mFluor™ Blue 570 SE

Catalogue Number: 1160-AAT

Manufacturer:AAT Bioquest
Shelf Life:6 months
Type:Fluorescent Reagents
Shipping Condition:RT
Unit(s): 1 mg


Description: mFluor™ Blue 570 dyes are an excellent alternative to RPE since they have the spectral properties equivalent to those of RPE conjugates. mFluor™ Blue 570 dyes are water-soluble, and the protein conjugates prepared with mFluor™ Blue 570 dyes are well excited at 488 nm to give red fluorescence (compatible with TRITC filter). mFluor™ Blue 570 dye and conjugates are excellent blue laser reagents for flow cytometry research. Compared to RPE, mFluor™ Blue 570 dyes are much more photostable, making them readily available for fluorescence imaging applications while it is very difficult to use RPE conjugates for fluorescence imaging applications due to the rapid photobleaching of RPE conjugates.

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Storage Note

Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure;|6 months