HighYield T7 AF488 RNA Labeling Kit, Preparation of randomly AF488-modified RNA probes by in vitro transcription with UTP-PEG5-AF488

Catalogue Number: RNT-101-AF488-JEN

Manufacturer:Jena Bioscience
Shelf Life:12 months
Type:Nucleic Acid Labeling Kits
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Unit(s): 20 reactions


Description: HighYield T7 AF488 RNA Labeling Kit is designed to produce randomly AF488-modified RNA probes via in vitro transcription. Such probes are ideally suited for in situ hybridization and Northern Blot experiments. AF488 (also known as Alexa Fluor® 488) is a hydrophilic dye with increased photostability compared to Fluorescein. UTP-PEG5-AF488 is efficiently incorporated into RNA as substitute for its natural counterpart UTP using an optimized reaction buffer and T7 RNA Labeling Polymerase Mix. 35 % UTP-PEG5-AF488 substitution typically results in an optimal balance between reaction and labeling efficiency. Individual optimization of UTP-PEG5-AF488/UTP ratio however, can easily be achieved with the single nucleotide format. The resulting AF488-modified RNA probe can subsequently be detected by fluorescence spectroscopy. The kit contains sufficient reagents for 20 labeling reactions of 20 µl each (35 % UTP-PEG5-AF488 substitution, 2.5 mM ATP, GTP, CTP, 0.2 mM UTP, 0.1 mM UTP-PEG5-AF488). A 20 µl reaction yields about 5-7 µg RNA after 30 min incubation (1 µg T7 control template, 1.4 kb RNA transcript). Yields may however vary depending on the template (promotor design, sequence length, secondary structure formation).

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