Why do researchers consider Salimetrics salivary assay kits the standard of comparison? They offer the most reliable, repeatable and accurate results in saliva, because they are focused on science driven by rigorous, uncompromising testing.

Saliva is their specialty. No modified blood or urine assays here—Salimetrics assays are designed specifically for salivary testing by pioneers in salivary bioscience, and are now recognised globally as the standard in saliva testing.

Choose Salimetrics. Your research is too important to settle for anything less.

Hormones and biomarkers analysis services in saliva and hair

In close collaboration with Stratech, the ARU Biomarker Laboratory offers a comprehensive service for the analysis of hormones and biomarkers in saliva and hair using Salimetrics reagents and automated, high-throughput Tecan liquid handling systems.

Product Categories

Salimetrics supports saliva researchers around the world with accurate, high-quality, and relevant salivary assays. Dedicated to salivary bioscience, Salimetrics assays have been used in more saliva-related published papers than any other assay in the field.
Exclusively from Salimetrics, SalivaBio maintains the global standard for collection devices and techniques. At SalivaBio, we recognize the critical role saliva collection plays in providing consistent, accurate results.
The Human Tissue Authority-licensed Salimetrics Europe Center of Excellence testing laboratory is located in Cambridge, UK. Together the team shares many years of experience in saliva and hair collection and analysis.

Salimetrics supports thousands of saliva researchers in more than 20 countries around the world. Salimetrics assays have been used in more saliva-related published papers than any other assay in the field, and our customer support staff is unparalleled. We look forward to assisting your research for many years to come.

Collecting Saliva


Saliva Collection methods from SalivaBio are engineered to increase participant compliance and maximize sample integrity. Methods for saliva collection have significantly advanced over the past decade, leading to standardized, reliable methods, devices and techniques that produce high integrity saliva samples allowing for the most accurate results. Salimetrics and SalivaBio work with researchers to design collection systems and devices that have become the trusted methods for researchers driven by scientific credibility.


Collect Right with the Saliva Collection eBook

Learn the proper techniques and methods for saliva collection, handling, storage, and shipping with this step-by-step guide. If you are collecting saliva for biomarker or analyte analysis, we have developed this guide to provide you better results with your salivary testing.


Adults, Children 6+ Children < 6 Years Children < 6 Months Animals
Passive Drool *
Oral Swab
Children’s Swab
Infant’s Swab

*Note: Some children < 6 are capable of providing passive drool samples under supervision




Analyte Passive Drool SalivaBio Swabs Optimum Collection Volume
Salivary 17 Alpha-OHP Yes No 125 μL*
Salivary Aldosterone Yes Yes 175 μL*
Salivary Alpha-Amylase Yes Yes 25 μL*
Salivary Androstenedione Yes No 125 μL*
Salivary C-Reactive Protein Yes No 225 μL*
Salivary Cortisol Yes Yes 75 uL
Salivary Cotinine Yes Yes 75 µL*
Salivary DHEA Yes No 125 μL*
Salivary DHEA-S Yes No 225 μL*
Salivary DNA Analysis Yes Yes 0.5 mL
Salivary Estradiol Yes No 225 μL*
Salivary Estriol Yes No 175 μL*
Salivary Estrone Yes No 255 μL*
Salivary IgG Yes Yes 50 μL*
Salivary IgM Yes No 50 μL*
Salivary Interferon Gamma Yes No 100 μL
Salivary Interleukin-1 Beta Yes Yes 50 μL*
Salivary Interleukin-10 Yes No 100 μL
Salivary Interleukin-12p70 Yes No 100 μL
Salivary Interleukin-13 Yes No 100 μL
Salivary ​Interleukin-17A Yes No 100 μL
Salivary ​Interleukin-2 Yes No 100 μL
Salivary ​Interleukin-5 Yes No 100 μL
Salivary Interleukin-6 Yes Yes 135 μL
Salivary ​Interleukin-7 Yes No 100 μL
Salivary Interleukin-8 Yes No 100 μL
Salivary Melatonin Yes No 225 μL*
Salivary Neopterin Yes No 125 μL*
Salivary Osteocalcin Yes Yes 150 μL
Salivary Oxytocin Yes No 150 μL
Salivary Progesterone Yes No 125 μL*
Salivary SARS-CoV-2 (N) IgG Yes Yes 200 μL
Salivary SIgA Yes Yes 50 μL*
Salivary Testosterone Yes Yes 75 μL*
Salivary TNF-Alpha Yes No 425 μL*
Salivary Total Protein Yes No 75 μL*
Salivary Transferrin Yes No 75 μL*
Salivary Uric Acid Yes Yes 25 μL*

Collecting Saliva


The passive drool collection method from Salimetrics features the patented SalivaBio Collection Aid. When paired with the SalivaBio cryovials, participants and patients can easily collect up to 1.8mL of whole saliva on their own without supervision. For applications where more than 1.8 mL is desired, the SalivaBio Collection Aid can be paired with externally threaded cryogenic tubes from Wheaton, Nunc and Greiner Bio One, all of which are readily available. Contact us for more information. Passive drool (also called “mixed” saliva) is considered by many researchers to be the gold standard when collecting saliva samples for biological testing, because it provides the purest sample possible and allows researchers to “biobank” samples for future testing.



The SalivaBio Oral Swab (SOS) Method brings participant comfort & interference-free results to a broad array of research and diagnostic applications. Unlike other swabs, the family of SalivaBio Swabs are the ONLY swab saliva collection devices proven to have the highest correlation to passive drool. Validated for multiple salivary biomarkers, analytes and DNA, SalivaBio swabs provide confidence in the accuracy of your results. The SOS features a proprietary, synthetic (non-organic), hygienic, individually wrapped oral fluid collection device, specifically designed for both increasing participant compliance and saliva analysis. Medical-grade packaging minimizes the possibility of environmental contaminants, and the swab material provides ready-to-process samples by filtering out unwanted mucins, cells and other aggregates from oral fluid specimens. SalivaBio’s SOS device maintains sample pH, has verified recoveries and is backed by a Salimetrics QC report, to verify recovery and conformity across multiple lots while maintaining minimal lot-to-lot variability.

The complete saliva collection kit includes the SalivaBio oral swab, swab storage tube, and sample collection instructions, and is ready to use in the field or on-site. The volume of sample recovered typically varies between 200-1000 µL depending on an individual’s salivary flow rate, hydration status, mucus content, and the application of stimulus. View the chart below for a list of analytes approved to be collected with the SOS. If your analyte is not listed, we recommend collecting with the passive drool method. However, a pilot study may reveal a high correlation in your subject group, which will enable you to utilize this method effectively.



Experience convenient collection from children less than 6 months of age with SalivaBio’s Infant’s Swab (SIS) Method.The SIS Method affords you consistent, safe, effective and interference-free swab saliva collection. The SIS method features a 90mm swab which is long enough to hold one end firmly while placing the other end in subject’s mouth (thus eliminating any choking hazard). The SIS’s thin diameter (6.3mm) suits smaller mouths, and the durable polymer withstands chewing. Each swab comes individually wrapped to minimize the possibility of environmental contaminants, causes no change in sample pH, and has verified recoveries.

The volume of sample recovered is typically in the range of 200-1000 µL. The SIS is Also backed by a Salimetrics QC report, which verifies consistent lot-to-lot performance. This method comes complete with SalivaBio Infant’s Swab (SIS), swab storage tube, and sample collection instructions, this saliva collection system is ready to use in the field or on-site.

View the chart below for a list of analytes approved to be collected with the SIS. If your analyte is not listed, we recommend collecting with the passive drool method. However, a pilot study may reveal a high correlation in your subject group, which will enable you to utilize this method effectively.



Experience convenient collection children from 6 months to 6 years of age (or from animals) with SalivaBio’s Children’s Swab (SCS) Method. The Children’s Swab method performs safely and effectively and features a 125mm swab, which is long enough to hold one end firmly while placing the other end in subject’s mouth (thus eliminating any choking hazard). The thin 8mm swab diameter suits smaller mouths, and the durable polymer withstands chewing. Each swab comes individually wrapped to minimize the possibility of environmental contaminants, causes no change in sample pH, and has verified recoveries.

The volume of sample recovered is typically in the range of 200-1000 µL and is backed by Salimetrics QC, which verifies consistent lot-to-lot performance. Complete with SalivaBio Children’s Swab (SCS), swab storage tube, and sample collection instructions, this saliva collection system is ready to use in the field or on-site. If your analyte is not listed below, a pilot study may reveal a high correlation in your subject group, which will enable you to utilize this method effectively.




Why do researchers consider Salimetrics salivary assay kits the standard of comparison? We offer the most reliable, repeatable and accurate results in saliva, because we are focused on science driven by rigorous, uncompromising testing. Saliva is our specialty. No modified blood or urine assays here—Salimetrics assays are designed specifically for salivary testing by pioneers in salivary bioscience, and are now recognized globally as the standard in saliva testing. Choose Salimetrics. Your research is too important to settle for anything less.

Salivary 17 Alpha-OHP ELISA Kit

Salimetrics salivary assay kits are expertly designed, developed and validated to ensure accuracy in saliva and proven to deliver precision results for saliva biomarkers.The Salimetrics Salivary 17 Alpha-OHP Enzyme Immunoassay Kit is specifically designed to standardize the detection of 17 Alpha-OHP in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. To ensure the most accurate results, this salivary immunoassay is designed using a matrix that matches saliva. The level of 17 Alpha-OHP in saliva (pg/mL) is significantly lower than levels in blood (ng/mL). The standard curve range is sensitive enough to capture individual differences in the 17 Alpha-OHP levels expected in saliva. The current protocol uses only 50 μL of saliva per test. No separation or extractions are necessary. This 17 Alpha-OHP assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids.​

Salivary Alpha-Amylase Enzymatic Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Alpha-Amylase Assay Kit is specifically designed to standardize the detection of alpha-amylase in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. α-Amylase has been identified as a biomarker that shows potential to be a surrogate marker of autonomic (sympathetic) nervous system activation. Secretion of α-amylase from the salivary glands is controlled by autonomic nervous signals and a substantial amount of literature reveals that salivary α-amylase is a correlate of sympathetic activity under conditions of stress. Studies show that levels of salivary α-amylase increase under a variety of physically (i.e., exercise, heat and cold) and psychologically (i.e., written examinations) stressful conditions in human subjects. Studies also show that α-amylase levels do not often correlate with cortisol during stress, suggesting that individual differences in α-amylase represent a response to a stress signal independent of the LHPA axis.

Alpha-amylase is also believed to play a key role in the establishment and maintenance of the oral microflora to form dental plaques. Although its release from the salivary cells is greatly increased in response to taste or chewing motions of the jaw, salivary α-amylase levels are not related to α-amylase levels in blood, which are derived from pancreatic secretion. In addition, alpha-amylase is present in low levels in non-stimulated saliva between meals, due to its important anti-bacterial role in the oral cavity.

Using a small sample volume, this direct saliva assay kit has an extended range which spans the expected alpha-amylase levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This alpha-amylase assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related proteins.

Salivary Androstenedione ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Androstenedione Enzyme Immunoassay Kit is specifically designed to standardize the detection of androstenedione in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. To ensure the most accurate results, this salivary immunoassay is designed using a matrix that matches saliva. The level of androstenedione in saliva (pg/mL) is significantly lower than levels in blood (ng/mL). The standard curve range is sensitive enough to capture individual differences in the androstenedione levels expected in saliva. The current protocol uses only 50 μL of saliva per test and our androstendione assay kit requires no separation or extractions.

Androstenedione is an additive in many products that are generally advertised as dietary supplements to enhance athletic performance. Use of these supplements has the potential to cause extreme values in this assay. It is also noteworthy that the effects of oral androstenedione administration on circulating levels of testosterone and estrogen do not account for all of the actions of these products. Target tissues of anabolic steroids contain abundant enzymes that convert circulating androstenedione to testosterone right at the site of action without necessarily affecting circulating testosterone levels.​

Salivary C-Reactive Protein ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit (Generation II) was specifically designed to standardize the detection of CRP in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected CRP levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva, which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This CRP assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related cytokines. CRP levels in humans are normally quite low, but they increase several hundred fold during the acute-phase response. Studies have shown that CRP levels can be linked to the incidence of heart attacks and strokes, and can be used to monitor general cardiovascular health and as a predictor of future coronary events. Numerous recent studies investigating serum CRP and its relationship to other diseases have included hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders. These studies also suggests possible links between oral health and chronic infection, inflammation, and heart disease.​

Salivary Cortisol ELISA Kit

Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected cortisol levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. The Salimetrics cortisol assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids. Salimetrics salivary assay kits are expertly designed, developed and validated to ensure accuracy in saliva and proven to deliver precision results for biomarkers in saliva.

Salivary cortisol levels are unaffected by salivary flow rate and are relatively resistant to degradation from enzymes or freeze-thaw cycles. Studies consistently report high correlations between serum and salivary cortisol, indicating that salivary cortisol levels reliably estimate serum cortisol levels. Cortisol production has a circadian rhythm, with levels peaking in the early morning and dropping to lowest values at night. However, levels rise independently of circadian rhythm in response to stress.​

Salivary Cotinine ELISA Kit

Salimetrics Salivary Cotinine ELISA provides researchers with a sensitive method to objectively quantify differences in individual cotinine levels (nicotine exposure), using an easy to collect, non-invasive saliva-sample. Validated for clinical use, and highly correlated with serum levels, Salimetrics Cotinine assay’s high-sensitivity distinguishes between active smokers, non-smokers, and recent second-hand smoke exposure. Cotinine, the most common biomarker for nicotine exposure analysis, and is primarily measured in smoking cessation studies, e-cigarette and public health research, and to assess second-hand smoke exposure in children. Companies may also evaluate salivary cotinine levels for tobacco use relative to employment, health, and life-insurance purposes. Cotinine is a preferred biomarker to evaluate tobacco use, because it maintains a half-life of up to 16-hours, as opposed to nicotine’s half-life of just several hours.

Salivary COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2, N) Antibody ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics® SARS-CoV-2 N-protein Salivary IgG ELISA kit is an enzyme-linked immunoassay specifically designed and validated for the qualitative measurement of human IgG specific to the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid protein (N-protein) in oral fluid which can be utilized in COVID-19 antibody profile research and surveillance testing. This assay kit is not intended for diagnostic use. Research has identified that SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing in saliva could serve as a sensitive and specific serum alternative for large scale immune-surveillance studies. For this assay, the N protein was chosen to maximize the likelihood of antibody detection, since it is the most immunodominant protein in the coronavirus family. Qualitative cutoff values are determined for each run based on controls provided in the kit and serostatus determined from values obtained by oral fluid testing. *Testing for total IgG, using the Salimetrics total IgG ELISA kit, is critical to normalize the sample and also qualify samples for adequate levels of total IgG (above 3 μg/mL) to confidently verify negative samples.*

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the RNA virus strain that causes COVID-19, the disease first identified in 2019. In addition to virus exposure, there is an urgent need to better understand the levels and duration of protective immunity for public health considerations. Research in saliva has identified that SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing could serve as a sensitive and specific serum alternative for large scale immune-surveillance studies (1). Importantly, IgG in saliva is derived from serum, so specificity and reactivity of salivary IgG directly reflects serum IgG reactivity, making oral fluid an attractive alternative sample to blood for serological studies (2, 3).

Current research has shown that antibody levels decrease in the serum of COVID-19 patients over time (4) and vary depending on disease severity. In fact, a higher number of asymptomatic participants become seronegative at 60 days indicating a true decline over a 2-month period rather than an artifact of assay performance. Due to this, the current assay has been benchmarked to a serum specific anti-N protein assay instead of PCR assay results.

Salivary DHEA ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary DHEA Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of DHEA in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected DHEA levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This DHEA assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids. DHEA is a major secretory product of the adrenal glands; it is co-released along with cortisol in response to ACTH from the pituitary gland. A major role of DHEA is to act as a circulating precursor of androgens and estrogens in tissues throughout the body, and it has also been associated with immune function. In addition, DHEA is produced directly by the nervous system, where it functions as a neuroactive and neuroprotective factor. Salivary DHEA levels are unaffected by salivary flow rate or salivary enzymes. DHEA exhibits a diurnal rhythm similar to cortisol, with highest levels in the morning after awakening, followed by a decline throughout the afternoon and evening.

Salivary DHEA-S ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary DHEA-S (DHEA-Sulfate) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of DHEA-S in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range which spans the expected DHEA-S levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This DHEA-S assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids.

DHEA-S is the most abundant steroid hormone in humans, with circulating concentrations approximately 250 and 500 times higher than those of its unsulfated analog, DHEA, in women and men, respectively. DHEA-S is not bound by sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in the blood stream and is readily available for conversion to other compounds. Unlike DHEA, DHEA-S does not normally exhibit any diurnal pattern of secretion and DHEA-S concentrations in saliva decrease markedly as flow rates increase. Levels of DHEA-S peak around the age of 20 to 30, and then decline to only 20-30% of peak levels by the age of 70 to 80. Critical illness and emotional or physical stress can also cause DHEA-S levels to decline. DHEA-S and DHEA are also synthesized directly by the central nervous system, where they appear to help protect nervous tissue against harmful agents. DHEA-S is not lipid soluble, and it cannot enter saliva by passive diffusion through cell membranes like most of the other steroid hormones. Instead, it enters saliva only by squeezing through the tight junctions between cells in the saliva glands, and it is too large to do this readily. It is therefore present in relatively small amounts. Binding proteins or enzymes in saliva that would affect the measurement of free DHEA-S appear largely to be absent.​

Salivary Estradiol ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Estradiol (17-beta estradiol, oestradiol) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of estradiol in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected estradiol levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This estradiol assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids.Estradiol (17β-estradiol, E2, 1,3,5(10)-estratriene-3, 17β-diol) is the most active naturally secreted estrogen. In men, estradiol originates in the testes and from extraglandular conversion of androgens. Circulating estradiol levels are relatively high at birth in both males and females, but decrease postnatally. Research concerning estradiol has focused predominantly on reproductive issues such as conception, ovulation, infertility, and menopause. Yet, estradiol affects a diversity of biological processes involved with pubertal and reproductive capacity, establishment and maintenance of pregnancy, infant care, coronary artery disease, immunocompetence, and cancer susceptibility. Estradiol is also believed to affect individual differences in cognitive and socioemotional processes, as well as psychopathology.​

Salivary Estriol ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Estriol (17b-triol) ELISA kit was designed for the laboratory determination of estriol in saliva samples. By making use of Salimetrics reagents, this saliva assay kit is ideal for low-level saliva estriol detection/measures with exceptional sensitivity. All Salimetrics salivary immunoassay kits are manufactured by experts in assay design and proven to deliver better results for saliva biomarkers.​

HS Salivary Estriol ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Estriol (17b-triol) ELISA kit was designed for the laboratory determination of estriol in saliva samples. By making use of Salimetrics reagents, this saliva assay kit is ideal for low-level saliva estriol detection/measures with exceptional sensitivity. All Salimetrics salivary immunoassay kits are manufactured by experts in assay design and proven to deliver better results for saliva biomarkers.​

Salivary Estrone ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Estrone (E1) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of estrone in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected estrone levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This estrone assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids.

A major portion of estrone [3-hydroxy-1,3,5(10)-estratrien-17-one: E1] is produced from androstenedione in prepubertal children, men, and postmenopausal women and of the three major estrogens, estrone is predominant after menopause in women. For this reason, research concerning Estrone is often focused on pregnancy, reproduction, and menopause. However, estrogens affect a diverse group of biological processes such as arterial vasodilation, bone density, cognitive function, and neuroprotection. Estrogens are also studied in regard to coronary artery disease, immunocompetence, cancer susceptibility and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Estrone is also a primary component of many pharmaceutical preparations.​

Salivary IgG ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Total Human IgG (Immunoglobulin-G) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of human Immunoglobulin G in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range which spans the expected IgG levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This IgG assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related immunoglobulins.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is a key component of the humoral immune system for host immune-defense against pathogenic viruses and microbes. There are four subclasses of IgG (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4). Collectively, total IgG refers to all IgG subclasses, which have varying unique reactivities, present at a given time. In most cases an immune response includes a mixture of all four subclasses and this assay has been designed to recognize detect them all. IgG levels in saliva are generally in the microgram per milliliter range, while in blood they are much higher, in the milligram per milliliter range (1).

Salivary IgM ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Total Human IgM (ImmunoglobulinM) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to quantify levels of total human IgM in saliva samples and other oral fluids , which can be used for sample quality assurance and as inclusion criteria when using oral fluid as an alternative sample type for serological studies. Pathogen specific IgM is indicative of recent acute exposure, and when used together with total IgM, researchers can confidently track outbreak scenarios and minimize false negatives due to inadequate total IgM levels while using the convenience of oral fluid sampling.

Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is present in two major forms in the circulation. Natural IgM is a low-affinity pentameric molecule that binds to invading pathogens without requiring prior exposure. This form acts to directly neutralize viruses, activate complement, trigger phagocytosis, and drive antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity. Adaptive IgM is the first antibody produced in response to invading pathogens and functions in a similar way to natural IgM but is a high-affinity molecule. The majority of IgM is pentameric and includes the J chain which is also a key structural component found in polymeric IgA. IgM also naturally forms hexamers, however, in this case the J chain is absent.

Salivary Interleukin-1 Beta ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary IL-1 Beta (IL-1B, Interleukin-1 beta, IL-1β) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of IL-1 Beta in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected IL-1 Beta levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This IL-1 Beta assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related cytokines.Interleukin-1 Beta is widely accepted as a biomarker of systemic inflammation. IL-1 Beta serves an important role in activating the production of other pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1α, as well as inducing the acute phase response. IL-1 Beta is considered the prototypic ‘multi-functional’ cytokine, affecting nearly all cell types, either alone, or in combination with other cytokines. IL-1β and its associated signaling systems may also play a role in mediating the response of the circadian timing system to immune challenge, as well as the basal functioning of the SCN clock. IL-1 Beta is present in the saliva of both healthy and diseased individuals. The sources of IL-1 Beta production in the oral cavity include macrophages, monocytes, fibroblasts, and mucosal epithelial cells. IL-1 Beta has also been found to be synthesized and released from acinar and ductal cells in mouse salivary glands. Human tear fluid and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), which may be present as components of whole saliva, also contain IL-1β.

Levels of IL-1 Beta in saliva and CGF have been studied in relation to gingival and periodontal disease, as well as in relation to other oral diseases such as Sjögren’s syndrome and oral cancer. Levels of IL-1 Beta in saliva and GCF have also been observed to change in response to various types of physical and psychological stressors, similar to the response seen in the circulation. Additionally, IL-1 Beta levels in saliva and GCF have been reported to have a circadian rhythm. Dysregulation of IL-1 Beta synthesis or control mechanisms can be involved in numerous disease processes. Studies in humans report that IL-1 Beta levels are generally higher in saliva than in plasma or serum, and serum/plasma levels are often below the limit of detection. Correlation of IL-1 Beta levels in blood and saliva has not been reported in humans, but blood-saliva correlations for other pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, have generally been found to be only modest. IL-1 Beta has also been found to be released from mouse parotid acinar cells in response to alpha- and beta-adrenergic stimulation.​

Salivary Interleukin-6 ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary IL-6 (Interleukin-6) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of IL-6 in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Salivary IL-6 levels can be very low in certain participant groups, and pilot studies in the population of interest are recommended to determine baseline measures. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This IL-6 assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related cytokines.

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in a multitude of inflammatory responses with roles in immune regulation and pathologic conditions including both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. IL-6 initiates and up-regulates inflammation, triggers the release of acute phase proteins, regulates inflammatory response, attracts immune cells to sites of injury or infection and stimulates coagulation. Salivary levels have varying correlations to serum levels depending on the research applications.

Salivary Melatonin ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics™ Salivary Melatonin Assay Kit is a competitive immunoassay specifically designed and validated for the quantitative determination of melatonin in saliva for research or circadian/biorhythm assessment. The Salimetrics propriety ELISA format allows melatonin assay results in four hours or less with a single sample and one wash step. Salimetrics salivary assay kits are expertly designed, developed and validated to ensure accuracy in saliva and proven to deliver precision results for salivary biomarkers. Our specifically designed antibody promises precise and accurate results in less time. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a compound secreted mainly by the pineal gland, but synthesized also in many other tissues and cells. In humans, nocturnally peaking oscillations of melatonin are involved in sleep-wakefulness where melatonin concentrations are lower during the day. In recent years, the role of melatonin and its metabolites have been identified as potent, broad acting antioxidants and free radical scavengers in addition to a playing a role in the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes. Melatonin levels in plasma are paralleled by corresponding variations in saliva where the saliva concentrations are about 30% of that found in plasma.

Salivary Progesterone ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Progesterone (P4) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of progesterone in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected progesterone levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This progesterone assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids.

Salivary Secretory IgA ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Secretory IgA (SIgA, Secretory Immunoglobulin-A) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of secretory IgA in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range which spans the expected secretory IgA levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This secretory IgA assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related cytokines.

Secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) is often characterized as a component of the immune systems “first-line of defense” against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria. A lower concentration of SIgA in saliva has been conceptualized as a risk factor for upper respiratory infection in children and the elderly. Also, individual differences in SIgA levels in response to infection have been identified as potential risk factors. Lower levels of SIgA are associated with increased risk for periodontal disease and caries. Several studies link stress and emotionality with levels of SIgA . SIgA has a parabolic relationship with age. No gender differences in SIgA levels have been reported. SIgA in saliva is not directly related to serum levels of SIgA. This literature recommends that variability in salivary flow rate should be taken into account when estimating saliva levels of SIgA and making comparisons between individuals. The present enzyme immunoassay protocol represents a significant advance over the traditional SIgA measurement approach by employing single radial immunodiffusion (SRID).​

Salivary Testosterone ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Salivary Testosterone Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of testosterone in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected testosterone levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This testosterone assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids. Testosterone exhibits a diurnal rhythm, with highest levels in the morning and a nadir around midnight. In men, testosterone plays an important role in the development of male reproductive tissues including the testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle, bone mass, and hair growth. In blood, only 1-10% of testosterone is in its unbound or biologically active form. The remaining testosterone is bound to serum proteins whereas the majority of testosterone in saliva is not protein-bound. Salivary testosterone levels are unaffected by salivary flow rate. The serum-saliva correlation for testosterone is very high for males, but only modest for females.​

Salivary Transferrin/Blood Contamination ELISA Kit

The Salimetrics Transferrin (Blood Contamination) Kit is a competitive immunoassay designed and validated for the quantitative measurement of blood contamination of saliva samples. It is intended for use as an analytical tool to screen saliva samples that should be excluded due to blood component leakage into the oral mucosa, which may interfere with assays for other salivary analytes. It is not intended for diagnostic use. Under most circumstance, blood contamination in saliva is a non-concern, but if research participants are at high risk for oral injury or poor oral health, monitoring transferrin in saliva is a necessity. The quantitative measurement of analytes in saliva is invalid if the physiochemical and physical barrier between blood circulation and the oral mucosa is compromised such that there is a “leakage” of blood or plasma into saliva. This is especially true when levels of the analyte of interest in blood are substantially higher than levels observed in saliva (i.e., ng/mL in serum vs. pg/mL in saliva). Screening samples and excluding those contaminated by blood may be critical if valid conclusions are to be drawn from salivary data.

Salivary Uric Acid Assay Kit

Salimetrics’ innovative Salivary Uric Acid Assay Kit provides researchers with the opportunity to quickly monitor uric acid levels in saliva samples using non-invasive and participant-centric saliva collection devices. Uric Acid shows a strong potential to define key biological pathways that can now be monitored with painless, less expensive, (no need for needles, trained phlebotomists, expensive collection supplies or biohazard disposal), and non-invasive saliva samples.

Uric Acid is an end product of purine nucleotide catabolism in humans. While uric acid provides health benefits when present at normal levels, abnormally high or low levels can cause adverse health effects. Systemic uric acid concentrations are influenced by dietary levels of purine rich foods, body mass index (BMI), and cardiometabolic risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglyceride levels and fasting blood glucose.

Diagnostic Salivary Cortisol ELISA Kit (FDA, CE Mark)

Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected cortisol levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. The Salimetrics cortisol assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids. Salimetrics salivary assay kits are expertly designed, developed and validated to ensure accuracy in saliva and proven to deliver precision results for biomarkers in saliva.

Salivary cortisol levels are unaffected by salivary flow rate and are relatively resistant to degradation from enzymes or freeze-thaw cycles. Studies consistently report high correlations between serum and salivary cortisol, indicating that salivary cortisol levels reliably estimate serum cortisol levels. Cortisol production has a circadian rhythm, with levels peaking in the early morning and dropping to lowest values at night. However, levels rise independently of circadian rhythm in response to stress.​

Diagnostic Salivary Cotinine ELISA Kit (FDA, CE Mark)

Salimetrics Salivary Cotinine ELISA provides researchers with a sensitive method to objectively quantify differences in individual cotinine levels (nicotine exposure), using an easy to collect, non-invasive saliva-sample. Validated for clinical use, and highly correlated with serum levels, Salimetrics Cotinine assay’s high-sensitivity distinguishes between active smokers, non-smokers, and recent second-hand smoke exposure. Cotinine, the most common biomarker for nicotine exposure analysis, and is primarily measured in smoking cessation studies, e-cigarette and public health research, and to assess second-hand smoke exposure in children. Companies may also evaluate salivary cotinine levels for tobacco use relative to employment, health, and life-insurance purposes. Cotinine is a preferred biomarker to evaluate tobacco use, because it maintains a half-life of up to 16-hours, as opposed to nicotine’s half-life of just several hours.

Diagnostic Salivary DHEA ELISA Kit (CE Mark)

The Salimetrics Salivary DHEA Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of DHEA in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected DHEA levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This DHEA assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids. DHEA is a major secretory product of the adrenal glands; it is co-released along with cortisol in response to ACTH from the pituitary gland. A major role of DHEA is to act as a circulating precursor of androgens and estrogens in tissues throughout the body, and it has also been associated with immune function. In addition, DHEA is produced directly by the nervous system, where it functions as a neuroactive and neuroprotective factor. Salivary DHEA levels are unaffected by salivary flow rate or salivary enzymes. DHEA exhibits a diurnal rhythm similar to cortisol, with highest levels in the morning after awakening, followed by a decline throughout the afternoon and evening.

Diagnostic Salivary Cotinine ELISA Kit (FDA, CE Mark)

The Salimetrics Salivary DHEA Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of DHEA in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected DHEA levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This DHEA assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids. DHEA is a major secretory product of the adrenal glands; it is co-released along with cortisol in response to ACTH from the pituitary gland. A major role of DHEA is to act as a circulating precursor of androgens and estrogens in tissues throughout the body, and it has also been associated with immune function. In addition, DHEA is produced directly by the nervous system, where it functions as a neuroactive and neuroprotective factor. Salivary DHEA levels are unaffected by salivary flow rate or salivary enzymes. DHEA exhibits a diurnal rhythm similar to cortisol, with highest levels in the morning after awakening, followed by a decline throughout the afternoon and evening.

Diagnostic Salivary Estriol ELISA Kit (CE Mark)

The Salimetrics Salivary Estriol (17b-triol) ELISA kit was designed for the laboratory determination of estriol in saliva samples. By making use of Salimetrics reagents, this saliva assay kit is ideal for low-level saliva estriol detection/measures with exceptional sensitivity. All Salimetrics salivary immunoassay kits are manufactured by experts in assay design and proven to deliver better results for saliva biomarkers.​

Diagnostic Salivary Progesterone ELISA Kit (FDA, CE Mark)

The Salimetrics Salivary Progesterone (P4) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of progesterone in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected progesterone levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This progesterone assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids.

Diagnostic Testosterone ELISA Kit (CE Mark)

The Salimetrics Salivary Testosterone Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of testosterone in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a small sample volume, this assay kit has an extended range that spans the expected testosterone levels found in human saliva. The average inter- and intra-assay precision coefficients of variation are low with no deleterious matrix effects often found in saliva which are characterized through dilution- and spike-recovery validation procedures. This testosterone assay kit has also been formatted to minimize cross reactivity for related steroids.

Testosterone exhibits a diurnal rhythm, with highest levels in the morning and a nadir around midnight. In men, testosterone plays an important role in the development of male reproductive tissues including the testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle, bone mass, and hair growth. In blood, only 1-10% of testosterone is in its unbound or biologically active form. The remaining testosterone is bound to serum proteins whereas the majority of testosterone in saliva is not protein-bound. Salivary testosterone levels are unaffected by salivary flow rate. The serum-saliva correlation for testosterone is very high for males, but only modest for females.​

Making Meaningful Impact Is Our Goal.

Discovery – We provide the tools that help others uncover relationships between biology, behavior, social forces, and health.
Science – We encourage application of systematic, rigorous, logical, evidence-based, reliable, valid, well-planned thought to all that we do.
Innovation – We want to operate at the cutting edge.
Collaboration – We acknowledge there is more to be done that we can accomplish on our own.
Impact – We selectively invest our time and resources in projects, services and products that will make a difference.

Headquartered in the United States with offices in Europe and global distribution capabilities, Salimetrics represents worldwide opportunity in salivary collection, analysis and research.
Learn more about Salimetrics—our full-service saliva testing service (the SalivaLab) and Centers of Excellence initiative, global partnerships, the people paving the way in saliva research and the individuals and institutions who rely on Salimetrics—and it’s plain to see the future of salivary bioscience is both bright and exciting!

Clinical Diagnostics and Pathology Testing

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Biomarkers for Huntington’s Disease- Improving Clinical Outcomes

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At home salivary uric acid sampling as a potential long-term tool to assess pregnant women


Late night salivary cortisol and its diagnostic utility for Cushing’s Disease and after pituitary surgery


Salivary osteocalcin, cortisol, alpha-amylase, testosterone, and DHEA were assayed to assess the influence of acute stress during cold water dive training


Salivary cortisol and oxytocin related to reduced youth anxiety through novel interventions, such as equine-assisted adaptive riding program


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Exploring Salivary Cortisol Patterns in Zoo-Housed Apes: A tool for welfare assessment


The Emerging Field of Salivary Bioscience


Salivary Cortisol and Salivary Alpha-Amylase measured to assess racial discrimination and the stress response


Salivary Cortisol Awakening Response in Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians


Environmental tobacco smoke exposure is associated with increased levels of metals in children’s saliva


Salivary alpha-amylase and cortisol association with Traumatic Brain Injury adjustment