ReadiUse™ NADPH Regenerating Kit

Catalogue Number: 15265-AAT

Manufacturer:AAT Bioquest
Shelf Life:6 months
Type:Biochemical assay
Shipping Condition:Dry Ice
Unit(s): 1000 Tests


Description: NADPH provides the reducing equivalents for biosynthetic reactions and for oxidation-reduction involved in protection against the toxicity of ROS (reactive oxygen species). NADPH is also used for anabolic pathways, such as lipid synthesis, cholesterol synthesis and fatty acid chain elongation. It is the source of reducing equivalents for cytochrome 450 hydroxylation of aromatic compounds, steroids, alcohols, and drugs. NADPH is a necessary cofactor in many xenobiotic metabolism reactions. In chloroplasts, NADP is reduced by ferredoxin-NADP reductase in last step of the electron chain of the light reactions of photosynthesis. The NADPH produced is then used as reducing power for the biosynthetic reactions in the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis. Many oxidoreductases and all ligases use NADPH as coenzymes. NADPH is required for the measurement of oxidase activity catalyzed by P450s, FMOs, NADPH-P450 reductase, and many other oxidase enzymes. AAT Bioquest’s RediUse™ NADPH Regenerating Kit provides two ready-to-use solutions to regenerate NADPH by a simple mixing. This kit can be used for all NADPH-requiring oxidase assays (cDNA-expressed enzymes and liver fractions). About 300-500 enzyme assays can be performed using this kit. The total number of assays that can be performed depends on a researcher‘s experimental design.

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Storage Note

Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure;|6 months