Safe DNA Gel Stain

Catalogue Number: A8743-APE

Molecular Formula:C28H28N2O3S2
Physical state:DMSO solution
Type:Gel Stain
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Storage Condition:RT
Unit(s): 1 ml, 100x1 ml, 10x1 ml, 500 ul


Description: SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is a highly sensitive stain for visualization of DNA or RNA in agarose or acrylamide gels. It is specifically formulated to be a less hazardous alternative to ethidium bromide (EB) that can be used with either blue-light or UV excitation.SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is a better nucleic acid staining reagent for all your molecular biology research needs. It is not only environmental friendly but also good for your sample.SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is supplied as 10000X concentrate in DMSO and used in the same way as ethidium bromide solution. It is also suitable for staining RNA in gels.Cloning efficiency of DNA fragments is improved by using SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain and blue-light, compared with using ethidium bromide and UV light exposure.

Additional Text

Short Description

Safe and sensitive DNA/RNA gel stain


insoluble in EtOH; insoluble in H2O; ≥14.67 mg/mL in DMSO

Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight


Storage Note

Store at room temperature for daily use or at 4°C for 6 months.


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