10 tips for better blots

Western blotting

Western blotting is a technique used to confirm the presence of target proteins and peptides from complex mixtures. Proteins are Read More...

Universal IFN- alpha Antibody and ELISA

Human IFN-alpha detection or neutralization of all subtypes

Anti-Human Interferon Alpha (All Subtype) Neutralizing Rabbit PAb Product Features: Rabbit polyclonal antibody that neutralizes all Human IFN Alpha subtypes Read More...


COVID-19 Diagnostics Detection Kits (IgG/IgM Rapid test kits and RT-PCR)Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits & Sample stabilisationCOVID-19 Research Products (Proteins, Read More...

How to select a Secondary Antibody

Choosing the right affinity-purified secondary antibody for your application The following information details how to use the Product Filter on Read More...

Mouse Subclass Specific Secondary Antibodies

Anti-Mouse IgG Subclass Specific Secondary Antibodies Mouse IgG subclasses Mice express 4 of the 5 available IgG subclasses making up Read More…

Light Chain Specific Secondary Antibodies

Western blotting after Immunoprecipitation For researchers who perform Western blotting following immunoprecipitation, antibodies specific for light chains or Fc fragments Read More…

Primary Antibodies for Signal Enhancement

Additional Antibody Specificities Anti-Biotin, Anti-Fluorescein and Anti-Digoxin antibodies Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Biotin, Anti-Fluorescein and Anti-Digoxin are available in a wide range Read More…

Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibodies

Cross-adsorbed (min X) secondary antibodies and cross-reactivity Immunoglobulins from different species share similar structures. Secondary antibodies raised against one species Read More...

JIR Product Descriptions

Complete Product Description For Ordering Purposes For a complete description of the product, please use the following format to avoid Read More...

The Probe... IS BACK

The Probe

After a short break - The Probe is now back! Filled with new suppliers, our latest offers and exclusive products Read More...

20% Off ELISA Kits

20% discount on orders of 5 or more ELISA Kits for the same target Choose your ELISA of interest here Read More...

Hormones and biomarkers analysis services in saliva and hair

In close collaboration with Stratech, the ARU Biomarker Laboratory offers a comprehensive service for the analysis of hormones and biomarkers Read More...