5-Azidomethyl-2'-deoxyuridine (5-AmdU)

Catalogue Number: CLK-064-JEN

Manufacturer:Jena Bioscience
Shelf Life:12 months
Physical state:solid
Type:Conjugation Reagent
Shipping Condition:RT
Unit(s): 10 mg


Description: 5-AmdU (5-Azidomethyl-2'-deoxyuridine) can be used as a replacement for BrdU (5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine) or the copper-catalyst requiring 5-EdU (5-Ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine) to measure de novo DNA synthesis during the S-phase of the cell cycle. 5-AmdU is cell permeable and incorporates into peplicating DNA instead of its natural analog thymidine. The resulting azide-functionalized DNA can subsequently be detected via Cu(I)-catalyzed (CuAAC) or Cu(I)-free Click Chemistry that offers the choice tointroduce a Biotin group for subsequent purification tasks (via Alkynes of Biotin or DBCO-functionalized Biotin, respectivly)introduce a fluorescent group for subsequent microscopic imaging (via Alkynes of fluorescent dyes or DBCO-functionalized fluorescent dyes, respectivly).

Additional Text


DMSO, methanol

Application Notes

DNA synthesis monitoring[1]

Smile String
