Trident High-Efficiency Exosome Precipitation Reagent

Catalogue Number: GTX00835-GTX

Type:Exosome Tools
Shipping Condition:RT
Storage Condition:RT
Unit(s): 20 ml

Additional Text


For In vitro laboratory use only. Not for any clinical, therapeutic, or diagnostic use in humans or animals. Not for animal or human consumption

Short Description

Filtration and ultracentrifugation are classical ways of isolating and enriching exosomes. This is a tedious process and requires special equipment. Another common way for enrichment of exosome is through precipitation. Currently major commercial kits are PEG-based. This kit is designed to precipitate total exosomes from biofluids using a high efficacy, non-PEG based reagent for exosome precipitation. This kit is suitable for routine biofluid samples using the same reagent and similar protocol.