Protein Gel Flash Staining Kit

Catalogue Number: K21010-ABK

Shelf Life:12 months
Type:Labelling/Staining Kit
Alias:Protein staining; Gel staining
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Storage Condition:2-8°C
Unit(s): 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml


Description: Protein Gel Flash Staining kit is a fast, sensitive, and safe staining solution for visualizing protein bands on polyacrylamide gels. With our exclusive and innovative dye, the kit eliminates extensive solution preparation time and washing procedure, which is completely non-hazardous, and does not require alcohol fixatives or destains. This protein staining delivers a dynamic range of 10 ng to 5 µg within 0.5-1 hour, which is approximately 5-10 times more sensitive than traditional Coomassie R-250 based dyes. Protein Gel Flash Staining Kit is suitable for both native-PAGE gel and SDS-PAGE gel staining, which is supplied as a 5X stock staining reagent.

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Protein Gel Flash Staining Kit


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