Monoclonal Antibody to Tar DNA binding protein 43(Clone: 3H8)
Catalogue Number: 34-1114-ABO
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Figure-1: Immunofluorescent analysis of rat hippocampus section stained with mouse mAb to TDP43,(34-1114), dilution 1:2,000 in red, and costained with chicken pAb to GFAP,(34-1046), dilution 1:5,000 in green. The blue is DAPI staining of nuclear DNA. Following transcardial perfusion of rat with 4% paraformaldehyde, brain was post fixed for 24 hours, cut to 45µM, and free-floating sections were stained with above antibodies. The TDP43 protein is concentrated in the nuclei of hippocampal neurons, while the GFAP antibody stains the intermediate filament network of astroglial cells.
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Figure-2: Western blot analysis of whole brain lysates and nuclear extract from whole brain using mouse mAb to TDP43,(34-1114), dilution 1:2,000 in green: [1] protein standard (red), [2] rat brain, [3] rat brain nuclear extract, [4] mouse brain, [5] mouse brain nuclear extract. Strong band at the 43kDa mark visible both in whole brain and in the nuclear extract corresponds to TDP43 protein.