CytoTrace™ Green CMFDA

Catalogue Number: 22017-AAT

Manufacturer:AAT Bioquest
Shelf Life:12 months
Shipping Condition:RT
Unit(s): 1 mg


Description: CytoTrace™ Green CMFDA is an excellent repalcement to CellTracker™ Green CMFDA (Invitrogen C2925, CellTracker™ is the trademark of Invitrogen). CMFDA fluorescent probe retains the spectral properties of FITC, thus its signal can be typically monitored using fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. It freely passes through cell membranes and is converted to cell-impermeant products upon reactions with cellular components. The cell-impermeant reaction product is passed to daughter cells through several generations but is not transferred to adjacent cells in the population. Cells that are loaded with Cytotrace™ Green probe is typically fluorescent and viable for at least 24 hours, making this probe an excellent long-term cell tracer. The staining pattern can be fixed with formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde for signal amplification and other applications.

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Storage Note

Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure;|12 months