SignalChem Diagnostics was founded in 2018 as a subsidiary of SignalChem Lifesciences, a biotech company based in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. The founding of SignalChem Diagnostics was driven by the increasing demand for accurate and reliable raw materials for diagnostic tools. SignalChem Lifesciences was already well-established in the biotech industry, having been founded in 2004. The company specialized in developing and manufacturing high-quality antibodies and functional proteins for research purposes, as well as providing contract research services to clients in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors.

In 2018, SignalChem Lifesciences decided to expand its operations by establishing SignalChem Diagnostics as a separate entity. The new company would focus exclusively on the development and production of raw materials (proteins, enzymes, compounds) for diagnostic tests for cancer and other diseases, using proprietary technologies developed by SignalChem Lifesciences.

The goal of the company is to be recognized as a valued partner for leading biotech and pharma institutions, developing innovative diagnostic tools in order to play a key role in the fight against cancer and other diseases. The company has since grown rapidly, expanding its product portfolio from just raw materials to IVD Test and detection methods.

Diagnostic Reagents for Accurate and Reproducible Results

Creating the future where rapid, precise and accessible diagnostics are the standard



SignalChem Diagnostics offers an exclusive range of anti-human antibodies designed to meet the demands of various immunodiagnostic assays. Our high-quality monoclonal antibodies target Human IgA, IgG, and IgM, providing exceptional specificity and sensitivity. Unconjugated and optimized for a wide array of applications, these antibodies ensure reliable performance in ELISA, Western blot, immunoprecipitation, and other immunoassay techniques.

Name Catalog # Expression Host Organism Isotype/Class
Anti-Human IgG Antibody mIgM, Unconjugated H38-60M N/A Mouse, IgM
Anti-Human IgM Antibody mIgG, Unconjugated H38M-60M N/A Mouse, IgG
Name Catalog # Source Organism Expression Host Organism Tag Type Genbank Accession # UniProt #
Act d 8 AD08-A921H Actinidia deliciosa (Green kiwi fruit) E. coli His AM489568 D1YSM5
Aln g 1 AG01-A921H Alnus glutinosa (Black alder) E. coli His S50892.1 P38948
Aln g 1 AG01-A922H Alnus glutinosa (Black alder) N. benthamiana His S50892.1 P38948
Alt a 1 AL01-A931H Alternaria alternata E. coli His AY117038.1 Q8NJ79
Ana c 1 AC01-A922H Ananas comosus (Pineapple) N. benthamiana His AF377949.1 Q94JN2
Ana c 1 AC01-A921H Ananas comosus (Pineapple) E. coli His AF377949.1 Q94JN2
Ana o 1 (N131) AN01-A921H Anacardium occidentale (Cashew) E. coli His AF395894.1 Q8L5L5
Api g 1 AP01-A921H Apium graveolens E. coli His Z48967.1 P49372
Ara h 1 AH01-A9210 Arachis hypogaea (Peanut, groundnut) Native protein Tag-free L34402 P43238
Ara h 3 AH03-A9210 Arachis hypogaea (Peanut, groundnut) Native protein Tag-free AF093541 O82580
Art la 2 AL02-A921H Artemisia lavandulifolia N. benthamiana His MF326220.1 AVD29826.1
Art v 1 AV01-A921H Artemisia vulgaris N. benthamiana His AF493943.1 Q84ZX5
Art v 3 AV03-A921H Artemisia vulgaris N. benthamiana His EU564845.1 C4MGG9
Art v 3.02 AV02-A921H Artemisia vulgaris E. coli His EU564845.1 C4MGG9
Art v 5 AV05-A921H Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort) E. coli His AY904434.1 A0PJ17
Asp f 1 AF01-A931H Aspergillus fumigatus E. coli His M83781 P67875
Asp f 2 AF02-A931H Aspergillus fumigatus E. coli His U56938.1 P79017
Asp f 3 AF03-A931H Aspergillus fumigatus E. coli His U58050.1 O43099
Asp f 5 AF05-A931H Aspergillus fumigatus E. coli His Z30424.1 P46075
Asp f 6 AF06-A931H Aspergillus fumigatus E. coli His U53561.1 Q92450
Asp f 9 AF09-A931H Aspergillus fumigatus E. coli His AJ223327.1 Q8J0P4
Bet v 1 BV01-A921H Betula pendula (European white birch) E. coli His X15877.1 P15494
Bet v 4 BV04-A921H Betula pendula (European white birch) E. coli His X87153 Q39419
Bla g 1 BG01-A951H Blattella germanica E. coli His AF072219.2 Q9UAM5
Bla g 5 BG05-A951H Blattella germanica E. coli His U92412.1 O18598
Bos d 4 BD04-A9010 Bos taurus Native protein Tag-free AAA30615 P00711
Bos d 5 BD05-A9010 Bos taurus Native protein Tag-free X14712 P02754
Bos d 8 BD08-A9010 Bos taurus Native protein Tag-free NP_851372, NP_776953, XP_005902099, NP_776719 P02662, P02663, P02666, P02668
Can f 1 CF01-A951H Canis familiaris E. coli His AF027177.1 O18873
Can f 2 CF02-A951H Canis familiaris E. coli His AF027178.1 O18874
Can f 3 CF03-A951H Canis familiaris E. coli His AB090854.1 P49822
Can f 5 CF05-A951H Canis familiaris E. coli His Y00751 P09582
Che a 2 CH02-A921H Chenopodium album (White goosefoot) E. coli His AY082337.1 Q84V37
Che a 3 CH03-A921H Chenopodium album (White goosefoot) E. coli His AY082338.1 Q84V36
Cor a 1 CA01-A921H Corylus avellana (Hazelnut) E. coli His X70999.1 Q08407
Cra c 8 CC08-A951H Crangon crangon E. coli His FJ462738.1 D7F1Q0
Der f 1 DF01-A941H Dermatophagoides farinae E. coli His AB034946.1 Q58A71
Der f 2 DF02-A941H Dermatophagoides farinae E. coli His D10447.1 Q00855
Der p 2 DP02-A941H Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus E. coli His AF276239.1 P49278
Der p 21 DP21-A941H Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus E. coli His DQ354124.1 Q2L7C5
Der p 21/23 DP22-A941H Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus E. coli His Der p 21: DQ354124.1 Der p 21/23
Der p 23 DP23-A941H Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus E. coli His EU414751.1 L7N6F8
Der p 5 DP05-A941H Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus E. coli His X17699 P14004
Der p 7 DP07-A941H Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus E. coli His U37044.1 P49273
Fag e 2 FE02-A921H Fagopyrum esculentum (Common Buckwheat) E. coli His DQ304682.1 Q2PS07
Fel d 1 FD01-A951H Felis catus E. coli His chain 1: NM_001048153.1 Fel d 1
Fel d 4 FD04-A951H Felis catus E. coli His NM_001009233.1 Q5VFH6
Fra a 1 FA01-A921H Fragaria x ananassa (Strawberry) E. coli His LC214965.1 Q5ULZ4
Gal d 1 GD01-A9010 G. gallus Native protein Tag-free J00902 P01005
Gal d 2 GD02-A9010 G. gallus Native protein Tag-free CAA23682 P01012
Gal d 3 GD03-A9010 G. gallus Native protein Tag-free CAA26040 P02789
Gal d 7 GD07-A951H G. gallus E. coli His XM_031604465 P02604
Gly m 3 GM03-A921H Glycine max (Soybean) N. benthamiana His AJ223982.1 O65809
Gly m 4 GM04-A921H Glycine max (Soybean) E. coli His X60043.1 P26987
Hel a 2 HA02-A921H Helianthus annuus (Common sunflower) E. coli His Y15210 O81982
Jun a 7 JA07-A921H Juniperus ashei (Mountain cedar) E. coli His LC511610 C0HLQ0
Lit v 2 LV02-A951H Litopenaeus vannamei E. coli His DQ975203.1 Q004B5
Lit v 3 LV03-A951H Litopenaeus vannamei E. coli His EU449515.1 B7SNI3
Lit v 4 LV04-A951H Litopenaeus vannamei E. coli His FJ184279.1 C7A639
Mal d 1 MD01-A921H Malus domestica (Apple) E. coli His X83672.1 P43211
Man i 3 MN03-A921H Mangifera indica N. benthamiana His DQ270547.1 Q2XPH2
Man i 4 MN04-A922H Mangifera indica (Mango) E. coli His OK136959.1 N/A
Man i 4 MN04-A921H Mangifera indica (Mango) N. benthamiana His OK136959.1 N/A
Pan b 1 PB01-A951H Pandalus borealis (Northern red shrimp) E. coli His FR728681 E5BBS3
Pen ch 18 PC18-A961H Penicillium chrysogenum E. coli His AF264027.1 Q9P8G3
Pen m 2 PM02-A951H Penaeus monodon (Giant tiger prawn) E. coli His AF479772.1 Q8I9P7
Per a 1 PA01-A951H Periplaneta americana E. coli His AF072222.1 Q9TZR6
Phl p 2 PP01-A951H Phleum pratense (Common timothy) E. coli His X75925 P43214
Phl p 5 PH05-A921H Phleum pratense (Timothy) E. coli His X74735 Q40960
Pis v 2 PV02-A921H Pistacia vera N. benthamiana His DQ631676.1 B7P073
Pla a 1 PA01-A921H Platanus acerifolia (London plane tree) N. benthamiana His AJ427413 Q8GT41
Pru du 1 PR01-A921H Prunus dulcis (Almond) E. coli His EU424251.1 B6CQS9
Pru p 1 PP01-A921H Prunus persica (Peach) (Amygdalus persica) E. coli His DQ251187 Q2I6V8
Pru p 4 PP04-A921H Prunus persica (Peach) E. coli His AJ491881.1 Q8GT40
Que a 1 QA01-A921H Quercus alba (White oak) E. coli His EU283862.1 B6RQS1
Scy p 2 SP02-A951H Scylla paramamosain (Green Mud crab) E. coli His JN828652.1 H6VGI3
Sola l 4 SL04-A921H Solanum lycopersicum (Lycopersicon esculentum) (Tomato) E. coli His KF682291.1 K4CWC5
Sola l 6 SL06-A921H Solanum lycopersicum (Lycopersicon esculentum) (Tomato) E. coli His NM_001319954 A0A3Q7F7X3
Name Catalog Number
Bovine Brucella ELISA Kit BBB01-876
Bovine Chlamydia abortus ELISA Kit BCAB1-876
Bovine heat shock protein 70 (Hsp-70) ELISA Kit BHS01-875
Bovine Leptospira ELISA Kit
Bovine Protamine 1 (PRM1) ELISA Kit BPRM1-875
Guinea Pig Adenovirus (ADV) ELISA Kit CADV1-876
Guinea Pig Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ELISA Kit CCMV1-876
Guinea Pig Tyzzer’s Disease (Clostridium piliforme) (CPIL) ELISA Kit CCP01-876
Human Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2 (TGF-β2) ELISA Kit HTGF1-875
Mouse Ectromelia Virus (EV) ELISA Kit MEV01-876
Mouse Hepatitis Virus (MHV) ELISA Kit MHV01-876
Mouse Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) ELISA Kit LCMV1-876
Mouse Mycoplasma pulmonis (MP) ELISA Kit MMP01-876
Mouse Norovirus ELISA Kit MNV01-876
Mouse Parvovirus ELISA Kit MPV01-876
Mouse Pneumonia Virus (MPV) ELISA Kit MPV02-876
Mouse Sendai Virus (SV) ELISA Kit MSV01-876
Mouse Theiler’s Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus (TMEV) ELISA Kit MTV01-876
Rat Hantavirus (HV) ELISA Kit RHV01-876
Rat Parvovirus (PV) ELISA Kit RPV01-876
Rat Sialodacryoadenitis Virus (SDAV) ELISA Kit RSAV1-876

SignalChem Diagnostics offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality molecular enzymes, specifically designed to enhance the performance and reliability of molecular diagnostic applications. Our product range includes enzymes for efficient cDNA synthesis, reliable PCR amplification, and accurate qPCR analysis. Carefully optimized and rigorously tested, these enzymes and master mixes provide consistent results, making them ideal for various molecular diagnostic assays.

Name Catalog # Description
High Fidelity Master Mix HF01-E011 Next generation PCR premix for rapid target amplification with better specificity and higher yield
High Fidelity Master Mix (Dye Plus) HF01-E012 Next generation PCR premix with a loading dye for rapid target amplification and simplified tracking of DNA products
M-MLV (H-) Reverse Transcriptase RTM01-E311 Recombinant reverse transcriptase for long cDNA synthesis
Murine RNase Inhibitor RNI01-G511 RNase inhibitor with improved resistance to oxidation for selective inhibition of RNase A, B, and C
Murine RNase Inhibitor (Glycerol Free) RNI01-G511B Selective RNase A, B, and C inhibitor, in glycerol-free formulation and with improved resistance to oxidation
PureScript II Pro Reverse Transcriptase RTH02-E311 Optimized M-MLV (RNase H-) reverse transcriptase with improved thermostability
PureScript III Pro Reverse Transcriptase RTH03-E311 Optimized M-MLV (RNase H-) reverse transcriptase with improved thermostability, designed for reactions at 37°C
RNase H (Glycerol Free) RNH01-E311B Endoribonuclease in glycerol-free formulation hydrolyzes the phosphodiester bonds of RNA in DNA/RNA hybrids, is optimized for reactions at 37°C, and comes with a 10X reaction buffer
RNase H II (Glycerol Free) RNH02-E311B Endoribonuclease in glycerol-free formulation hydrolyzes the phosphodiester bonds of RNA in DNA/RNA hybrids and is optimized for reactions at 70°C
Super Fidelity DNA Polymerase SF01-E311 Next generation polymerase with improved long-fragment amplification ability, specificity, and PCR product yield
Super Fidelity Master Mix SF01-E011 Next generation PCR premix for better long-fragment amplification, higher specificity and product yield
Super Mix For qPCR (+gDNA Wiper) RTS01-E011 Optimized reverse transcriptase kit for improved cDNA synthesis in qPCR applications
Taq Plus DNA polymerase TQ02-E311 Purified Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase with 5′ → 3′ polymerase activity and 5′ → 3′ exonuclease activity, but no 3′ → 5′ exonuclease activity
Taq Plus Master Mix TQ02-E011 Optimized PCR premix with Taq Plus DNA polymerase for better amplification performance, higher fidelity and yield
Taq Plus Master Mix (Dye Plus) TQ02-E012 Optimized PCR premix with Taq Plus DNA polymerase and one dye for better amplification performance, higher fidelity and yield, and simplified product loading for electrophoresis
Taq HS DNA Polymerase TQ03-E011 Hot-start Taq polymerase obtained by mixing Taq DNA polymerase with Champagne Taq antibody, inactive at temperatures up to 55°C
Taq Plus Master Mix II (Dye Plus) TQ04-E012 Optimized PCR premix with Taq Plus DNA polymerase and two loading dyes for better amplification performance, higher fidelity and yield, and simplified tracking of DNA products in gels
Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix TQ03-E011 Premix for SYBR Green I fluorescence qPCR with optimized Taq Pro DNA Polymerase
Name Catalog # Application
dNTP Mix DN01-09 PCR, RT, and RT-PCR reagent
Nucleic Acid Detection Test Strip TS02-NA89 Qualitative detection of nucleic acid amplification products
Name Catalog # Source Organism Expression Host Organism
ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ, Active AH01-E311H E. coli E. coli
Bst II DNA Polymerase Large Fragment BP01-E311 Bacillus stearothermophilus E. coli
Bsu DNA Polymerase Large Fragment BD01-E311U Bacillus subtilis E. coli
Sau DNA Polymerase Large Fragment SD01-E311U Staphylococcus. aureus E. coli
Single-stranded DNA binding protein SS01-C501H E. coli E. coli
T4 gp32 Protein T4G32-C501H Escherichia virus T4 E. coli
T4 UvsX DNA Recombinase T4SX-E311U Escherichia virus T4 E. coli
T4 UvsY Protein T4SY-C501H Escherichia virus T4 E. coli

SignalChem Diagnostics offers a comprehensive portfolio of CRISPR-associated proteins, featuring a diverse range of highly active CRISPR enzymes tailored to meet the demands of cutting-edge gene-editing applications. Our selection of CRISPR enzymes ensures exceptional specificity, efficiency, and versatility in various CRISPR-based gene manipulation techniques, enabling the development of innovative and reliable gene-editing solutions.

Name Catalog # Source Organism Expression Host Organism Tag Type Sequence
AapCas12b, Active C12B1-E311U Alicyclobacillus acidiphilus E. coli tag-free full length
AsCas12a, Active CS12A-E311H Acidaminococcus sp E. coli His full length
Cas12 (LbCpf1), Active C12CR-E241G Lachnospiraceae E. coli GST full-length
Cas12 (LbCpf1), Active C12CR-E241G Lachnospiraceae E. coli GST full-length
EiCsm6, Active CS06-E312H Enterococcus italicus E. coli His full length
FnCas12a, Active CF12A-E311H Francisella tularensis E. coli His full length
FnCas12a, Active, Glycerol-free CF12A-E311HB Francisella tularensis E. coli His full length
LbuCas13a, Active CS13A-E322U Leptotrichia buccalis E. coli tag-free full length
LbuCas13a, Active, Glycerol-free CS13A-E322UB Leptotrichia buccalis E. coli N/A full length
LwCas13a, Active CS13A-E321H Leptotrichia wadei E. coli His full length
PsmCas13b, Active CS13B-E312H Prevotella sp E. coli His full length
SpCas9 (D10A)-NLS CS09N-E331H Streptococcus pyogenes E. coli His full length
SpCas9 (D10A, H840A)-NLS CS09N-E333H Streptococcus pyogenes E. coli His full length
SpCas9 (H840A)-NLS CS09N-E332H Streptococcus pyogenes E. coli His full length
SpCas9, Active CS09-E311H Streptococcus pyogenes E. coli His full length
SpCas9-NLS, Active CS09N-E312H Streptococcus pyogenes E. coli His full length
SpCas9-NLS, Active, Glycerol-free CS09N-E312HB Streptococcus pyogenes E.coli His full length
TccCas13a, Active CS13A-E314H Thermoclostridium caenicola E. coli His full length
TtCsm6, Active CS06-E311H Thermus thermophilus E. coli His full length
Name Catalog # Application
CAS System Nucleic Acid Detection Test Strip TS01-CS89 N/A
Cas12 Reaction Buffer, 10X CS12-09 N/A
Cas12 ssDNA Reporter CS12-57 N/A
Cas13 Reaction Buffer II, 10X CS13-09B N/A
Cas13 Reaction Buffer, 10X CS13-09 N/A
Cas13 ssRNA Reporter CS13-57 N/A
Cas13 Storage Buffer, 1X CS13-19 N/A

Custom Guide RNAs

We provide expertly synthesized and tailored custom guide RNAs for a wide range of research applications, including specialized projects.

Product Name Catalog #
Cas12 (AapCas12b) Kit C12B1-U834
Cas12 (LbCpf1, GST) Kit C12CR-G834
Cas12 (LbCpf1, His) Kit C12CR-H834
Cas13 (LbuCas13a) Kit CS13A-U834
Cas13 [LwCas13a (LwC2c2)] Kit CS13A-H834

SignalChem Diagnostics offers a diverse range of enzymes specifically designed for clinical chemistry applications, ensuring optimal performance in diagnostic tests and assays. Our high-quality enzyme selection has been rigorously tested for accuracy, sensitivity, and consistency, enabling precise quantification and detection of analytes in various clinical chemistry tests.

Name Catalog # Enzyme No. Grade Activity
Cholesterol Oxidase CX01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 12U/mg-solid or more
Creatinine Amidohydrolase CR01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 300 U/mg-solid or more
Cystathionine-β-lyase CY02D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 30 U/mg-solid or more
Cystathionine-β-synthase CY01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 4.0 U/mg-solid or more
D-Lactate dehydrogenase LD01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 150U/mg-solid or more
D-Lactate dehydrogenase LD01D-E311H EC Research Use Only ≥500 U/≥2500 U
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase GD03D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 280U/mg-solid or more
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase GD03D-E311H EC Research Use Only ≥200 U/≥1000 U
Glycerol Dehydrogenase GD01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 35 U/mg-solid or more
Hexokinase HK01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 150U/mg-solid or more
Hexokinase HK01D-E311H EC Research Use Only ≥500 U/≥1000 U
Lactate Oxidase LX01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 80 U/mg-solid or more
Malate dehydrogenase MD01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 40U/mg-solid or more
Malate Dehydrogenase MD01D-E311H EC Research Use Only ≥500 U/≥2500 U
N-Acetylneuraminic Acid Aldolase AA01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 15 U/mg-solid or more
Uricase UR01D1-E311H EC Diagnostic Reagent 4U/mg-solid or more
Name Catalog# Cas # Molecular Formula
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) NA01-C59 53-84-9 C21H27N7O14P2
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (NADP-Na2) NN02-C59 24292-60-2 C21H26N7O17P3 Na2
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (NADP-Na) NN01-C59 1184-16-3 C21H27N7O17P3 · Na
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Reduced Form (NADPH) tetrasodium salt NR01-C59 2646-71-1 C21H26N7Na4O17P3
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Reduced Form (NADH) disodium salt NH01-C59 606-68-8 C21H27N7O14P2 Na2
Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) NM01-C59 1094-61-7 C11H15N2O8P
β-Thionicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide oxidized form free acid (β-Thio-NAD) TN01-C59 4090-29-3 C21H27N7O13SP2

SignalChem Diagnostics offers an extensive array of COVID-19 related proteins, designed to support cutting-edge research in diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccine development. Our product line includes various forms of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, Nucleocapsid protein, non-structural proteins (NSPs), and key enzymes, as well as human proteins involved in virus-host interactions. These high-quality, recombinant proteins are carefully produced and validated to ensure optimal performance and consistency across a wide range of applications.

Name Catalog # Source Organism Expression Host Organism Tag Type Sequence
2019-nCoV 3CLpro, Active C19CL-G242H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His full-length
2019-nCoV 3CLpro, Active C19CL-G241H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His full-length
2019-nCoV NSP10/NSP16 Methyltransferase, Active C19NS-E301H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His heterodimer of full length NSP10 (A4254-Q4392) and NSP16 (S6799-N7096)
2019-nCoV NSP14 Methyltransferase, Active C19NS-E311H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His 5925-6452
2019-nCoV NSP7 Protein C19N7-E541H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His full-length
2019-nCoV NSP8 Protein C19N8-E541H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His full-length
2019-nCoV Nucleocapsid (N) Protein C19NP-G242H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His full-length
2019-nCoV Nucleocapsid protein CTD C19ND-G241H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His 237-419
2019-nCoV PLpro, Active C19PL-G241H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His full-length
2019-nCoV RdRp, Active C19RP-G241H 2019-nCoV (virus) E. coli His full-length
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (K417T, E484K, N501Y), HRP conjugated C19SD-G231AD 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with K417T, E484K, N501Y, conjugated to HRP
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (L452R, E484Q), HRP conjugated C19SD-G231DD 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with L452R, E484Q, conjugated to HRP
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (L452R, T478K), HRP conjugated C19SD-G231FD 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with L452R, T478K, conjugated to HRP
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (R346K, E484K, N501Y) C19SD-G231NH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with R346K, E484K, N501Y
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (Y449H, E484K, N501Y) C19SD-G231PH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with Y449H, E484K, N501Y
2019-nCoV spike protein RBD (E484K) C19SD-G237H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with E484K
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (E484Q) C19SD-G231CH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with E484Q
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (IHU) C19SD-G231RH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with IHU – R346S, N394S, Y449N, E484K, F490S, N501Y
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (K417N) C19SD-G236H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with K417N
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (K417N, E484K, N501Y) (Beta variant) C19SD-G232H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with K417N, E484K, N501Y
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (K417N, E484K, N501Y), HRP conjugated C19SD-G232D 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with K417N, E484K, N501Y, conjugated to HRP
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (K417N, L452R, T478K) C19SD-G231LH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with K417N, L452R, T478K
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (K417T) C19SD-G239H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with K417T
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (K417T, E484K and N501Y) C19SD-G231AH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with K417T, E484K, N501Y
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (L452Q, F490S) C19SD-G231MH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with L452Q, F490S
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (L452R) C19SD-G235H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with L452R
2019-nCoV spike protein RBD (L452R, E484Q) C19SD-G231DH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with L452R, E484Q
2019-nCoV Spike Protein RBD (L452R, T478K) C19SD-G231FH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with L452R T478K
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (N439K) C19SD-G233H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with N439K
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (N440K) C19SD-G231EH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with N440K
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (N501Y) C19SD-G231H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with N501Y
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (N501Y), HRP conjugated C19SD-G231D 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with N501Y, conjugated to HRP
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (S477G) C19SD-G231BH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with S477G
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (S477N) C19SD-G238H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with S477N
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD (Y453F) C19SD-G234H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His RBD (319-541) with Y453F
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD, HRP conjugated C19SD-G241D 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His 319-541, conjugated to HRP
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD, Fc Tag C19SD-G241F 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells Fc 319-541
2019-nCoV Spike protein RBD, HIS Tag C19SD-G241H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His 319-541
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (T19R, Δ157-158, L452R, T478K, D614G, P681R) C19S1-G231FH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with T19R, Δ157-158, L452R, T478K, D614G, P681R
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (T95I, Y144T, Y145S, ins146N, R346K, E484K, N501Y, D614G, P681H) C19S1-G231MH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with T95I, Y144T, Y145S, ins146N, R346K, E484K, N501Y, D614G, P681H
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (A222V) C19S1-G233H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His (16-685) with A222V
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (A222V, D614G) C19S1-G235H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His (16-685) with A222V, D614G
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (D614G) C19S1-G231H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with D614G
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (IHU) C19S1-G231RH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with IHU E96Q, Δ136-144, R190S, D215H, R346S, N394S, Y449N, E484K, F490S, N501Y, D614G, P681H
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (K417N, E484K, N501Y, D614G) C19S1-G238H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with K417N, E484K, N501Y,D614G
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (L452R, E484Q, D614G, P681R) C19S1-G231EH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His (16-685) with L452, E484Q, D614Q, P681R
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (N501Y, D614G) C19S1-G236H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His (16-685) with N501Y, D614G
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (P681H) C19S1-G232H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with P681H
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (T19R, G142D, del157-158, L452R, T478K, D614G, P681R) C19S1-G231LH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with T19R, G142D, Δ157-158,L452R, T478K, D614G, P681R
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (T95I, G142D, E154K, L452R, E484Q, D614G, P681R) C19S1-G231KH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with T95I, G142D, E154K, L452R, E484Q, D614G, P681R
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (Δ69-70 Δ144 N501Y A570D D614G P681H) C19S1-G239H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with Δ69-70 Δ144 N501Y A570D D614G P681H
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (Δ69-70) C19S1-G234H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His (16-685) with Δ69-70
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (Δ69-70, N439K, D614G) C19S1-G231BH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with Δ69-70, N439K, D614G
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (Δ69-70, N501Y, D614G) C19S1-G237H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His (16-685) with Δ69-70, N501Y, D614G
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1 (Δ69-70, Y453F, D614G) C19S1-G231AH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with Δ69-70, Y453F, D614G
2019-nCoV spike protein S1 (ΔY145, ΔH146, E484K, D614G) C19S1-G231DH 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His S1(16-685) with ΔY145, ΔH146, E484K, D614G
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1, Fc Tag C19S1-G241F 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells Fc 16-685
2019-nCoV Spike protein S1, HIS Tag C19S1-G241H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His 16-685
2019-nCoV Spike protein S2, Fc Tag C19S2-G241F 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells Fc 686-1212
2019-nCoV Spike RBD-N Protein Chimera C19NSD-G242H 2019-nCoV (virus) CHO cells His 2019-nCoV’s N-terminal Spike S1 RBD (319-541) fused to Nucleocapsid (237-419) protein with a linker HSA (human serum albumin)
ACE2 (18-739) Protein A53C2-G341F dog CHO cells Fc 18-739
ACE2 (18-740) Protein A52C2-G341F rat CHO cells Fc 18-740
ACE2 (19-740) Protein A51C2-G341F human CHO cells Fc 19-740
CD147 (22-205) Protein C81D7-G651F human CHO cells Fc 22-205
CD147 (22-205) Protein C81D7-G651H human CHO cells His 22-206
DPP4 (29-766) Protein DP4CD-G441H human CHO cells His 29-766
MERS Spike Protein RBD MERSD-G241F MERS-CoV (virus) CHO cells Fc 377-588
SARS-CoV Spike Protein RBD SARSD-G241F SARS-CoV (virus) CHO cells Fc 318-510
SARS-CoV Spike Protein S1, Fc Tag SARS1-G241F SARS-CoV (virus) CHO cells Fc 14-680
SARS-CoV Spike Protein S1, HIS Tag SARS1-G241H SARS-CoV (virus) CHO cells His 14-680
Catalog # Product Name
C19NP-60DH Anti 2019-nCoV N-Protein hIgG Antibody, HRP conjugated
C19NP-60H Anti 2019-nCoV N-Protein hIgG Antibody
C19S1-60DH Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein hIgG Antibody, HRP conjugated
C19S1-60H Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein hIgG Antibody
C19S1-6101M Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (681P) (8G10A1)
C19S1-6102M Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (681P) (8G10B1)
C19S1-6103M Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (681P) (8G10C8)
C19S1-61H Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein hIgG Antibody
C19S1-61MH Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein mIgG Antibody
C19S1-6701M Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (P681H) Mutant (9F7E4)
C19S1-6701R Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (P681H) Mutant
C19S1-6702M Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (P681H) Mutant (1G8D11)
C19S1-6703M Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (P681H) Mutant (7A4D12)
C19S1-6704M Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (P681H) Mutant (7C11H11)
C19S1-A60H Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein hIgA Antibody
C19S1-M60H Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein hIgM Antibody
Product Name Catalog #
Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein Neutralizing Nanobody (NBX20010) C19S1-641HL
Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein Neutralizing Nanobody (NBX20014) C19S1-644HL
Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein Neutralizing Nanobody (NBX20025) C19S1-643HL
Anti 2019-nCoV Spike Protein Neutralizing Nanobody (NBX20038) C19S1-642HL
Anti-2019-nCoV Spike Protein Neutralizing Nanobody (NBX20014) C19S1-654L
Anti-2019-nCoV Spike Protein Neutralizing Nanobody (NBX20025) C19S1-653L
Anti-2019-nCoV Spike Protein Neutralizing Nanobody (NBX20038) C19S1-652L
Name Catalog #
Human ACE2 Stable Cell line-CHO A51C2-71C
Product Name Catalog #
2019-nCoV Delta Variant Neutralization ELISA Kit
2019-nCoV High Sensitivity S1 Protein ELISA Kit C19S1-876
2019-nCoV N-S1 Human IgA ELISA Kit C19NS1-A877
2019-nCoV N-S1 Human IgG ELISA Kit C19NS1-877
2019-nCoV N-S1 Human IgG-IgA-IgM ELISA Kit C19NS1-P877
2019-nCoV N-S1 Human IgM ELISA Kit C19NS1-M877
2019-nCoV Neutralization ELISA Kit C19SD-N887
2019-nCoV S1 Human IgA ELISA Kit C19S1-A877
2019-nCoV S1 Human IgG ELISA Kit C19S1-877
2019-nCoV S1 Human IgG-IgA-IgM ELISA Kit C19S1-P877
2019-nCoV S1 Human IgM ELISA Kit C19S1-M877
2019-nCoV S1 Protein ELISA Kit C19SD-876

Introducing our General Reagents product category, a comprehensive range of essential laboratory components designed to support a variety of scientific applications. Within this category, you will find a diverse selection of enzymes, buffers, and other high-quality products that play a pivotal role in facilitating accurate and reliable experimental outcomes.Each product within our General Reagents category undergoes rigorous quality control processes, ensuring superior performance and reproducibility. Our commitment to excellence is rooted in the trust we place in our team of scientists and experts who continuously strive to deliver products of the highest standard. Discover the reliability and versatility of our General Reagents collection, designed to elevate your scientific endeavors by providing the essential building blocks for successful experimentation.

Name Catalog# Species Expr.System
Endonuclease EN01-E311U Serratia marcescens E. coli
Name Catalog# Source Organism Expression Host Organism Tag Type Genbank Accession#
Protein A PA01-S551H Staphylococcus. aureus E. coli His CAE54483.1
Protein A Resin PA01-RA551 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Protein G PG01-S551H Streptococcus Sp. E. coli His N/A
Protein L PL01-S551H Finegoldia magna E. coli His N/A
Protein L Resin PL01-RA551 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Streptavidin ST01-E511U Streptomyces avidinii E. coli tag-free X03591
Streptavidin ST01-E511H Streptomyces avidinii E. coli His X03591


Discover Customization Excellence

Unlock the full potential of your research with SignalChem Diagnostics’ custom services! Our top-notch team of experienced scientists provide you with personalized solutions for your specific needs, making your experiments a success. We offer a range of tailored services, including:

Concentration Modification

Ensure optimal performance of our products by adjusting their concentration to match your experimental needs. With our concentration modification service, proteins and reagents can be precisely formulated to your desired concentration, streamlining your workflow and improving the accuracy and reproducibility of your research.

Tag Modification

Maximize compatibility and functionality of our proteins by selecting the perfect tag for your needs. Our skilled team can assist in adding, removing, or altering existing tags to suit your experimental requirements. Tag modification allows for better protein solubility, simplified purification processes, and enhanced detection in various applications.

Buffer Modification

Customize the buffer composition of our products to achieve ideal conditions for your experiments. Our team can expertly modify the buffer system, pH, and other additives to accommodate your specific requirements. This bespoke service ensures that our products seamlessly integrate into your experimental setup, maximizing the potential for success.

But Not Limited To That

Our extensive capabilities empower us to assist you in developing the precise product required to achieve your objectives. Our team of skilled scientists will guide you through the process, thoroughly analysing your requirements to tailor your final product precisely to your specifications.

Custom Guide RNAs

We provide expertly synthesized and tailored custom guide RNAs for a wide range of research applications, including specialized projects.

Quality Control

Rigorous Testing Protocols
Our expert team conducts thorough and systematic testing at multiple checkpoints, verifying that each product or service meets or exceeds industry benchmarks and customer expectations.

Continuous Improvement
Our QA program is dynamic and adaptive, utilizing customer feedback and data-driven insights to implement ongoing improvements, guaranteeing the consistent delivery of superior products and services.

Comprehensive Documentation
We maintain extensive records and documentation for every product and service, providing full transparency and traceability for our customers and regulatory bodies.

State-of-the-art Facilities
Our cutting-edge facilities are equipped with advanced technology and equipment, allowing us to maintain the utmost precision and accuracy throughout the development and production processes.

Expertise & Training
Our skilled professionals undergo rigorous training and participate in ongoing education to stay ahead of industry advancements, ensuring that they possess the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain our high-quality standards.

Experience the difference that our dedication to excellence can make for your diagnostic needs.


Find answers to frequently asked questions about our products and services by browsing the list below. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support team.

How much enzyme should I use for my assay?

An enzyme titration curve and calculated specific activity are included in the data sheet of each active enzyme. We recommend that researchers perform a serial dilution of an enzyme product to determine the optimal amount to use in their assay systems.

How do you calculate an enzyme's purity?

For all our products, we run an SDS-PAGE gel with a titration of the enzyme and perform densitometry measurements to determine purity.

How are your enzymes activated?

Our active enzymes are activated using specific protocols during the expression and production process to achieve optimal post-translational modification and in vitro activity. The treatment methods may vary for different enzymes, depending on their functional roles.

Why are some of your recombinant proteins expressed in E.coli cells, while others in Sf9 insect cells?

SignalChem Diagnostics carefully selects the expression system, either E.coli or Sf9 insect cells, based on the function and application of each product

Are your enzymes suitable for crystallography studies?

SignalChem’s active enzymes are validated for in vitro activity assays. We offer a wide range of custom services, including additional purification steps, buffer exchange, and tag modification, to fulfill the requirements for other applications such as protein crystallography. Please contact us for more information about this service.

Technical Support for Specific Products

For technical support on a specific product, please reach out to us by sending an email to Our experts are committed to providing detailed information and guidance, ensuring the success of your experiments and applications.