UltraPrecise T7 Endonuclease I

Catalogue Number: MB34002-NZY

Shipping Condition:Dry Ice
Storage Condition:-70°C
Unit(s): 200 reactions


Description: UltraPrecise T7 Endonuclease I is a proprietary enzyme developed to recognise and cleave incorrect impairments of double DNA strands caused by errors during the gene synthesis process. Insertion, deletions or mismatch mutations can be easily removed from synthetic DNA using an error correction step, which includes the UltraPrecise T7 Endonuclease I. The addition of this additional error correction step in gene synthesis workflows allows to increase the probability of isolating a synthetic gene with a correct sequence by 4-8-fold. Thus, we suggest to include an error removal step after PCR assembly or amplification in order to decrease the error rate of your gene synthesis protocol.

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Short Description

UltraPrecise T7 Endonuclease I is a proprietary enzyme developed to recognise and cleave incorrect impairments of double DNA strands caused by errors during the gene synthesis process.


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