Tissue conditioner

Catalogue Number: GTX73312-GTX

Type:Immunodetection Kits and Reagents
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Unit(s): 15 ml
Application: IHC


Description: Tissue Conditioner is a concentrate mixture of inactive proteins to block non-specific protein binding activity associated with tissue specimens, when performing immunoperoxidase staining procedures. Residual aldehyde groups left after formaldehyde fixation are inactivated by the use of Tissue Conditioner. This reagent will not destroy endogenous peroxidase-like activity.

Additional Text


For In vitro laboratory use only. Not for any clinical, therapeutic, or diagnostic use in humans or animals. Not for animal or human consumption

Application Notes

This product is designed to unmask immunoreactive sites altered by fixation and/or the embedding process. Please see application protocol.

Short Description

Tissue Immunostain Conditioner