Immunofluorescence (IF)

DyLight Conjugated AntibodiesImmunofluorescence AntibodiesADA AntibodiesApoptosis Antibodies Cell Cycle AntibodiesCOVID-19 PeptidesEpigenetics AntibodiesFeatured Antibodies GPCR AntibodiesLoading Control AntibodiesPDL1 Monoclonal AntibodiesStem Cells Antibodies Read More...

Gene Editing, Gene Expression and Gene Silencing

PCR Enzyme Master MixEndoGenius Inducer KitEndoGenius Suppressor Kit Cas9 EnzymeCRISPR-Cas9-Products-and-ServicesCRSPR EnzymesView All Research ApplicationsView All Research Areas

Flow Cytometry / FACS

Flow Cytometry selection guideColor Panel Design for Flow CytometryFlow Cytometry Antibodies & Reagents Flow Cytometry AntibodiesMHC I STREPTAMERS for CD8+ Read More...


EliKine ELISA KitsBiotinylation KitsHybridoma Conversion to Recombinant Antibody ServiceELISA & Assay Kits IFNs and Influenza PosterHu IFN Alpha All Subtype Read More...

Cell or Tissue Culture

Enzyme Probes and Assay KitsFluorescence Cell Imaging ProbesOrganelles Fluorescent ImagingFluorescent Infrared Dyes and Probes Labeling Dyes Spectral SpecsLive / dead Read More...

Cloning / Mutagenesis

DNA & RNA modifying enzymesDNA cloning and mutagenesis kitsRestriction enzymes SmartSEC HT EV IsolationCRISPR-Cas9-Products-and-ServicesExo-FBS (Exosome Depleted FBS) PEG-it Lentivirus ConcentrationView Read More...

Cell Based Assays

calcein Selection GuideCalcium Detection ProbesCell Apoptosis and Proliferation AssaysCell Metabolism and Signalling Assays Cell Viability and ProliferationDNA Dyes selection guideEnzyme Read More...

Assay Development

ELISA development serviceELISA ProductsGOLD NanoparticlesGold NanoUrchins Iron Oxide NanoparticlesLFA Development ServicesLFA Rapid TestsSILVER Nanoparticles Gold Nanoparticle Selection GuideAnti-Camelid AntibodiesAnti-VHH GuideVHH Read More...

3D Cell Culture / Organoids

SpheroTribe Synthetic Growth Factors App- Note Growth Factors Synthetic PeptidesView All Research ApplicationsView All Research Areas

50% OFF on PCR Master Mixes and Genotyping Kits from NZYTech

View All Products Massive Summer Offer 50% OFF on PCR Master Mixes and Genotyping Kits from NZYTech Singleplex, Multiplex, Colourless Read More...


View All Research ApplicationsView All Research Areas AAT Cell Metabolism and Signalling AssaysAbbkine Metabolism Assay kitAffinity Cell Metabolism AntibodiesAlpco Circadian Read More...

GMP-Grade RNA Enzymes

GMP-Grade Enzymes for mRNA Production Restriction Enzymes, In Vitro Transcription, Capping, Tailing, Circularization ProductsT7 RNA Polymerase (GMP-Grade)Pyrophosphatase, Inorganic (GMP-Grade)RNase RT4 Read More...