5-OG488 acid [equivalent to Oregon Green® 488 carboxylic acid, 5-isomer]

Catalogue Number: 708-AAT

Manufacturer:AAT Bioquest
Shelf Life:12 months
Shipping Condition:RT
Unit(s): 25 mg


Description: 5-OG488 acid is the same molecule to Oregon Green® 488 carboxylic acid, 5-isomer (Oregon Green® is the Trademark of Invitrogen). This fluorinated analog of fluorescein has higher photostability and a lower pKa ~ 4.7 while 5-FAM has pKa ~6.4. The decreased pKa of 5-OG488 makes its fluorescence essentially pH insensitive in the physiological pH range. This amine-reactive 5-OG488 can be used to make bright green fluorescent bioconjugates with excitation/emission maxima ~496/524 nm. It is an excellent replacement to 5-FITC that has severe pH dependence and low photostability.

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Storage Note

Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure;|12 months