Ponceau S

Catalogue Number: PS05-ETB

Manufacturer:EcoTech Biotechnology
Type:Gel Stain
Shipping Condition:RT
Storage Condition:RT
Unit(s): 500 ml
Application: WB


Description: ClearBand Ponceau S is a ready to use solution for the rapid (5 min) and reversible detection of protein bands on nitrocellulose, PVDF, cellulose acetate and membranes. ClearBand Ponceau S rapidly stains proteins on membranes pink or light red. This staining solution is generally used to confirm protein transfer in Western blotting applications before probing with select antibodies. ClearBand Ponceau S does not have a deleterious effect on the blotted polypeptides and can be completely removed from the membranes by repeated wash.

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Short Description

ClearBand Ponceau S is a ready to use solution for the rapid (5 min) and reversible detection of protein bands on nitrocellulose, PVDF, cellulose acetate and membranes.