Increase synthetic mRNA functionality with nucleoside base modifications

Contact UsView All Products 5’-capping and nucleoside base modifications significantly increase translation efficiency while reducing immunogenicity of synthetic mRNA (Fig. Read More...

Recombinant Monoclonal Antibodies (recmAbTM)

View All Products Recombinant Biosimilar Antibodies Recombinant Rabbit Antibodies Recombinant Mouse Antibodies In the biomedical sciences, antibodies are essential tools Read More...

Research Kits and Reagents

View All Products Other Kits Luciferase reporter assay kits Inhibitor Screening Kit ELISA Kits Molecular Biology Kits Apoptosis Detection kits Read More...

Immune-Check Point

View All Products The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that serves as the body's Read More...

Recombinant Proteins

View All Products Recombinant proteins are those that have been created by cloning recombinant DNA into an expression vector that Read More...

Ligands and Inhibitors

View All Products Peptide Inhibitors Proteases inhibitors TLR Ligands Caspase Inhibitors A ligand is a substance that interacts with a Read More...

Cell Lines

View All Products Reporter Cell Lines Stable Cell Lines Abeomics’ proprietary Reporter Cell Lines provide the most advanced system available Read More...


View All Products Product Categories Biosimilars TLR and Innate Immunity Apoptosis Immunology DNA methylation and Repair Cell Signalling Infectious Diseases Read More...

Ebba Biotech is getting published

Contact UsView All Products Exciting Developments in Amytracker Research A recent preprint from the Nowick Laboratory at UC Irvine investigates Read More...

Amytracker is getting published

Contact UsView All Products Amytracker How can protein aggregation play a role in inherited disorders such as Phenylketonuria (commonly known Read More...

Exciting breakthrough in understanding uropathogenic E. coli Infection using EbbaBiolight!

Contact UsView All Products How does uropathogenic Escherichia coli establish itself in the hostile environment of the urinary tract to Read More...

New Findings Shed Light on Protein Aggregation in Parkinson’s Disorder using Amytracker

Contact UsView All Products Molecular protein chaperons are known for their role in preventing protein misfolding and aggregation. However, a Read More...