entrapping any liq N2 inside the vial. Then add hard frozen cartilage, skin or other tough tissue (pre-chopping the sample is not be necessary), quickly seal the vial and grind for 10-15 seconds in a MiniBeadbeater. The sample will be powdered. Then promptly add liquid media of your choice to the still frozen, powdered sample in the original vial and beadbeat for 0.5-3 minutes. The optimal beadbeating time will vary with sample type and is empirically determined with a time study of 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 minutes of beadbeating.
Tissue dispersers are often the starting point when isolating individual cells from samples of tissue. The action of these mechanical devices alone, sometimes in combination with enzymatic digestion of the intracellular matrix, is gentle enough to disperse fresh tissue into individual, viable cells.
As might be expected, no tissue disperser is perfect. Depending on the method used, the dispersion process yields some cells that are no longer viable and there is always a proportion of tissue remaining as small, multicellular aggregates.
A low cost, disposable, tissue disperser for up to 100 mg samples of soft tissue (e.g., liver, brain and muscle). The Dueling Syringes™ tissue disperser is a significant improvement over the classic “syringe-needle-syringe” method of tissue dispersion. The needle is replaced with an embedded 500 micron stainless steel screen inside a 1 ml polycarbonate syringe. Manual passage of the sample back and forth through the screen is fast, gentle and efficient. Sold as a pack of five pairs of syringes.
The DuelingSyringes™ tissue disperser is a low shear method used to recover intact, viable cells or as an initial step in the isolation of high quality intracellular organelles in a native condition. The disperser consists of a pair of 1 ml syringes connected together via their Luer connections. One of the syringes has an embedded 500 micron stainless steel screen. Tissue is loaded into the syringe and forced back and forth through the screen by alternate manual pushing of the syringe plungers. Compared to the classic syringe-needle-syringe method of tissue dispersion, the DuelingSyringes method is faster and more gentle in the processing of small samples of soft tissue. Less pushing effort is required and the number of multiple passes from one syringe to the other is decreased. Glass and metal syringes used in the classic method are replaced with low cost, disposable syringes…thus, cross contamination and clean-up concerns are eliminated.
Product | Product Code |
DuelingSyringes™ Tissue Disperser |
116 |
The BioSqueezer is used to “snap-freeze” (quickly freeze) 10-100 mg of soft animal and human tissue. It does the same thing as a classic freeze clamp but is easier to use and gives more reproducable results.
Fresh tissue is compressed into a thin disc about the size of a small coin under pressure from a stainless steel clamp head that has been pre-cooled in liquid nitrogen or dry ice. Freezing occurs in a few milliseconds, thus offering a “snapshot” of metabolic events in the cells. The hard frozen disc is easily fragmented by hand or by grinding in a Cryo-Cup mortar and pestle for subsequent rapid extraction of labile nucleic acids*, proteins and other intracellular products.
* Very high molecular weight DNA is obtained by cryo-pulverizing hard frozen tissue using one of our dry-milling devices (see Cryo-Cup mortar and pestle, BioPulverizer , or MiniBeadbeater) followed by passive extraction (i.e., minimum physical stirring, pipetting or agitation during the cell lysis step in DNA extraction solution).
The Lever Tissue Press prepares tissue as an initial mincing step preceeding mechanical homogenization (cell disruption) or preceeding single cells isolation from solid tissue by digestion of extracellular connective matrix with proteolytic enzyme. The press eliminates tedious chopping of tissue into little pieces with a scissors or scalpel and produces much smaller tissue pieces. Unlike many other tissue dispersion/blending devices, no buffer is added in its operation.
Tissue processed in this press must be “soft”, relatively non-fibrous and have high water content. Acceptible examples are muscle, brain, liver, plant fruits, and some plant roots and tubers. If the tissue is fatty or partially fibrous, manually trim off the tough or fatty parts before pressing. Fibrous tissue will interfere with the passage of the soft tissue through the press and lower the yield of dispersed cell material. Unacceptible tissues are skin, hide, connective tissue, woody or fibrous plant stems, many mature seeds and all dried tissues.
Special App! Disaggregation of tissue for primary culture – An improved method for enzymatic tissue disaggregation. The incubation period with the digestive enzymes is reduced and diffusion of nutrients and gases in the tissue during incubation is optimized. Expect to get higher yields of viable cells.
Product | Product Code |
Lever Tissue Press | 317 |
Operating Instructions:
1) Retract the piston of the Lever Tissue Press from its stainless steel “can”. Add 1 to 10 g of fresh tissue into the cavity of the “can” and insert the piston back into position.
2) Gripping the two levers, force the piston down the can. Scrape the dispersed tissue protruding from the bottom of the can with a knife or scapel. Depending on the amount of connective or fibrous tissue present in the sample, the yield of dispersed tissue will vary from 20-95%.
The MicroMincertm is a compact, hand-operated screw press which macerates 0.5 grams or less of soft1 fresh plant or animal tissue (e.g. muscle, liver, brain, epicotyl and pulpy leaf tissue) without sample loss, heat generation, foaming, or aerosol problems. The sample, without added buffer, is pushed through a 250-micron stainless-steel sieve under thousands of pounds of force. The tissue emerges from the tip of the MicroMincer having the consistency of liver paté.
In the case of most plant tissues, fibrous pulp is left behind on the sieve while cell juice and intracellular products are extruded. The resultant extract can be deposited directly in microtubes.
The stainless steel MicroMincer utilizes disposable polypropylene liners. Thus, multiple samples can be quickly processed without a need to clean or risk of contamination between samples.
The Screw Tissue Press is used to initially disperse soft animal tissue (e.g., muscle, kidney, spleen, liver) before using mechanical, detergent, or chemical-based methods to lyse the cells. Compared to manually chopping using scissors or a scalpel, much smaller tissue fragments are produced and the cell lysis that follows will be faster and more complete. Notably, the addition of buffer is not required to use the Screw Tissue Press. The dispersed tissue exits the Screw Tissue Press having a consistency much like liver paté or toothpaste.
The Screw Press is also used in the preparation of viable single cells from soft animal tissue by enzymatic digestion of connective matrix. Screw tissue Press dispersion delivers higher yields of viable cells by significantly reducing incubation time with proteases and enhancing the diffusion of essential nutrients and gases during the incubation with the enzymes.
Product | Product Code |
Screw Tissue Press, 10-50 ml | 695 |
Acceptable tissue is soft, relatively non-fibrous, and has high water content. Examples are muscle, brain, liver, plant fruits, some plant roots, and tubers. If the tissue sample is partially fibrous, fatty or covered with a tough membrane, first manually trim off the tough or fatty parts. Fibrous tissue will interfere with the passage of the soft tissue through the press and lower the yield of dispersed cell material. Skin, hide, cartilaginous tissue, plant stems, wood, and all dried tissues cannot be processed.
1) Partially retract the piston cylinder of the Screw Tissue Press to make room for the tissue. Unscrew the ‘cap’ with its array of holes from the bottom of the Screw Tissue Press and place 0.5 to 10 g of tissue sample into the cavity of the press. (For smaller sized samples see our MIcroMincer tissue press below)
Generally, the array of 2 mm diameter holes in the press cap is used. However, if your sample is soft, non-fibrous material with high water content, you can also use the included 500-micron stainless steel wire sieve. Carefully center the screen on the end of the press cylinder after adding the sample tissue and screw on the press cap.
2) Manually turn the piston to extrude the tissue. The dispersed tissue will exit the press having a paste- or granular-like texture. Depending on the amount of connective or fibrous tissue present in the sample, the yield of dispersed tissue will vary from 20-95%.
3) Extruded tissue material can be released from the end of the Screw Tissue Press with a scalpel or single edge razor blade.
The NEW SpiralPestle™ and 1.5 ml Microtube grinder is a significant improvement over traditional smooth-walled polypropylene pestle and tube combinations. It is used to homogenize culture cells and small samples (<100 mg wet weight) of soft tissue such as liver, brain, and muscle. It can also be used to disperse centrifugal pellets, precipitates, and other solids.
Product | Description | Product Code |
SpiralPestles and Vials, 100 count | SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials (100 count) and a sample of Spiral Grinding Beads. | 1017 |
BioVortexer with SpiralPestles, 100 count | BioVortexer™ Tissue Grinding Kit. Includes BioVortexer motor drive, batteries, 100 SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials and a sample of SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. | 1017MC |
SpiralPestle Grinding Beads, 50 cc bottle | SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. Glass beads for pestle and microvial grinders, 50 cc bottle with pour spout. | 1017GB |
The SpiralPestle™ has a unique screw-like pattern on its surface. The ‘theads’ of the turning pestle serve as a screw pump to draw 10 to 100 mg of soft plant or animal tissue suspended in a 200 to 500 µl of extraction solution to the bottom of the microvial where it is macerated and mechanically dispersed between the rounded bottom of the pestle and vial. Tissue grinding is further enhanced by including a pinch of glass grinding beads (a sample is included with each SpiralPestle order).
While pestle and microtube grinders are traditionally operated by hand rotation, to achieve optimum homogenization efficiency the SpiralPestle should be combined with a BioVortexer™. The BioVortexer is a low-cost, hand-held mixing motor drive. With its greatly increased rotational speed (~9000 rpm) and the addition of some glass grinding beads, lysis of soft tissue samples is completed in seconds.
Our BioChopper Kit provides two simple tools to aid in preparing your tissue samples for homogenation.
Product | Product Code |
BioChopper Kit | Cat No. BCK319 |
Tissue extraction or tissue grinding is significantly improved by first chopping tissue into small pieces less than a milliliter in size. Our BioChopper Kit provides two manually operated tools: One holds a single edge razor blade and the other, a rotary razor blade. Both tools are easy to grasp and manipulate. Removal and replcement of the blades is simple. Lastly, the kit includes a special chopping mat to preserve blade sharpness and a tray designed to aid recovery of chopped sample.
Both tools are autoclavable and come with spare blades.
A low cost, versatile high-speed mixer and blender. Perfect for blade blending in open beakers, jars, and bowls. Swiss-made.
Product | Product Code |
BioMixer, 115 Volt Complete | 10810 |
The BioMixer is a versatile high-speed blender/mixer. Designed for one-hand operation, the BioMixer can be used with any suitable beaker or vessel having at least a 2 inch opening. Three stainless steel attachments allow any combination of mixing, emulsifying, shredding or chopping. A grinding mill attachment is included for dry materials such as seeds, grains, plant fibers, pharmaceutical materials, etc.
The BioRotator-6 is a fully adjustable, rotational mixer designed for a wide variety of mixing needs.
The BioRotator-6 is a compact, rotational mixer used for a wide variety of mixing needs. The mixing angle is fully adjustable and six mixing speeds are provided. When adjusted with the rotation axis of the motor in a horizontal position, a roller tube attachment (792E) permits hybridization and membrane blotting using as little as 2 ml of probe solution. Using a tray attachment (792T) and adjusting the axis of the BioRotator-6 a few degrees off vertical gives the gentle rocking and swirling action required for conventional destaining and blotting applications. With axis angles between these extremes (and attachments 792R, 792H, or 792MC), one gets a rotating or back and forth washing action the length of the vial, tube, or microplate well. The BioRotator operates at low voltages and easily fits in a laboratory incubator or refrigerator. It can also be used in the field. All accessories snap on using novel fastener strips.
The BioVortexer™ is a battery-powered motor drive designed to rotate stirring rods or plastic pestles in 1.5 ml microtubes. Rotating at thousands of revolutions per minute, it makes short work of dispersing centrifugal pellets or grinding small tissue samples.
Product | Description | Product Code |
BioVortexer Complete | BioVortexer Stirring Kit. Includes motor, batteries and 100 – 1/8″X3″ stirring rods. | 1083MC |
BioVortexer stirring rods, 3in x 1/8in, 500/box | Additional BioVortexer polypropylene stirring rods, 1/8″X3″ (500 count) | 183 |
BioVortexer with SpiralPestles, 100 count | BioVortexer Grinding Kit. Includes motor, batteries, 100 SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials and sample of SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. | 1017MC |
SpiralPestles & Vials, 100 count | Additional SpiralPestles™ with matching 1.5 ml microvials (100 count) and sample of SpiralPestle™ Grinding Beads. | 1017 |
The BioVortexer has two distinct applications…
Rapidly disperses packed centrifugal pellets in 2.0, 1.5 and 0.5 ml micro-centrifuge tubes.
The answer for rapid dispersal of packed centrifugal pellets in 2.0, 1.5 and 0.5 ml micro-centrifuge tubes. Inspired by a methods paper in BioTechniques, the Tube-Tickler quickly suspends even firmly sedimented or sticky pellets in seconds. Superior to an ordinary tube vortexer, the microtube is held against a specially designed rotating agitator head. The unique slapping action of the agitator head vigorously vibrates and swirls the tube contents. Featuring one hand operation, the Tube-Tickler is activated by light pressure on the top of the mixer.
In another application, the superior mixing energy imparted by the agitator head of the Tube-Tickler makes it significantly more efficient than a standard vortexer mixer when used to disrupt cells by beadbeating (bead milling method). Simply add an equal volume of the appropriate size and kind of beads to the cell or tissue suspension and beadbeat for 2-5 minutes. BioSpec also manufactures faster, more productive machines for beadbeating.
A New Application for the TubeTickler: The TubeTickler can be used to disrupt cell or tissue samples using the same protocols used with common lab vortexers shakers and some commercial bead mills. The sample and beads are vigorously agitated in a microvial for 1-3 minutes. It is an low cost way to disrupt a few samples for protein or nucleic acid isolation and delays equipment expenditures for a high-throughput MiniBeadbeater cell disrupter.
The Jiffy Mixer is specially designed to stir viscous solutions.
Product | Product Code |
Jiffy Mixer |
Cat No. LM |
The small mixing shaft and head of the Jiffy Mixer is specially designed to stir viscous solutions (like food toppings, lotions, cell paste, epoxy resins, paint – anything that is ‘flowable’). It thoroughly disperses and/or dissolves multi-part mixtures or suspensions of powders. Where ordinary propeller-type mixers fail due to vortexing, foaming or inadequate mix action, the Jiffy Mixer cuts mixing times of viscous materials by up to 90%. This unique design eliminates splashing and entrapment of air.
Chrome steel has a density of 7.9g/cc (used mostly for grinding leaves). Beads are sold in one pound bottles.
Listed bead sizes are median (average) values. Because beads are sorted by sieves, bead size varies between +/-10% of a listed value.
With either stainless steel or chrome steel beads, common polypropylene microvials will break if ‘dry’ grinding or cryo-grinding is attempted in our MiniBeadbeaters. In this case, our 2 ml stainless steel microvials with silicone rubber caps or our 2 ml XXTuff polypropylene screw cap microvials are recommended.
Garnet sharp particles are sold in one pound bottles. Average size +/- 20%
Product | Product Code |
0.3mm diameter | 11079103gar |
2.0mm diameter | 11079120gar |
Like Silicon Carbide sharp particles, these abrasive particles have sharp cutting edges that may accelerate lysis of plant and tough animal tissue in a Mini-Beadbeater vial.
Unlike Silicon Carbide particles, Garnet particles fracture into smaller size particles during the beadbeating process. This can be an advantage if you want to simultaniously lyse a sample of tissue containing microbial cells. Similarly, largeer 2 mm diameter particles help disperse fecal samples, and at the same time lyse microorganisms in the sample. Garnet particles should not be used to disrupt tissue if the goal is to recover viable microbial cells or intact intracellular organelles.
NOTE: Garnet Particles should not be used with the BeadBeater Model 1107900.
Preliminary information suggests that plant and animal tissue can be disrupted more quickly with sharp-edged material rather than smooth beads. Particles are sold in one pound bottles.
Product | Product Code |
0.1mm diameter | 11079101sc |
1.0mm diameter | 11079110sc |
4.0mm diameter | 11079140sc |
The sharp, hard edges of these irregular particles impart a knife-like cutting action during high-energy shaking in Mini-Beadbeater vials. They may abrade and micro-chop tough tissue faster than beads. For softer tissues beads are preferred. These beads are dusty. Wash with lab detergent before first use.
NOTE: While Silicon-Carbide Sharp Particles are routinely used with any of our MiniBeadbeater models, they should not be used with the BeadBeater, model 1107900.
Glass has a density of 2.5 g/cc and is the most commonly used bead media for “beadbeating.” Beads are sold in one pound bottles with easy pour spouts. Listed bead sizes are median (average) values. Because beads are sorted by sieves, bead size varies between +/-10% of a listed value.
For those of you working on a smartphone microscope as described by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory we now have a bead sample pack available for you.
Each pack comes with a sample our 0.5, 1.0, and 3.5 mm glass beads. Each sample contains a smaller amount of beads than our standard one pound bottles. However there more than enough beads to create almost 150 scopes using the 3.5 mm beads and a few thousand with each of the two smaller sizes.
Please note that our beads are a grinding grade and not precision grade of bead. As they are not precision beads, some will have slight clarity and size irregularities. As there are hundreds to several thousand beads of each size in the Sample Pack, you will have many to select from to find perfect ones.
Stainless steel beads have a density of 7.9g/cc. They are used mostly for grinding leaves and seeds. They are made of Type 316 stainless steel – the most corrosion resistant available.
Product | Product Code |
1.5mm diameter, 45g | 11079115ss |
2.3mm diameter, 90g | 11079123ss |
3.2mm diameter, 90g | 11079132ss |
6.35mm diameter, 100 beads | 11079635ss |
*Note: These beads are not sold in one pound amounts.
Stainless steel beads are relatively expensive but can be cleaned and reused. A more economic and time-saving option is to substitute chrome steel beads for the stainless steel beads. Chrome steel beads much less expensive than stainless beads. After beadbeating they can be quickly retrieved from the microvial with a magnet and discarded (i.e., no cleanup, no cross contamination).
With either stainless steel or chrome steel beads, common polypropylene microvials may break if ‘dry’ grinding or cryo-grinding is attempted. Our stainless steel microvials with silicone rubber caps or our XXTuff polypropylene vials are recommended for this application.
A replacement thermal-conductive media for water baths and aluminum heat blocks.
Product | Product Code |
Tiny Teardrops™ Aluminum Beads |
150419 |
Aluminum has excellent thermal conductivity properties and good corrosion resistance. With these properties, small aluminum beads have become a popular substitute for water in a laboratory bath. There are several advantages: Heated bead baths can be left on so they are always ready to use without monitoring and refilling. Similarly, cooling buckets can be left in a refrigerator or freezer until needed. Vials or tubes inserted into the beads are firmly supported and do not tip over or sink, the risk of contamination from the water is eliminated, the beads are easy to decontaminate and sterilize, and the energy efficiency of heating baths are improved by a factor of 2 or 3. While spherical-, raisin- or cylindrical-shaped aluminum “beads” available from other suppliers provide the above improvements, BioSpec’s Tiny Teardrops™ aluminum beads go a step further. Their shape permits higher packing densities and 10X greater surface-to-surface contact for improved heat conduction.
NOTE: Thermal beads are not always a preferred alternative to water. Pros and cons are discussed in an objective “advertorial” on thermal beads sponsored by ThermoFisher Scientific [BioTechniques, Vol 63, Issue 5, p.238-239 (Nov 2017)]. See also “Converting from Water to Aluminum Beads in Lab Baths or Ice Buckets” by Mike May [Lab Manager, Vol.11, No.3, p.63 (2016)]. In short, unlike the uniform properties of a stirred water bath and despite the excellent thermal conductivity of aluminum beads, a stable, depth-dependent temperature gradient will be established in a bath filled with metallic beads. There will be a discrepancy between the bath’s gauge temperature and the temperature of the inserted tube. Always keep an accurate thermometer in the aluminum bead bath and locate it in the same position as the sample vessel.
Tungsten Carbide has a density of 14.9g/cc. While very dense, these dense beads impart a brown-gray color to homogenates. This inert, colloidal tungsten-carbide can often be removed by centrifugation or filtration.
Product | Product Code |
Tiny Teardrops™ Aluminum Beads |
11079111wc |
Note: Listed bead sizes are median (average) values. Because beads are sorted by sieves, bead size varies between +/-10% of a listed value.
Zirconia beads have a density of 5.5g/cc (Twice as dense as glass beads – good for tough tissue). Sold in one pound bottles.
Product | Product Code |
0.7mm diameter |
11079107zx |
1.0mm diameter |
11079110zx |
2.0mm diameter |
11079124zx |
Listed bead sizes are median (average) values. Because beads are sorted by sieves, bead size varies between +/-10% of a listed value.
Zirconia/Silica has a density of 3.7g/cc (50% more dense than glass – good for spores and most tissues) Beads are sold in one pound bottles.
Product | Product Code |
“Fill and Flip” Microplate Bead Loader | 702l |
“Fill & Flip” Microplate Bead Loader Set transfers, in one manual motion, 0.3 or 1 ml of beads into a 96-, deep well microplate. A stainless steel frame aligns a pair of 96-well microplates, one pre-loaded to the top with beads (the “measuring” plate). Upon manual inversion of the paired plates, the beads fall into the second, larger capacity 96-well microplate (the “receiving” plate). Suitable for bead sizes from 0.1 mm diameter to 6 mm diameter. the “Flip & Fill” Bead Loader handles irregular, sharp particle media as well as spherical media.
How it works..
1) Using the provided bead loading tray, pour the beads out of its bottle into a 96-well microplate (the ‘measuring’ microplate) Level the beads with the spatula until all wells are filled to the top with beads.
2) Place a selected tight fitting, stainless steel frame over the loaded ‘measuring’ microplate.
3) Insert into the frame, up-side-down, a larger capacity 96-well “receiving” microplate. The upper surfaces of the two plates contact each other.
4) Transfer the beads by manually inverting the pair of microplates.
BioSpec is your source for LabTie™ Bead Loaders. The highly versatile dispenser, custom fit to your application, can quickly and accurately dispense beads, powders, seeds and irregular small particles into a variety of industry standard plates, tubes, vials, or trays. This gravity-type loader can dispense a wide variety of sizes, shapes, densities, amounts, and volumes.
A variety of LabTie dispensers are offered below and custom dispensers are available to fit your specific needs.
Please contact us if you do not find a dispenser that meets your requirements. Many custom options are available.
Dispensers for Vials
Catalog Number Description & Fill Volume
Product | Product Code |
45-Vial Bead Dispenser, 50 uL | Cat No. LT-45-1-50 |
45-Vial Bead Dispenser, 100 uL | Cat. No. LT-45-1-100 |
45-Vial Bead Dispenser, 250 uL | Cat. No. LT-45-1-250 |
45-Vial Bead Dispenser, 500 uL | Cat No. LT-45-1-500 |
45-Vial Bead Dispenser, 1000 uL | Cat. No. LT-45-1-1000 |
Dispensers for 96-well Microplate
Catalog Number Description & Fill Volume
Product | Product Code |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 25 uL | Cat No. LT-96-1-25 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 50 uL | Cat No. LT-96-1-50 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 100 uL | Cat No. LT-96-1-100 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 150 uL | Cat No. LT-96-1-150 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 200 uL | Cat No. LT-96-1-200 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 250 uL | Cat No. LT-96-1-250 |
Catalog Number Description & Quantity-Diameter of Bead(s) Dispensed
Product | Product Code |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 1-1.0 mm bead | Cat No. LT-96-2-1-10 |
6-Well Bead Dispenser, 1-2.0 mm bead | Cat No. LT-96-2-1-20 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 4-2.0 mm beads | Cat No. LT-96-2-4-20 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 1-2.5 mm bead | Cat No. LT-96-2-1-25 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 4-2.5 mm beads | Cat No. LT-96-2-4-25 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 1-2.8 mm bead | Cat No. LT-96-2-1-28 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 1-3.2 mm bead | Cat No. LT-96-2-1-32 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 4-3.2 mm beads | Cat No. LT-96-2-4-32 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 1-4.0 mm bead | Cat No. LT-96-2-1-40 |
96-Well Bead Dispenser, 1-4.7 mm bead | Cat No. LT-96-2-1-47 |
With typical bead dispensing applications beads are poured from a bottle or tweezers or spoons are used to fill vials and wells with beads. These processes are inefficient and very time-consuming. LabTie has created an innovative tool that completely solves the tedious problem of dispensing your own beads.
Each dispenser is designed, produced, and tested by LabTie. These dispensers are used all over the world in research laboratories, universities, pharmaceutical and biochemical laboratories, and institutes. With its modular design, the mesh plates can be interchanged allowing the dispenser to be used to dispense multiple types and amounts of beads. The dispensers work equally well dispensing various volumes of small diameter beads or dispensing just a couple larger diameter beads. They can be used inconjuntion with our tough Porvair microplates to load a small number of steel beads; perfect for high-throughput homogenizing of tough sample materials. For those working with vials, the dispensers can be used with our 2.0 ml vial blocks allowing one to fill 45 microvials at a time. Custom dispensers designed to your specifications are also available as well as dispensers designed to depositing various types of seeds.
The biggest value the LabTie Bead Dispenser offers is the huge timesaving over other loading methods, up to 60 times or greater. By reducing costs and errors, researchers can focus on what really matters.
Features | Details |
Compatibility | 96-well, deepwell, microtiter plates OR 45-place, 2 ml vial block (included with kit) |
Powder Volume | 1 µL – 1000 µL per well |
Bead Size | 0.2 mm to 9.0 mm diameter |
Bead Quantity | 1 or multiple beads per well/vial |
Sterilization | Yes – 70% EtOH (Not Autoclavable!) |
Product Material | ABS+PC, Nylon, RVS304, Alumide and 70/75 hard -anodized aluminum alloy |
Expandable | Yes – Main KIT can also be used to dispense beads and seeds |
The Suction-type Microplate Bead Loader includes a polycarbonate/polystyrene bead-loading manifold, a hand-held 115V AC vacuum unit and an on/off foot-switch.
Product | Product Code |
Suction” Microplate Bead Loader |
Cat No. 1117 |
Of the three bead loaders we offer, the Suction-type 96-well Microplate Bead Loader is the fastest. Beads can be loaded into 96 deep well microplates at a rate of about 10 microplates per minute. It is limited to loading spherical glass or ceramic beads only (i.e., not irregularly shaped particles,heavier steel beads or non-beads, such as seeds and pourable chemicals). The loader delivers a 0.4 ml load of beads to each well and is compatible with all 96-well, deep well microplates.
The Suction-type 96-well Microplate Bead Loader works by vacuuming up 0.4 milliliter of 0.1 to 1.0 mm diameter spherical ceramic beads (glass, zirconia/silica, or zirconia) into a 96 nozzle manifold where they are retained, under suction, against stainless steel screens. Still under suction, the loader is moved to a “receiving” 96-deep-well microplate and the suction unit is turned off with a footswitch. No longer under suction, the beads drop into the receiving microplate. Typically, the process of loading a microplate only takes a few seconds and, if additional beads are required in the microplate wells, the process is repeated.
Some beads are not compatible with this loader: Beads greater than 1.0 mm in diameter are too large and clog the nozzles and metal beads are too heavy to be drawn up into the manifold nozzles. Irregular shaped “beads” such as silicon-carbide or granite particles get stuck inside the nozzles. These bead limitations do not exist with our Flip and Fill Bead Loader and the “Labtie” Gravity Bead Loader, but loading rates (number of microplates loaded per minute) are slower. The Microplate Bead Loader can be decontaminated with 10% household bleach, isopropanol,ultraviolet light or ozone Avoid high temperatures of an autoclave.
This tube holder is machined out of a 1.5 lb aluminum block and has the dimensions of a standard 2ml deep well microplate. It is used with the MiniBeadbeater-96 cell disrupter. One or two 50 ml screw cap centrifuge tubes are placed completely inside the cold block and the contents shaken in the “wall to wall” direction. The block can be pre-cooled in a deep freezer or, at cryo-temperatures, with dry-ice or liquid nitrogen.
Included with each vial block are 25 sterile, polypropylene 50 ml screw cap tubes (part # 3252).*
*Important note: To maximize the efficiency of heat transfer, this aluminum tube holder was designed to fit with close tolerance to the 50 ml tube. Other brands of 50 ml centrifuge tube may not fit properly. If you prefer to use a different brand tube, please check with us for compatibility.
Product | Product Code |
50ml Tube Holder, Solid Aluminum | 518 |
An important accessory for the MiniBeadbeater-96 when temperature control is a concern.* Typically, a vial filled with beads, sample, and extraction media will warm ~10 degrees per minute of beadbeating. Our 2 ml vial holder (capacity 48 vials) and 50 ml tube holder (capacity 2 tubes) are machined out of high-heat-conductivity aluminum. The vial holders are pre-cooled to low temperatures to provide strict maintenance of low sample temperature during the bead beading process. The cooling efficiency of a close fitting, cold aluminum vial holder is far superior to cold-room air or cold air attachments used by other bead mill cell disruptors.
* Nucleic acid extraction of microorganisms or tissues in the presence of nucleic acid extraction media generally do not require temperature control.
An important accessory for the MiniBeadbeater-96 when temperature control is a concern*. Typically, a vial filled with beads, sample and extraction media warms up ~10 degrees per minute of beadbeating. Our 2 ml vial holder (capacity 48 vials) and 50 ml tube holder (capacity 2 tubes) are machined out of high-heat-conductivity aluminum. The vial holders are pre-cooled to low temperatures to provide strict maintainence of low sample temperature during the bead beading process. The cooling efficiency of a close fitting, cold aluminum vial holder is far superior to cold-room air or cold air attachments used by other bead mill cell disruptors.
* Nucleic acid extraction of microorganisms or tissues in the presence of nucleic acid extraction media generally do not require temperature control.
Microplates and sealing mats.
BioSpec Products now features 96-well microplates and sealing mats manufactured by Porvair Sciences. When used with our high-energy Mini-BeadBeater-96 cell disrupter and bead mill these microplates offer the highest level of processing reliability
Porvair Science’s reinforced polypropylene, 2 ml square 96 deep well microplates have extra structural ribbing on their bottom which provides support when used with a high energy shaking bead mill. Their microplates are made of specially formulated polypropylene and pair with special reusable mats. The microplates can also be sealed with adhesive-bonded or heat-bonded films, but these films seldom prevent leaking during intense shaking in a Mini-BeadBeater-96.
Recently, BioSpec tested plate/mat combinations made by several manufacturers using steel beads in both wet-grinding and dry-grinding conditions. In one of the more stringent tests, Porvair microplates and mats maintained structural integrity while powdering dry samples of human hair in the Mini-BeadBeater-96 using two 3.2 mm chrome steel beads in each well . In contrast, all other plates cracked during use and some even had holes punched through them under the severe test grinding conditions. Independent support for these findings come from a leading UK contract genomics laboratory. Testing barley seeds, a notoriously hard carpel to crack, they reported that Porvair deep well microplates sucessfully survived 4 minutes of bead beating using a single 6 mm steel in a high speed shaking bead mill.
Our 2.0 ml, screw cap with o-ring seal, microcentrifuge vials are made of inert polypropylene and have straight walls with a sharp conical bottom. This vial shape is required for the Mini-Beadbeater-1+ and recommended for the MiniBeadbeater-16, MiniBeadbeater-24 and MiniBeadbeater-96. Compatible with other brands of bead-mill cell disrupters and available sterile or non-sterile.
For extraction and cell disruption of larger sample volumes we also have 7 ml polypropylene vials. The vials include screw caps and, when combined with the appropriate adapter, are used with the Mini-Beadbeater-16, -24, or -96.
Note: Using our high-energy Minibeadbeater series cell disrupters, current polypropylene microvials (offered by us or other Providers) cannot be used with vials containing steel beads that also have a significant air space (i.e., dry milling). During shaking, the steel beads will crack or punch through the vials. No problem exists using zirconia or glass beads for dry milling or steel beads for wet milling where the air space within the sealed vial is minimized. If dry milling with steel beads is required, as is commonly done at liquid nitrogen temperatures, use our stainless steel microvials equipped with silicone rubber stoppers or our exclusive polypropylene ‘XXTuff™’ 2 ml microvials. The later are reinforced in critical areas of the vial and is fabricated using a special, high density polypropylene resin. Tests show that this vial is 10X more resistant to breakage – hence the name ‘XXTuff’.
50ml polypropylene screw cap centrifuge tubes. Sterile, with cap. 25 tubes per bag.
Product | Product Code |
Screw Cap Centrifuge Tubes – 50ml | 3252 |
Our 50 ml conical centrifuge tubes are designed to fit with close tolerance into the 50 ml Solid AluminumTube Holder used in our MiniBeadbeater-96. The aluminum holder maintains tube temperature while cells and tissue are being lysed.
Please note: There are subtle differences in the diameters of other brands of 50 ml screw-cap centrifuge tubes. That may prevent them from properly fitting into our Aluminum Tube Holder.
Our Stainless Steel Microvials have the same physical dimensions and weight as standard 2 ml polypropylene microvials. They can be sealed with either polyethylene flange caps, silicone rubber stopper caps1 or crimped 13 mm OD septa caps.
Product | Product Code |
1.8 ml capacity, type 305 stainless steel microvials. Polyethylene flange caps are included1. Package size: 100 pieces | 2007 |
Applications include:
NOTE: When beadbeating dry or cryo-grinding frozen samples using steel beads our Silicone Rubber Caps, specially shaped to securely seal our s.s. microvials, are highly recommended. Flange caps fail under these milling conditions.
A protocol for dry grinding small frozen samples at liquid nitrogen temperature (i.e., cryo-grinding): Three 3.2 mm dia. chrome-steel beads are added to a 2 ml stainless steel vial. The vial and beads are brought to liquid nitrogen temperature…without entrapping any liquid nitrogen inside the vial. Then add hard frozen cartilage, skin or other tough tissue (pre-chopping the sample is usually not necessary)*, quickly seal the vial with a non-frozen silicone rubber cap and grind for 5-15 seconds in a MiniBeadbeater. The sample will be powdered.
If extraction of intracellular biomolecules is to follow, promptly add ice-cold liquid media of your choice to the still frozen, powdered sample in the original vial and beadbeat for up to 3 minutes. The optimal beadbeating time will vary with sample type and should be empirically determined with an initial time study of 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 minutes of beadbeating.
* Add pre-frozen tissue. Fresh tissue will “stick” to the cold steel beads and delay good grinding.
A pack of five polypropylene microvial vial racks. The rack has a standard microplate footprint and holds up to forty-five 1.5 ml or 2.0 ml microvials on one side and thirty-two 0.5 ml microvials on the other side. One of these racks comes standard with our Mini-BeadBeater-96.
Product | Product Code |
Vial Rack, Polypropylene, for 1.5 and 2ml Microvials | 702VH45 |
This polycarbonate vial rack has a microplate footprint. It holds four to twelve 7 ml screw-cap vials (BioSpec’s Cat No. 3205) and is used in our MiniBeadbeater-96 cell disruptor when larger-sized samples are being processed
Product | Product Code |
Vial Rack, Polycarbonate, for 7ml screw- cap tubes | Cat No. 3205 |
This solid aluminum vial rack for 2ml vials offers superior temperature control during beadbeating than bead mill cell disrupters relying on flowing air chilled by dry-ice or refrigeration. It is well-known that chilled air has much poorer heat conductivity than chilled metal. The block is pre-cooled in a deep freezer or, to cryo-temperatures with dry-ice or liquid nitrogen. Having dimensions of a standard deep-well microplate, it is compatible with not only our MiniBeadbeater-96 but with several competitor microplate shakers.
Product | Product Code |
Vial Rack, Solid Aluminum, for 2ml Microvials | 702ALU |
An important accessory for the MiniBeadbeater-96 when temperature control is a concern**. Typically, a vial filled with beads, sample and extraction media warms up ~10 degrees per minute of beadbeating. Our 2 ml vial holder (capacity 48 vials) is machined out of high-heat-conductivity aluminum.
The vial holder is pre-cooled to low temperatures inside a refrigerator, a -80º C freezer, or with liquid nitrogen. During the beadbeating process, the chilled vial holder keeps the sample temperature at desired low temperatures.
A related application is ‘dry’ bead-grinding of fresh tissue by the cryopulverization technique. The sample, beads, vials, and vial holder are all pre-chilled to liquid nitrogen temperatures before being processed in a Mini-BeadBeater-96.
** Helpful Note: Nucleic acid extraction of microorganisms or tissues in the presence of nucleic acid extraction media generally does not require the above temperature control.
Dimensions: 5 x 3.375 x 1.625 inches
Weight: 1.15 pounds
Cat. No. 330TX, XXTuff™ non-sterile, reinforced 2 ml vials and caps, 500 count
Product | Product Code |
XXTuff Reinforced Microvials – 2ml | 330TX |
New XXTuff2 Reinforced Vials
The new XXTuff2 microvial has the same dimensions as a standard 2 ml microcentrifuge vial with a screw cap and o-ring seal. However, it has been reinforced in critical areas to withstand the rigors of dry grinding using steel beads. Testing shows the XXTuff2 vial is over 10 times more durable than standard microvial.
Our new XXTuff2 vials improve on our earlier reinforced vial. The new XXTuff2 vials feature a skirted, free-standing bottom that reduces blow-outs to the bottom of the tube that can occur with some dry grinding protocols. The XXTuff2 vial also features a natural colored cap. This eliminates the red-sh tint some observed in their sample due to the abrasion of the red cap in our original XXTuff vials.
Vials are autoclavable and DNase and RNase free.
*When doing CryoGrinding, a variant of dry-grinding done at liq N2 temperatures, we recommend using our stainless steel microvials. All plastic microvials become too brittle to withstand beadbeating with steel beads at extremely low temperatures.
Protocol for dry grinding small frozen samples at liquid nitrogen temperature (i.e., cryo-grinding): Three 3.2 mm dia. or two 6.25 mm dia. chrome-steel beads are added to either a 2 ml stainless steel vial or an ‘XXTuff’ 2 ml polypropylene vial. The vial and beads are brought to liq N2 temperature…without entrapping any liq N2 inside the vial. Then add hard frozen cartilage, skin or other tough tissue (pre-chopping the sample is not be necessary), quickly seal the vial and grind for 10-15 seconds in a MiniBeadbeater. The sample will be powdered. Then promptly add liquid media of your choice to the still frozen, powdered sample in the original vial and beadbeat for 0.5-3 minutes. The optimal beadbeating time will vary with sample type and is empirically determined with a time study of 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 minutes of beadbeating.
Product | Product Code |
0.6 ml polypropylene tube with locking cap, 1000 count (for SoniBeast disrupter) | Cat No. L-502-GRD-Q |
The PCR tubes used with the SoniBeast™ Cell Disrupter require locking lids. Due to very high mixing energies of the SoniBeast, common, non-locking PCR tubes may leak during used in the SoniBeast. The Sonibeast PCR tube with Locking Lid has a small ball flexibly tethered to the vial body which engages a groove in the lid, thus providing positive confirmation that the tube is securely locked and remains tightly closed during beadbeating.
Product | Product Code |
Insulating polystyrene rack for 2ml tubes. 100 place, 10 racks per package | Cat No. 1119 |
We now offer the same insulating polystyrene tube rack used in our item 10832 as a stand-alone item. Purchase these sturdy, polystyrene racks and use with our vials or your own. Designed to maintain up to 100 1.5- or 2- ml microtubes at low temperature.
The BioHomogenizer is a rotor-stator type tissue homogenizer designed to rapidly homogenize, disperse, and emulsify biological samples in aqueous media from 1 to 1000 ml. The BioHomogenizer includes both the motor and probe.
Hamilton Beach is the worlds largest manufacturer of commercial grade blenders. The model 990 comes with a 4 litre stainless steel container and can handle the toughest job required from a blade blender. Smaller capacity HB models (1 litre and 2 litre) are also available.
A modified, top-of-the-line domestic waste disposer that has been modified to sit operate top of the lab bench – ready to be plugged into a 110 V power socket. Closed-loop plumbing has been installed on the basic unit to permit recycling the tissue sample contents. The Semi-Continous Tissue Disperser delivers a high-quality homogenate of almost any plant or animal material. Kilogram quantities of material can be processed in minutes in either batch- or semi-continuous mode. Operates at room temperature or in a cold room.
Product | Product Code |
Semi-Continuous Tissue Disperser |
Cat. No 111115 |
Waste disposers are a sub-group of rotor-stator type homogenizers. A rapidly rotating platform turning at high speed (the “rotor”) forces biomaterial through a non-moving stainless steel sleeve containing an array of slits or holes (the “stator”) where it is sheared and cut into tiny pieces. While a standard waste disposer process biomaterial in a single pass through the disposer’s elements, BioSpec has greatly improved the homogenization process by the addition of an external recycling loop on the machine and a large stainless steel receiving container.
Unlike most lab homogenizers, the SemiContinous Tissue Disperser requires little sample preparation, such as cutting, chopping or trimming, prior to homogenization and can quickly homogenize kilogram quantities of tissue in less than a minute. The unit handles almost any kind of soft or flexable biomaterial – even homogenizing an intact mouse carcass…skin, bones and all!
The electric flour mill is a high speed impact-type mill. Up to 2 litres of dry, non-oily seeds are quickly reduced to a fine flour-like powder. Subsequent solvent extraction of the high-surface area powder gently releases enzymes, proteins and other intracellular biochemicals. Examples of suitable seeds and grains are wheat, rye, rice, millet, corn, barley, dried beans and peas. Importantly, moisture content and oil content of the seeds should not exceed 15%. Examples of unsuitable seeds are sunflower, nuts, sesame, coffee, and peanuts.
Product | Product Code |
Seed Flour Mill | Cat No. 52-601-BHM-14 |
Ideal for a one step preparation of cell lysate from most fruits and vegetables. Suitable tissues include tubers, squash, leafy tissues, fruits and pods. One of the few methods that do not require added liquid to obtain a cell free extract. Consequently, the highly concentrated proteins and biochemicals in the homogenate optimize down-stream purification or analysis steps. Not suitable for extracting animal tissue.
Product | Product Code |
Electric Juicer | Cat No. RBJLSS-14 |
How it works: Centrifugal juicers are the fastest juicers on the market. The machines quickly grate the fruit and vegetables with an large array of tiny cutting points on a spinning stainless steel disc and then spin the juice out through a fine mesh filter. Left behind, and automatically captured in a separate container, is almost all of the plant’s insoluble fibre or pulp.
This classic tool has two applications in the molecular biology area: 1) Preparing large amounts tissue (100g – >1 kg) for subsequent fast and complete cell lysis using a beadbeater, ultrasonicator, rotor-stator machine or high shear press and 2) recovering large quantities of viable single cells following incubation of the dispersed tissue with proteolytic enzymes that digest extracellular matrix.
Product | Product Code |
Electric Meat Grinder | Cat No. 99598-14 |
Animal Tissue | Plant Tissue | Yeast and Fungi | Bacteria | Disrupt Time (b) | Requires Cooling? (d) | Requires Pre-chop? | Scale-up Available? | |
SoniBeast | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mini Beadbeater-1+ | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mini Beadbeater-16 | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mini Beadbeater-24 | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mini Beadbeater-96 | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | ++++ | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
BeadBeater | ++++ | ++++ | 3 | Yes | Yes | |||
Tissue-Tearor | ++++ | ++++ | <1 | No | Yes | Yes | ||
BioHomogenizer | ++++ | ++++ | <1 | No | Yes | Yes | ||
Hamilton-Beach Blenders | +++ | +++ | 1 or 2 | No | No | Yes | ||
Cryo-Cup Mortar and Pestle | ++++ | ++++ | ++ | ++ | 1 | No | Yes | No |
Spiral Pestle & Microtube | ++++ | ++++ | ++ | ++ | 1 | No | Yes | No |
Tissue Grinder | ++++ | ++++ | 5 | No | Yes | No | ||
MicroMincer (a) | ++++ | ++++ | 1 | No | No | No | ||
Lever Press (a) | ++++ | ++++ | 1 | No | No | No | ||
Tissue Press (a) | ++++ | ++++ | 1 | No | No | No | ||
BioPulverizer – (a) | ++++ | ++++ | 0.1 | No | No | No | ||
MicroCryoCrusher (a) | ++++ | ++++ | 0.1 | No | No | No |
(a) Fragments tissue samples but usually does not disrupt cells. Often used as a preliminary step to cell lysis.
(b) Typical time, in minutes, for 90 percent cell disruption. For ‘dry- or cryo-milling’, grinding times are <30 sec
(c) DNA or RNA beadbeated in the presence of nucleic acid extraction media is an exception. Ditto for proteins extracted in media containing SDS detergent.
A review covering apparatus and techniques of cell disruption Practical aspects of mechanical cell disruption are discussed. Sources and approximate Read More…
Operating Instructions GeneralMonitoring cell lysis. The BeadBeater will disrupt over 90% of the cells in about 2-5 minutes of operation. Read More…
The Mini-Beadbeater-1 violently agitates a sealed microcentrifuge vial containing cells or tissue, extraction solution and tiny glass, zirconia or steel beads. Even Read More…
Overview Good sample preparation is arguably the most critical step in any analytical process because most techniques are unable to Read More…