Catalogue Number: BETA-035-ATS

Manufacturer:Advanced Targeting Systems
Preservative:No preservative
Type:Primary Antibody
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Unit(s): 25 ug
Host name: Rabbit


Description: This targeted toxin recognizes cells that express mouse noradrenaline transporter. Anti-NET-SAP is a bonded toxin between a biotinylated rabbit polyclonal NET antibody and the ribosome-inactivating protein, saporin. This antibody binds to NET in several species, including mouse and rat. The rabbit polyclonal antibody was originally raised against a portion of the second extracellular loop of mouse NET. NET is specifically expressed on noradrenaline nerve terminals, and is also expressed in the adrenal glands and placenta.

Additional Text

Usage Information

Anti-NET-SAP eliminates cells expressing the mouse noradrenaline transporter. All other cells are left untouched.

Short Description

a tool for eliminating cells that express Noradrenaline Transporters; targeted via biotinylated NET antibody and eliminated via saporin