Figure-1: Immunohistochemical analysis of a region of cerebral cortex from an Alzheimera's disease (AD) patient stained with (34-1009), the signal detected with a secondary anti-mouse antibody coupled to HRP, signal revealed with DAB. Senile plaques are labeled "SPa . The region of the lowest of the three plaques is shown in the inset stained with the fluorescent dye thioflavin-S. This dye binds to not only the senile plaque but also a neurofibrillary tangle (NFT), the other pathological hallmark of AD, which do not contain Aβ.
34-1009 Image
Figure-2: Blot of amyloid-β peptide preparation probed with (34-1009). The (34-1009) antibody recognizes monomeric amyloid-β peptide running at ~5kDa and also higher molecular weight amyloid-β aggregates.