Catalogue Number: 13453-AAT

Manufacturer:AAT Bioquest
Shelf Life:12 months
Type:Enzyme Substrates
Shipping Condition:RT
Unit(s): 1 mg


Description: Suc-LLVY-AMC is a sentive fluorogenic substrate for 20S proteasome, calpains and other chymotrypsin-like proteases. The non-fluorescent substrate generates a bright blue fluorescent AMC product that has Ex/Em = 351/430 nm, and can be easily detected with the DAPI filter set. The most common form of the proteasome is known as the 26S proteasome that contains one 20S core particle structure and two 19S regulatory caps. All 20S particles consist of four stacked heptameric ring structures that are themselves composed of two different types of subunits; alpha subunits are structural in nature, whereas beta subunits are predominantly catalytic. The outer two rings in the stack consist of seven alpha subunits each, which serve as docking domains for the regulatory particles and the alpha subunits N-termini form a gate that blocks unregulated access of substrates to the interior cavity. The inner two rings each consist of seven beta subunits and contain the protease active sites that perform the proteolysis reactions.

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Storage Note

Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure;|12 months