Innovative dissolvable microneedle patches are an effective treatment of inflammatory skin disorders

Microneedle-assisted genome editing: A transdermal strategy of targeting NLRP3 by CRISPR-Cas9 for synergistic therapy of inflammatory skin disorders.   The Read More...

CircARID1A regulates mouse skeletal muscle regeneration

Electron micrograph of ~3,000-nt circRNA. Taken from Matsumoto et al. PNAS (1990). HUABIO is proud to be referenced in the Read More...

How to choose a loading control for Western blotting

Loading controls serve as a vital method of verifying the results acquired through western blotting by normalizing the protein levels Read More...

Solutions for Species on Species Experiments

When using primary antibodies derived from the same species as the sample material (species on species)  non-specific background staining can Read More...

Choosing the Right ChIP Antibody for Your Experiment

There are multiple components to designing and executing a successful chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) or ChIP-seq experiment: - What target should Read More...

Which is better for ChIP antibody validation?

Histone Peptides vs. Nucleosomes

Highly specific antibodies are a crucial component of epigenetics research, and form the foundation of multiple chromatin profiling assays. For Read More...

CUTANA-compatible antibodies

Find TargetNew CUTANA-compatible antibodies pave the way to study transcription factors and chromatin-interacting proteins with CUT&RUN EpiCypher recently launched CUTANA™ CUT&RUN assays, Read More...

Cluster of Differentiation (CD)

Cluster of differentiation (CD) are cell surface molecules expressed on the cells of the immune system, which play key roles Read More...

Exosome Research

What are exosomes? Extracellular vesicles (EVs) 30 – 200 nm in size were once thought to be natural cellular debris; Read More...

Antibodies and Proteomics

Proteomics is the study of all of the proteins produced and processed by a system, collectively called the proteome. Research Read More...

Primary Antibodies

Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins (Ig), are large Y-shaped proteins produced and used by the immune system to identify specific Read More...

Antibody and Protein Labeling

Labeling an antibody with a specific tag has become an important and routine procedure in biological sciences and medical research. Read More...