Rab19, Ras-associated, small GTP-binding protein, mouse, recombinant, E. coli

Catalogue Number: PR-189-JEN

Manufacturer:Jena Bioscience
Shelf Life:12 months
Physical state:Liquid
Type:Other Enzymes
Shipping Condition:Dry Ice
Unit(s): 50 ug


Description: Rab19 is a small GTPase that belongs to the Ras superfamily. Rab proteins play an important role in various aspects of membrane traffic, including cargo selection, vesicle budding, vesicle motility, tethering, docking, and fusion. Rab 19 is expressed at high levels in intestine, lung and spleen, and at a lower level in kidne. The GST-Tag facilitates the protein`s application in typical GST pull-down assays.

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Protein Tag