Cy7 NHS ester

Catalogue Number: A8109-APE

Shelf Life:24 months
Molecular Formula:C41H46N3NaO10S2
Type:Fluorescent Reagents
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Unit(s): 25 mg, 5 mg


Description: Sulfo-Cy7 NHS ester is a sulfonated, hydrophilic and highly water soluble dye. This reagent allows prepare Cy7-labeled biomolecules, especially useful for the labeling of delicate proteins, and proteins prone to denaturation. Dye labeled molecules can be used for kinds of researches related experiments. Near infrared fluorescent imaging takes advantage of transparency of biological tissues at particular range of wavelengths. In live organisms, the method is non-destructive, and allows monitor distribution of various labeled molecules. Non-sulfonated Cy7 NHS ester soluble in organic phase is also available. For labeling proteins and peptides, no organic co-solvent is needed. In life science, the sulfonate groups make the Cy dyes soluble in water and also reduce fluorescence-quenching which can arise from dye-dye interactions. In mice, Cy7-labeled RIG precursor solution and Cy7-labeled PIC micelles solution, was analyzed with an IVIS spectrum system. Administration of the Cy7-labeled RIG resulted in strong fluorescence signal in the mouth as compared with the orally administered Cy7-labeled PIC micelles solution [1].Reference:[1] Saita, M.; Kaneko, J.; Sato, T.; Takahashi, S.; Takahashi, S.W.; Kawamata, R.; Sakurai, T.; Lee, M.-C.; Hamada, N.; Kimoto, K.; Nagasaki, Y. Novel antioxidative nanotherapeutics in a rat periodontitis model: Reactive oxygen species scavenging by redox injectable gel suppresses alveolar bone resorption. Biomaterials, 2016, 76, 292-301.

Additional Text

Short Description

Labeling of amino-groups in biomolecules.


good in water, DMF, DMSO

Reagent:Smile String


Storage Note

24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.