Immuno-Biological Laboratories Co., Ltd was established in 1982 as a company dedicated to research and development. In March of 2007, the company was listed on the JASDAQ.

They are proud of the products they manufacture, for they embody their corporate philosophy of remaining “committed to providing the best solutions for enabling sufferers of intractable diseases around the world to enjoy happy and healthy lives.” Likewise, they apply their extensive expertise in the development of antibodies.

The antibodies they have created are widely used around the world by pharmaceutical companies, universities, laboratories in hospitals and research institutes.

Their core businesses are in the fields of both research and medicine. They research, develop, manufacture and supply various immunological research reagents, such as ELISA kits, antibodies, cell culture-related products, and customised services.

Product Categories

Made in Japan Quality

IBL has maintained ISO13485 certification since 2009. All our antibodies and ELISA products are manufactured and controlled in-house at our head office and main laboratory located in Japan. We are proud and confident in the quality of our products and services.

IBL carefully conducts all processes of antibody development with the utmost attention to the process of selecting sequence, immunization, screening, and cloning to find the best antibodies for a particular purpose. Our mission is to consistently supply quality products that are both highly specific and sensitive.

Research Areas

IBL started to focus on research and development in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) around 1995. Since that time we have been lining up ELISA and antibody products that detect important proteins in relation to “the amyloid hypothesis” such as Amyloid-beta Precursor Protein (APP), Amyloidβ and Tau protein. IBL has been manufacturing and supplying these products for over 20 years.

APP / Amyloid β

APP695 aa – Transmembrane (TM) protein / mainly expressed in neuron cell

Amyloid β


α-Klotho– Transmembrane (TM) protein/mainly expressed in kidneys and parathyroid glands

α(Alpha) -Klotho protein is a one-transmembrane protein (130 kDa) that expresses in kidneys and the parathyroid glands and it has an important role for regulating mineral metabolism. It is considered that early aging-like symptoms are induced in α-Klotho knockout mice so it has also been focused on during research of Alzheimer’s disease. #27998 Human soluble α-Klotho specifically detects human soluble α-Klotho, KL1 and KL1+KL2.

α(Alpha) -Klotho

Tau / Phosphorylated Tau

Tau 6 Isoforms

Tau is a microtubule binding protein (50 ~ 70kDa) that expresses in nerve axons and it has an important role for regulating stability of microtubules in neurons. Tau proteins consist of 6 isoforms that are produced by selective splicing as 3 repeats and 4 repeats Tau isoforms. #27811 Human Total Tau detects human total Tau (all tau isoforms) and #27812 Human Phospho Tau (181P) specifically detects human Tau that is phosphorylated threonine at position 181.


α(Alpha)-Klotho has an important role for regulating mineral metabolism as the co-receptor of FGF23 that is extensively researched in kidney disease. IBL has an ELISA that specifically detects human soluble α-Klotho which has been IBL’s bestselling product since it was released in 2010. IBL also has a lot of unique ELISA products in the field of kidney research such as Gd-IgA1 for IgA Nephropathy, Angiotensinogen for Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) involved in the regulation of blood pressure, as well as Soluble (Pro) Renin Receptor and AIM (Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophage) ELISAs.


Negative Correlation(α-Klotho vs FGF23)
(Human EDTA-Plasma)

α-Klotho – Transmembrane (TM) protein / mainly expressed in kidneys and parathyroid glands

α(Alpha)-Klotho is widely measured in CKD research. It is a one-transmembrane protein (130 kDa) that is expressed in kidneys and the parathyroid glands and it has an important role for regulating mineral metabolism. #27998 Human soluble α-Klotho specifically detects human solubleα-Klotho, KL1 and KL1+KL2.


Gd-IgA1 (Galactose-deficient IgA1)

Galactose-deficient IgA1 (Gd-IgA1)attracts a lot of attention as a critical effector molecule in the pathogenesis and progression of IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) in recent research.The IBL ELISA kit, using a monoclonal antibody (KM55) that specifically recognizes the galactose-deficient hinge sequence of human Gd-IgA1, is a lectin non-dependent measuring system that can quantitatively measure Gd-IgA1 in human serum. It is also suitable for large scale studies because of its stability. #27600 Human Gd-IgA1 ELISA specifically detects human Gd-IgA1 and #10777 Gd-IgA1 (KM55) MoAb can be used for IHC.

Angiotensinogen (AGT), Total / Intact (Full-Length)

Angiotensinogen (AGT) is a useful biomarker for research in hypertension as it is involved in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS). #27412 Human Total AGT detects both human Intact (Full-Length) and Des AI AGT that is cleaved by renin. #27742 Human Intact AGT specifically detects only human Intact AGT.

IBL has been continuously involved in the research, development, manufacturing, and supply of antibodies used in cancer research since we first started research and development on Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) when the company was established. We have various antibodies and ELISAs which can be used in research of various cancers, such as large intestine cancer, stomach cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, and mesothelial tumors.


Factors involved in activated T cells and T cell proliferation /invasion

CD134/OX40 is a receptor of OX40 ligand (OX40L) transactivated by Tax of HTLV-1. OX40 is expressed in activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. OX40 on the activated T cells has a role in proliferation of T cells and production of cytokines by binding with OX40L expressed on antigen presenting cells like dendritic cells or activated B cells. In addition, it may also be involved in activated T cell invasion to inflamed areas through the binding with OX40L.

#27110 h_CD134/OX40


Measurement of the Concentration of LRG in Blood of Arthritis Evoked Mice

LRG is focused on as an active biomarker used in research of inflammatory related disease. It has been used in research of various cancers and inflammatory disease such as idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (iNPH), diabetes, pancreatic cancer and Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC).


Explanation of Method of Feeding

Normal Meal
The meal that is used as a normal meal at an animal testing center was fed to mice.

High fat and high cholesterol food (7.5% fatty acid, 1.25% cholesterol, and 0.5% cholic acid) was fed to mice for 4 weeks or 8 weeks.

Mac-2 binding protein (Mac-2bp) is a secreted glycoprotein (90kDa) and identified as a ligand of Galectin-3. It is considered that it promotes cell adhesion through interaction with Galectin-3. It has also been considered that Mac-2bp is a useful blood biomarker for research of chronic hepatic diseases such as NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis).

Other Products

IBL has a comprehensive line of incretin related assays that are used in diabetes research. We also have a wide range of assays that are useful for panel measurement of lipid metabolic related proteins for searching drug seeds and hyperlipidemia or cardiovascular event research. In some cases measurement of incretin or insulin may require the use of small animal samples such as mice or rats. In these instances, it can oftentimes be difficult to obtain enough sample volume for measurement. Because of this, highly sensitive assay systems are required for measuring low concentrated incretin and insulin in fasting using small animal samples. The IBL ELISAs are highly sensitive to ensure accurate measurement in small volume samples.

GLP-1, Active

IBL #27700 (Direct) vs Competitor (SPE)
(Correlation Data)

IBL’s GLP-1 active kit was strategically developed for preventing non-specific unwanted reaction against HAMA even if you skip the hectic solid-phase extraction (SPE) process. The ELISA also provides stable assay results due to the level of sensitivity even if you measure it in the range of low concentration in fasting. #27700 GLP-1, active (h.s.) ELISA can also be used among human, mouse and rat samples.

Diabetes Research



Hyperlipidemia / Cardiovascular Events

Lipid Panel

Lipid Metabolism Map

Significance of TG Control
The significance of triglyceride (TG) controls has been shown in recent studies. Development of new drugs that inhibit regulating factors of LPL activity that are critical for TG metabolism has been progressing on a fast track.

Future Drug Development (ANGPTL3, 4, 8 and ApoC3 inhibitors)
The factors that negatively regulate LPL activity like ANGPTL3 inhibitor and recent hot topics “The Development of ApoC3 Inhibitor” have been actively discussed by researchers. It has been expected that the most focused drug development might be ANGPTL4 inhibitor and/or ANGPTL8 inhibitor in the near future.

Another Risk Factor as Drug Development Target (ApoA5 and GPIHBP1)
It has been considered that possible risk factors that positively regulate LPL activity like ApoA5 or GPIHBP1 might be targeted in drug development for the purpose of TG controls. Furthermore, it has been suggested that ApoA5 could be an important risk factor for early-onset myocardial infarction as well as LDL receptor by genome analysis.

ANGPTL2 associates with Cardiac Dysfunction
It is recently reported that there may be evidence of correlation between elevated circulating ANGPTL2 levels and cardiovascular disease (CVD) or heart failure (HF) as well as association between ANGPTL2 expression and cellular senescence.

h: Human m: Mouse r: Rat m/r: Mouse / Rat hmr: Human / Mouse / Rat h.s.: High-Sensitive FL: Full-Length

Outsourcing services for immunity, cell culture, and gene engineering research!

We provide customized services in response to customer needs, drawing upon on our extensive experience and wealth of expertise in the immunity, cell culture, and gene engineering fields. Depending on the nature of the request, we sometimes conclude confidentiality agreements prior to starting the provision of services. All the steps of the antibody production process, from immunization to purification, are conducted internally. We make it our mission to meet the individual needs of each customer.

We provide services for the development of various types of monoclonal antibodies, including purified proteins, synthesized peptides, pharmaceutical analogs, low molecular weight compounds, Host Cell Protein (HCP), and idiotype antibodies. Note* Maximum number of animals (excluding goats) is three. Please contact us if you require more than three animals for immunization.

Note* We can also handle low endotoxins for in vivo or in vitro testing.

Immunized AnimalVolumePriceRequired Period
Rabbit1On Request4 months
Goat1On Request4 months
Rat1On Request3 months
Guinea Pig1On Request3 months
Mouse1On Request3 months

We provide services for synthesizing peptides used as immunogen, such as consultation on selecting an amino-acid sequence. We can develop high titer antibodies at reasonable cost because we manage the entire development process, from the synthesis of peptides to the fabrication of antibodies.

We bind carrier proteins to synthesized peptides used for immunogen, under the appropriate binding conditions, for the purpose of developing antibodies.

Per ImmunogenOn Request

We apply our expertise in immunity and cell cultures for developing monoclonal antibodies, including the immunization of mice and rabbits, cell fusion, and second cloning. We select reliable clones based on immunization, screenings, and in-depth communication with clients.

Development of Monoclonal Antibodies per ImmunogenOn Request

We collect mice ascites after we receive hybridoma (cell line) from clients. We have the ability to meet customer needs by applying our accumulated expertise and experience to collect mice ascites from hybridoma that normally considered difficult to work with. We can look after 10 to 1,000 mice.

Note* We can also handle low endotoxins for in vivo or in vitro testing

Per BALB/C MouseOn Request
Per Nude MouseOn Request
Per SCID MouseOn Request

We provide services for purifying antibodies, such as affinity chromatography from various antiserums, ascites, fusion cell culture supernatants, and gel filtration. We can handle bulk purifying antibodies in quantities of more than 1,000 mg.

Note* We can also handle low endotoxins for in vivo or in vitro testing.
Please contact us for further discussion.

IgG Purification (Protein A or Protein G)On Request
From IgG ( up to 50 mg) to F( ab’ )2 Purification (Pepsin Decomposition / Gel Filtration)On Request
From IgG F (ab’)2 (up to 20 mg) to Fab’ Purification (Reduction / Gel Filtration)On Request
From IgG (up to 20 mg) to Fab’ Purification (Papain Decomposition, FC Removal / Gel Filtration)On Request

We develop ELISA systems by utilizing our know-how in commercializing IBL ELISA kits, managing the entire process from antibody development to the establishment of the ELISA system. We can also establish ELISA systems using antibodies held by customers. We plan and propose the appropriate assay design, such as the sandwich method or competition method, to fit the intended purpose. We work hard to establish ELISA system that offer outstanding performance, such as making it easy to draw the appropriate standard curve and obtain excellent recovery measurement values. Please contact us for further details.

We provide immunohistochemical staining (IHC) services for research purposes. We conduct HE staining and IHC on the behalf of customers, and can also develop and stain cell block arrays. Please contact us for further details.

We provide services for the development of labelled antibodies. We can label compounds (such as Biotin and FITC) to proteins and antibodies. The binding method and binding ratio are always discussed prior to the provision of service. We can also perform labeling after Fab’ fraction or F(ab’)2. Please contact us for further details.

We provide services for developing bio columns that bind antibodies or proteins for the purposes of extracting or purifying bio materials. Please contact us for further details.

We provide gene engineering services.

We provide services for culturing bulk quantities of various types of cell lines. We always discuss the culturing method, collection method, and supernatant concentration with the customer prior to the provision of service. We can also handle low endotoxins for in vivo or in vitro experiments. Please contact us for further details.

We provide services for maintaining customer cells (such as cancer cells, normal cells, and gene introduced cells) and supplying cells. We can accommodate requests for quantities as small as five T-25 flasks. Please contact us for further details.

We provide services for freezing and storing cells from customers. The cells are stored frozen in liquid nitrogen (gas phase) under strict control. Please contact us for further details.

Featured Products

Human soluble α-Klotho Assay KitGd-IgA1 (Galactose-deficient IgA1) Assay Kit
Product Code2799827600
Product NameHuman soluble α-Klotho Assay Kit – IBLGd-IgA1 (Galactose-deficient IgA1) Assay Kit – IBL
Intended UseResearch reagentsResearch reagents
Measuring MethodELISAELISA
Measuring SamplesHuman serum, EDTA Plasma, Heparin Plasma, Citrated Plasma, Urine and cell culture supernatant.Serum, EDTA-plasma
Measurement Range93.75 – 6,000 pg/mL1.56 ~ 100 ng/mL
Primary Reaction60 minutes at room temperature60 minutes at room temperature
Secondary Reaction30 minutes at room temperature30 minutes at room temperature
Sensitivity6.15 pg/mL0.488 ng/mL
SpecificityCompound Cross Reactivity
Human α-Klotho 100.0%
Human osteopontin <0.1 %
Human VEGF (165) <0.1 %
Human PDGF <0.1 %
Storage Condition2 – 8 ℃2~8°C
Poisonous and Deleterious SubstancesNot ApplicableNot Applicable
CartagenaNot ApplicableNot Applicable
Measuring ServiceAvailableAvailable
Package Size 196 Well96 Well

IBL Brand Videos

LipoSEARCH® - Lipoprotein Analyzing Systems

Specific Antibody Development

Neuroscience and Neurodegeneration Research

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Clinical Diagnostic Application Reagents

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Monoclonal Antibodies

At Stratech, we specialise in providing a comprehensive range of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for scientific research. We partner with state-of-the-art Read More...