HyperScribe™ Poly (A) Tailing Kit

Catalogue Number: K1053-APE

Type:Nucleic Acid Labeling Kits
Shipping Condition:Dry Ice
Storage Condition:2-8°C
Unit(s): 25 reactions


Description: HyperScribe™ Poly (A) Tailing Kit is a set of reagents designed to add a ≥150 base poly (A) tail to RNA transcripts generated with the HyperScribe™ T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit. The kit is completed by using E. coli Poly (A) Polymerase (E-PAP) and ATP. Then the resulting capped and tailed RNA can be used in transfection or micro-injection experiments where mRNA stability and translation efficiency may be increased relative to unmodified mRNA.

Additional Text

Short Description

used for polyadenylation of RNA transcription in vitro to enhance translation initiation efficiency

Storage Note

Store Nuclease-free Water at -20°C, 4°C, or room temperature.


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