EZ Cap™ Cas9 mRNA (5-moUTP)

Catalogue Number: R1015-APE

Shipping Condition:Dry Ice
Storage Condition:-70°C
Unit(s): 1 mg, 100 ug, 5 x 1 mg


Description: The Cas9/guide RNA (Cas9/gRNA) system is commonly used for genome editing. Upon delivery of these components to the nucleus of a cell, the RNA guide sequence targets the site of interest and the Cas9 protein is employed to perform the DNA cleavage. 5moUTP-modified Cas9 mRNA is capped using Cap 1, a novel co-transcriptional capping method, which yields natural Cap 1 with high capping efficiency. 5moUTP modification reduces innate immune responses and increases Cas9 activity.

Additional Text

Short Description

Used with guideRNA for site-specific DNA cleavage in genome editing.

Storage Note

-40°C or below


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