GFP is a common protein tag that can be used to generate fusion proteins in a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. It can be expressed either transiently or constitutively depending on the researcher’s goal. This tag is useful as a reporter molecule because it does not require exogenous substrates or cofactors to generate fluorescence (citation). GFP is employed in numerous applications including quantification of gene expression, protein localization within a living organism, studying protein interactions, and as a biosensor.
Figure 1: GFP is one of many fluorescent proteins characterized from different aquatic species.
Developed by the laboratories of Thastrup and Falkow in the late nineties, enhanced GFP (EGFP) possesses a single point mutation (F64L) that improves the brightness and subsequent tractability of the molecule. EGFP is the most prevalent variant of GFP used in molecular biology currently. Other variants of the initial GFP have subsequently been developed that have different spectral characteristics, giving rise to yellow and blue (cyan) fluorescent proteins.
After Shimomura’s discovery of GFP, scientists began to investigate the properties of fluorescent proteins from other organisms. These genetically encoded fluorescent reporters were also subject to modification to alter their spectral characteristics so that they would excite and emit at different wavelengths, as seen in Fig 1.
Anti-GFP antibodies allow the detection of the GFP protein when direct fluorescence detection is not possible. Examples include autofluorescence in the GFP channel, when another reporter molecule is required (Western blotting), or when the fluorescence of the native GFP is compromised or not sufficient and needs to be amplified.